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  1. #1
    VIP Member

    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Realquick hotparts

    Just a feeler thread...
    Bought these almost a year ago. Comes with a JGS 40mm Wastegate. Its a manifold setup for a Master Power but the DP flange can be cut off for whatever turbo you want. It exits on the driver's side, since its on the driver's side so I welded a 45* section so it exits out the side of the car under the driver. Performed really well, just can't decide if I want to port these manifolds or make a log setup (emailed realquick about a week ago about making me a setup, but no reply so I guess I'll make one). I'll get pics up in a few. Lemme know what you think price wise. Its the bottom kit, but wrapped in black heat wrap.

    EDIT:They have about 3000 miles on them total. If someone would want, I might make a package deal with the MP76 that has 5 miles on a rebuild.
    Last edited by Ryan Stout; 10-23-2009 at 05:56 AM.

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