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'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling.
If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept.
Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies.
Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies;
using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description.
If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face!
If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face!
Smilie List
- What to Type
- Resulting Graphic
- Meaning
- Generic Smilies
:|Face Plain
:face_shocked:Face Shocked
:rolleyes:Rolling Eyes
- Additional Smilies
:devil:Gr Devil
:banned2:Banned 3
:goodluck:Gudl Prv
:dunce:Dunce Cap
:hit-the-fan:Hit The Fan
:cry-baby:Cry Baby
:double fuck:Double Fuck
:poo:001 9898
:gun_bandana:Gun Bandana
:fuck-8:Fuck 8
:single fuck:Single Fuck
- Car Smilies
:2000-camaro-som:2000 Camaro Som
:iroc-front-white-loIroc Front White Louv
:iroc-black:Iroc Black
:transam-red:Transam Red
:1998-camaro-gold:1998 Camaro Gold
:2000-pontiac-som:2000 Pontiac Som
:transam-black:Transam Black
:2000-camaro-silver:2000 Camaro Silver
:iroc-front-red:Iroc Front Red
:formula-white:Formula White
:transam-maroon:Transam Maroon
:2000-pontiac-silver2000 Pontiac Silver
:2000-camaro-red:2000 Camaro Red
:iroc-front-red-striIroc Front Red Stripes
:formula-front-whiteFormula Front White
:transam-gray:Transam Gray
:2000-pontiac-red:2000 Pontiac Red
:2000-camaro-purple:2000 Camaro Purple
:iroc-front-green:Iroc Front Green
:firebird-birthday:Firebird Birthday
:transam-front-yelloTransam Front Yellow
:2000-pontiac-purple2000 Pontiac Purple
:red-vette:Red Vette
:2000-camaro-nbm:2000 Camaro Nbm
:iroc-front-green-stIroc Front Green Stripes
:transam-front-whiteTransam Front White
:2000-pontiac-nbm:2000 Pontiac Nbm
:pontiac-30th:Pontiac 30th
:2000-camaro-medblue2000 Camaro Medblue
:iroc-front-gray:Iroc Front Gray
:transam-front-red:Transam Front Red
:2000-pontiac-medblu2000 Pontiac Medblue
:2000-camaro-maple:2000 Camaro Maple
:iroc-front-blue:Iroc Front Blue
:transam-front-ramaiTransam Front Ramair
:2000-pontiac-maple:2000 Pontiac Maple
:iroc-yellow:Iroc Yellow
:iroc-front-black:Iroc Front Black
:2000-camaro-green:2000 Camaro Green
:transam-front-gray:Transam Front Gray
:2000-pontiac-green:2000 Pontiac Green
:iroc-red:Iroc Red
:iroc-dragster:Iroc Dragster
:2000-camaro-black:2000 Camaro Black
:black-vette:Black Vette
:transam-front-blue:Transam Front Blue
:2000-pontiac-black:2000 Pontiac Black
:iroc-front-yellow:Iroc Front Yellow
:iroc-cop:Iroc Cop
:transam-yellow:Transam Yellow
:1998-pontiac-gold:1998 Pontiac Gold
:2002-pontiac-ceta:2002 Pontiac Ceta
:transam-front-blackTransam Front Black
:2000-camaro-white:2000 Camaro White
:iroc-front-white:Iroc Front White
:iroc-blue:Iroc Blue
:transam-white:Transam White
:1998-camaro-h-orang1998 Camaro H Orange
:2000-pontiac-white:2000 Pontiac White
:transam-blue:Transam Blue
- Sign Smilies
:postwhore:Postwhore 1
:welcome_sign:Welcome Sign
:wtf?:Th More
:needpics:Need pics
- LTxTech Smilies
:welcome_ltxtech:Welcome Ltxtech