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08-02-2009, 09:54 PM #23
yeah thanks mike for the info. Yeah your tune is wild at 12.8 or leaner. that's crazy. I think it's more the timing than anything. I run C16 and at 118 octane it's going to be super resistant to detonation... Our timing is pretty low to begin with at 32 degrees base. we're pulling 8 for a 150 shot and another 7 for the other 150 shot which is where i'm getting the total of 17 left. I'd actually rather take out 8 for the first stage and 9 more for the second which would leave me with 15 degrees total and then add timing back in like you said. I think with 15 degrees of advance and c16 its gonna be hard to hurt something with a 300 hit (i know it can be done but my motor is pretty stout).... and if it attempts to lean out the FAST will compensate... we're keeping it at about 11.5:1 to be safe until we get a good look at our fuel ring....
But hell first I gotta solve the ignition miss issue. I took the motor apart today (well the throttle body, valve covers and all that crap) to get to the dist. Sure enough at 30 degrees of advance where we had the dist phased to for the initial build the rotor is NOT pointed exactly to the #1 terminal. So it moved somewhat. It wasn't crazy far but probably almost 1/3 to 1/2 way between #1 and #8 which i'm imagining is a good ways. I'm going to buy a new cap and rotor to be safe and a new set of spark plug wires. I found a wire that had a slice in it all the way to the core. That coudln't have been good at all..... I'm gonna route my wires on the side of the valvecover now and go down to the plugs instead of underneath the headers.. there just isn't enough room to avoid melting a wire....
West Coasts Fastest OEM block 4th gen
9.06@153.8 1.35 60', 10.62@127 all motor
CSM Racing Engines 383, SR, single plane, etc!!!!!