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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default Need help with a class project

    I am in a class that specializes in small businesses and start ups well we had to submit an idea and I had an idea for a daycare like place. I dont have kids of my own yet but have heard that with traditional daycares you have to pay even if you dont have your child in the program for the majority of the time. would there be a greater interest in a flexible pay setup like a per day charge or something like that. The other idea was that there would be a tracking system that would have online access to view your child through a webcam system setup in the building so you have a sense of security that your children are being cared for and that you can check in anytime you want. The final aspect would be a more hands on setup where if your kid was into music, he/she could explore instruments and see what they like or cooking or mechanical aspects (all age appropriate). would you be willing to pay for something like this if you had to work extra hours instead of letting them veg out in front of tv or video games at home or at the babysitters. would you be willing to have this added to a benefits package where you work and have a little extra deducted from your pay?
    If I could get any feed back on this, it would help greatly to mold the idea and paper and project for the class so that i may have the chance to win the class prize for best idea and best follow through. Anything good bad or otherwise will help me get a good grade on this and help since I am working with a foreign exchange student and she doesnt fully grasp alot of the ideas and theories I discuss with her.

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