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Tag: warped

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  1. WTB: Quasar/Black Hood

    Started by waggl1, 11-01-2011 04:30 PM
    baby, black, black or blue, blue, current, hood, quasar, random, warped, wtb, z28
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 367
    Last Post: 11-01-2011 04:30 PM
    by waggl1  Go to last post
  2. Has anyone wondered what happens to rotors

    Started by jakesz28, 07-05-2009 08:24 AM
    2 Pages
    1 2
    150, brakes, dam, damn, drag, driving, firebird, hit, issue, lsx, mile, normal, piss, quick, range, rotors, scared, solid, speeds, stop, strange, vented, warped, wheels, wondered, year
    • Replies: 13
    • Views: 2,142
    Last Post: 08-09-2009 10:06 AM
    by bricez28  Go to last post
  3. shaky brakes

    Started by bricez28, 04-05-2009 09:58 PM
    baer, brake, brakes, breaks, bricez28, buy, calipers, car, check, cracks, drilled, end, haha, hey, lol, lower, made, pad, pads, problem, quality, rotors, shaky, step, warped, wrong, yea
    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 1,958
    Last Post: 04-14-2009 07:34 PM
    by Biggin'89  Go to last post
  4. What would be a fair price?

    Started by Kris, 04-12-2009 06:08 PM
    150, 200, 400, 500, area, bad, block, blown, body, bought, cars, complete, condition, cracked, decent, fair, good, heads, interior, ion, motor, paint, price, selling, spartan, valve covers, warped, z28
    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 665
    Last Post: 04-13-2009 08:24 AM
    by Camaro_94  Go to last post
  5. Warped 3 bolt collector flange

    Started by 95greenZ, 03-29-2009 12:07 PM
    ball, band, bolt, car, cart, collector, cut, fine, fit, fla, flange, flanges, free, friends, gaskets, hey, images, ion, issues, leak, mustangs, racing, slip, socket, static, stock, style, warped, wrap
    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 1,055
    Last Post: 04-02-2009 06:32 PM
    by 95greenZ  Go to last post
    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 1,676
    Last Post: 11-21-2008 11:08 AM
    by Cross  Go to last post
Results 1 to 6 of 6