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Tag: a4 to m6 swap

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  1. BCM wiring differences?

    Started by Bullit, 07-31-2017 05:28 PM
    1995, a4 to m6 swap, bcm, cern, check, coil, current, differences, experience, fine, fuel, ignition, ion, issue, no fuel pump prime, pcm, power, pump, similar, swap, thoughts, type, wanted, wires, wiring
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 7,391
    Last Post: 08-01-2017 05:01 PM
    by Injuneer  Go to last post
    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 2,033
    Last Post: 07-29-2014 08:56 PM
    by gjgarre  Go to last post


  2. Lt1 a4 to m6 swap, injectors, gmpp intake etc..

    Started by HunterZ28, 12-04-2013 12:03 PM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    410, a4 to m6 swap, bought, carb, clutch, conversion, custom, cylinder, front, fuel, haha, hey, idea, intake, lt1, member, mods, pic, setup, swap, text, transmission, trim, tuned, vortech, working
    • Replies: 27
    • Views: 3,497
    Last Post: 03-13-2014 07:42 AM
    by HunterZ28  Go to last post
  3. speedo re-calibratoin on speeddensity car

    Started by BaddAss93TA, 11-13-2009 10:00 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    3.4, 3.73, a4 to m6 swap, car, cluster, f-body, figured, gauge cluster, green, hat, ordered, pull, rear gears, recalibratoin, ripped, route, speeddensity, speedo, star, starting, swapped, sweet, thread, times, white, wire, yellow
    • Replies: 13
    • Views: 2,621
    Last Post: 02-10-2013 03:56 PM
    by jaysz2893  Go to last post
  4. Xdeifieds current build

    Started by xdeified, 06-26-2011 02:00 AM
    3 Pages
    1 2 3
    • Replies: 28
    • Views: 2,325
    Last Post: 07-18-2012 02:30 AM
    by popo8  Go to last post
  5. 6 speed setup

    Started by finnv3, 05-20-2012 12:56 PM
    6 speed, a4 to m6 swap, auto, bee, computer, correctly, decided, full, gonna, good, google, link, luck, member, needed, phone, pos, remember, search, setup, speed, swap, thread, tired, trans, work, write
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 1,307
    Last Post: 06-05-2012 05:57 PM
    by b-radlewis  Go to last post
  6. A4 to M6 swap?

    Started by dkd1990, 04-30-2012 05:20 PM
    a4 to m6 swap, advice, appreciated, automatic, back, bad, big, built, drags, formula, gears, hat, mile, pain, par, parts, pics, ran, summer, swap, t56, tran, tranny, wondering, work, years
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 953
    Last Post: 05-03-2012 07:36 PM
    by dkd1990  Go to last post


  7. Whats needed

    Started by 95ztrey, 08-29-2009 07:20 PM
    a4 to m6 swap, crossmember, needed, six speed
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 508
    Last Post: 08-29-2009 11:46 PM
    by Ryan Stout  Go to last post
  8. OBD2 in a OBD1, HELP

    Started by Ryan Stout, 07-26-2009 06:09 PM
    1995, a4 to m6 swap, air, back, car, changing, close, coil, computer, fix, flow, ion, issue, maf, note, obd1, obd2, option, pcm, pin, run, setup, shift, stock, style, swapped, wiring
    • Replies: 9
    • Views: 991
    Last Post: 07-27-2009 09:48 PM
    by Twisted Z  Go to last post
  9. M6 bin file

    Started by catchmyz, 07-14-2009 08:08 PM
    a4 to m6 swap, bin, current, email, ers, fbody, file, hat, make, obd, obd1, parameters, send, swap, tune
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 848
    Last Post: 07-15-2009 04:30 PM
    by catchmyz  Go to last post
  10. LTx Resource list

    Started by KissMyWhtSS, 01-25-2009 04:01 PM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    4th gen, a4 to m6 swap, back, box, brackets, center, code, database, day, f-body, firebird, forums, good, guys, info, internet, list, lost, ltx, ltxtech, member, original, pic, project, resource, site, size, thread, trans, tutorial
    • Replies: 16
    • Views: 3,473
    Last Post: 02-02-2009 05:11 PM
    by mpe331lx  Go to last post
  11. A4 to M6 swap price est.?

    Started by BaddAss93TA, 10-05-2008 11:33 AM
    000, 500, a4 to m6 swap, buddies, clutch, correctly, cut, decent, ect, est, fully, hey, high, ion, labor, line, lots, opinion, pedals, price, remember, run, save, swap, ton, trans, working, worth
    • Replies: 9
    • Views: 2,793
    Last Post: 11-02-2008 06:57 PM
    by PipesTA  Go to last post


Results 1 to 12 of 12