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Thread: Need paint help

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  1. #1
    The Jazz Man

    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    St. Helens Oregon, The Great Northwest!

    Default Need paint help

    My budget just ran thin thanks to spending $460 on new shocks. After I get the suspension put under the maro, I still have one last important thing to do, and that is to fix the black on my front bumper (around the headlights and grille). I want to fill the license plate bracket holes, and some holes from the previous ownder's headlight covers. What is the best material to do this with? Bondo? Some kind of epoxy? Then I need to re-paint the black. I'll be using dupli-color bomb-cans. What kind of prep will I have to do? I've done plenty of painting before, but I've never gotten a crisp tape line. How do I mask around the curves on the black (what kind of tape)? The reason I have so many questions is because this is my first time painting a urethane bumper, slightly confused.

    1996 3.8 V6 Camaro, FFF Headers, Precision Billet 6262, H/C/I, Devil's Own Methanol, Moser 9", g-force T5, etc.

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