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  1. #11
    InActive Member

    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    I was running around 6.5 psi. I think the bov was open though because it looked like the vacuum line had popped off the intake and I just never saw it. I was running ford green top injectors and I want to say a walboro pump. It has the connections for the lines but no lines. It was just rubber sleeved line with hose clamps. I can get the oil pan though. (forgive me, I'd hit the enter button to the next line but for some reason my pc won't let me hit enter) I think with that pulley on it, it should be closer to 10-13 just depending on your setup. The blower can support about 700whp from what I've seen. ****(another enter)**** I'd do a package deal for 4500 right now. Shoot me an offer though. Tired of answering all these questions and getting no where.

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