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  1. #1
    InActive Member

    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    1996 Camaro z28

    Default Need some Wiring clean up Help

    As The title says i've been trying to clean up my wiring harness from the fans, to the underhood fuse panel, and drivers side kick panel (previous owner had a don't give a crap it works mentality) and had wires running everywhere for the electric water pump. I've had some success wiring the fans back to how they were from refrencing the wiring diagram in the Haynes repair manual and shoebx web page but.. heres the problem in the under hood fuse panel there is a orange wire which Is the only wire that goes to the A/P fan fuse being that's how the wiring diagram shows it that's not pined to anything....and under the A/P fuse there is a RED WIRE? also a PINK wire that's jumped and pined together with one of two ORANGE wires coming from the AIR PUMP RELAY. My question is there supposed to be a RED wire going to the A/P Fan fuse as power? If not where else does it go? help is really appreciated here is a pic Fuse panel.JPG
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