View Full Version : Live data
12-19-2009, 01:35 PM
I'm ready to get a cable for my car/laptop and software to watch and tune..
More importantly though, I want to VIEW data, knock, o2's, rpms, you name, I want to SEE it, oh, and of course, DTC's. My current scanner only does DTC's, and after seeing a snap on tool, that was luxory at it's best.
I know it can be done by one of those cable/software combos. Which is the best, and easiest one to use, for someone like me, who don't really know how it works, but wants to check live stats, and tune the PCM, when I have someone with me who does.
12-19-2009, 02:08 PM
TTS Datamaster is your data logging program of choice.
12-19-2009, 02:23 PM
You sure that'll work on OBDI? I looked on their site, and it's exactly what I want, but I can only see OBDII cables from them, and no "store" to even purchase the stuff (and no dealer is even near me).
EDIT: Nvm. "Please refer to our price list for the current pricing schedule. Note that DataMaster is only available for the OBD I ."
But holy cow that's expensive!! $210??
And then I see "TTS No longer carries the OBD I cables"..
That's far too complicated, It's like I'll have to source from 2 different companies already..
I'd like a suite that easily works on ANY vehicle, without needing to purchase an insane license per car, since a real hardware tool doesn't do this, and neither should the software. Besides, the VIN in my PCM doesn't match my car..
EDIT2: Nvm, Datamaster is out of the question. It looks like it's just like Microsoft with their "Activation" thing. I can't even use my second laptop, only one, and if that fails, I'm screwed. I checked, other people have complained over this. NOT my thing..
12-19-2009, 03:26 PM
Software only is $119. You get three "reauthorizations" with each purchased license, each additional should be $40. You shouldn't have THAT bad of luck. It's either that or pay an extraordinary amount of money for a Tech I or II or similar Mac or Snap-On scanner. or AKMCables are great places for the cables.
12-19-2009, 03:34 PM
Well I'm right now comparing Datamaster to TunerPro. TunerPro is free, and TunerPro RT cost a little, but still less than Datamcaster.
I contacted AKMCables for an OBDI USB cable.
12-19-2009, 03:40 PM
AFAIK Tunerpro is tuning only, not datalogging. Tunerpro RT is simply a real time tuning version. Unless something's changed....been a while since I looked at that. good call on contacting AKM Cables, that's what mine is and I've been pleased with it.
12-19-2009, 03:50 PM
Judging by tunerpro's website, it looks like it datalogs:
I'll also try datamaster, via free trial.. It's just expensive, and I dislike software with keys and verify your computer by the hardware. I go through lots of laptops and windows reinstalls (which people have reported reinstalling windows causes problems too with activation).
PS: OBD cable purchased.
EDIT: I can't even download Datamaster, it's down for windows 7 compatibility issues.. Looks like TunerPro RT is going to be "it".. Can't be waiting, need to resolve idle knock retard issues ASAP.
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