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  1. #1
    InActive Member

    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    1995 Z28
    Greater Cincinnati Area

    Default Swapped to an M6 and this is my reverse lockout fix....

    I recently did the A4 to M6 swap in my 95 Z28 and didn't really like forcing my shifter into reverse, so this is how I remedied it.

    I spent weeks trying to find a shift knob with a 12v button that I liked, and really couldn't justify spending $45 or more for a knob that I really didn't care for, so I did the next best thing.

    I went to Radio Shack and bought a $3 12v button, and drilled my factory knob with a large hole on top and a small hole on the bottom for the wires to be fed through. Trying to drill 2 holes without hitting the threaded hole in the center wasn't the easiest thing to line up, but luckily I got it.


    Problem about using the shift knob mounted button is that I really wanted to use that button for a line-loc down the road, so I wired it to an ON-ON rocker switch. That way I can use the button for the reverse lockout, and then flip the switch and I can use it to run a line-loc. I added the rocker cover and led for fun, but I like the way it turned out. The switch panel is not really that grey, for some reason the flash makes it look a lot lighter than the rest of the dash.



    Hope you like it....

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