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  1. #11
    InActive Member

    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Myrtle Beach SC


    The garage inspected everything quote a few times and I am pretty sure he said it was getting spark to the opti but it wouldn't go through.

  2. #12


    Unless you have a bad cap and rotor I dont think its the opti. Because by the time it gets to that point its just distributing the spark. the optical part of the opti interprets the signal sends it to the ecm then to the icm those to computers figure out when to actually fire and pull timing ect then sends it goes to the coil and then back to the opti . the optical sensor is usually what goes bad when it gets wet.

    I would go through the system your self. Becuase my bet is that the shop is not familar wth the system and are treating it like a hei dizzy

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