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  1. #1
    InActive Member

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    North Idaho

    Default Test my EE_Auto.ADX? Has new Day Digital Tuner Dash and History Grams

    I'm new to LT1 but not to TunerPro. I've had an issue with getting clean data from my EE_Auto.ADX in TunerPro V5. Wondering if anyone would want to try my ADX to see if it works?

    It's the EE_Auto from TP website with GregBobs Night Dash added. Also a Day Digatal Tuner Dash with 4 open spots(will take requests) Also has BLM HistoryGrams for Right and Left. Also has Knock Counter HistroryGram that works off Knock Counter in ADX file, not working properly yet.

    Can't upload here, try this link for Download of ADX file. If not PM me your email.
    1994 Buick RoadMaster Estate Wagon LT1. White and Woodgrain. My four door Corvette Wagon!

    Addicted and Obsessed with Fuel Injecting Anything!
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  2. #2
    InActive Member

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    North Idaho


    Mark at TunerPro is also looking into why I and others have no luck with the ADX file? He and others worked hard to get this to work and it did... I have no problems with TPV5 on anything else I have tried. So if you have used TP ADX EE_Auto.adx and it works? Then try mine? Or if you can't get correct data let me know what year make model. There has got to be a reason some work and some don't!
    1994 Buick RoadMaster Estate Wagon LT1. White and Woodgrain. My four door Corvette Wagon!

    Addicted and Obsessed with Fuel Injecting Anything!
    Shared BIN files, Definitians and Wiring diagrams!

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