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  1. #1

    Default LT1 Sputters and dies when cold

    So we went down to the canyons this weekend and we ran our camaro HARD. Also, it was pretty hot and we were 3000 ft up. The next day when we want to drive somewhere, we will turn it one but it dies. If we try again, same thing. You have to turn it on and give some gas to keep it going. How ever, it runs VERY rough and the whole car shakes hard. I think it's misfiring but I don't know. So if you keep giving gas at around 2500 rpm for about a minute, it will all of a sudden clear up and act like nothing happened. For the past 3 weeks the car would have to start twice cause the first time it would die but there was never any very rough engine running. The car ran out of gas completely the day before the drive and also we replaced the plugs and wires and one o2 sensor. Thanks.

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