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Thread: Narrowed rear

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  1. #11
    10 Second N/A Club

    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    96 Z28
    Holden, MO (KC)


    I will get some later tonight.

    Edit, here ya go:
    Looking down driver side
    DS LR.jpg
    Under the car from the back
    UB LR.jpg
    Stock LCA, shock (rotated 180* for Afco's) and spring location
    LCA LR.jpg
    Had to trim some from the lower plastic at the rear
    B LR.jpg
    Had to use a 3lb hammer to "dent" the inside of the wheel well at the front, bottom behind the tire in this pic. Actually you can see part of what I had to "clearance" in the 3rd pic down to the right of the LCA.
    F LR.jpg

    The only other place I had to trim was the li[p inside the fender at the top of the wheel well. This was all to fit a 28" tire at my ride height. If your runnin a smaller tire or taller ride height some of this might not be needed. My tires are 28" tall, 10.0" wide at the tread and, 12.5" wide at the widest part of the side wall between the wheel and tread. Those are 15x10 wheels with a 5.5" backspace and stock 96 brakes. Hope this answers your question!
    Last edited by 96LT1355Z28; 01-18-2014 at 10:18 PM.
    co-owner of
    NMCA OC 9004
    96, N/A 385, Holley EFI, Faceplated M6, AI TFS heads, LE SR cam, MWC Fab 9
    10.16 @ 136 1.50 60'........still workin on that 60' shootin for 1.4's!

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