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Thread: 2 MORE!

  1. #11
    "The Rock"

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    Quote Originally Posted by HellTeeOne View Post
    Yea that meme is somewhat accurate, and it's sad. I wish Al would focus his energy in a more positive and less inflammatory manner. Problem is, conflict and blood sports of ally types have been big sellers with the human race since the beginning of time, and he and the rest of the media know this. Saturation coverage and sensationalizing of police shootings is the result.
    The ignorant who don't know any better then focus all of their anger on the police, both collectively and tragically, individually as we've recently seen. None of these angry people seem to know or seek the truth or the underlying root of the problem. And by committing acts of violence and vandalism, they serve only to make the divide between the citizenry and the police even worse.

    The 'be the change' phrase comes to mind here. If any of these folks like Al in positions of influence and power really wanted positive change and an improvement in LEO-citizen relations, they'd be doing the exact opposite of what they're doing now. Instead of constantly inciting mass protests and riots, they'd be trying to educate their audience about the real reasons things are the way they are. And those reasons have very little to do with police officers and a whole lot more to do with a hostile legal system and vast network of state and federal code that is written to facilitate unwarranted state control over people's lives.

    I'll say it again. There has been no larger direct influence on our criminal legal system in the past 100 years, than the war on dugs. It's influence is felt everywhere, from sentencing guidelines, to department budgets, micro financial regulation, police tactics, the way officers are trained, civil forfeiture, the list goes on and on. It seems a very curious coincidence to me that the war on drugs was dramatically expanded in the wake of the culmination of the achievements of the civil rights movement. As in, it seems one war replaced another. We now have by far the highest incarceration rate in the world. This isn't the fault of police, it's the fault of bad policy. It's a case in which the treatment has proven far worse than the ailment.
    I agreed with everything you are saying, and you speak (type) very well. If its not 2 forward, can I ask what your educational back ground is.

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