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Thread: Tach way off, 24x setup
08-11-2012, 05:34 PM #1
Tach way off, 24x setup
Maybe this is a better place for this thread.
24x swap, all efi connection stuff, all fuses unplugged minus ecu, crank, and gauges, value in HPT is 3, grounds all good and checked with a meter, has a MSD 2step set at 4k. Now that that's out of the way...
When starting the car the tach reads 2500-3500rpm. As soon as it runs it goes to 900 like it should. Driving it's fine, it spins hard in 1st at the track. It shoots to 11500rpm, but HPT says I'm at 5500. ONLY happens when car spins and when starting. Any ideas?
Should I try a pull-up resistor?