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    Fort Wayne, IN

    Default Anyone have info on this gun or scope?...

    My birthday is coming up, and I was looking into the Remington 597. I think the 597 VTR is really sharp looking, but can't justify its price for the fact that it just looks good over the regular 597. I have heard that some issues people have ran into is that they jam, but also heard that later it was discovered by the fact the plastic magazines were the culprit, and since the new magazines have came out, little has been noticed in the issues of jamming.

    Here is the Remington 597

    Here is the Remington 597 VTR

    A local gunshop also said there was some kind of ammo people had been using that also gave them issues (I forget exactly which type).

    Anyways, the 597 costs $175, where the VTR's price tag is $375.

    I'm going to get a scope as well, and I was thinking about the Leapers 3-9X40

    I really like the Mil Dot sight, and they are hard to come by usually without spending a bit of $. The thing I really like about the Leapers is that it has a mil dot sight that can illuminate from red to green. All this and it costs $65.

    Like the .22 I am aware that the scope is a cheep one, but we are talking about something that is just going to be used for fun without spending tons, and in reality I'm not going to need a super powerfull scope for something that at long range will be around 100 yards.

    So, time for opinions here. Does anyone have some personal insight to this gun or scope? Anyone used one before? Any info is welcomed.
    1995 Z28 - disfunctional now, perhaps insane after its "treatment"
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