View Full Version : A suggestion to all members,

11-18-2009, 01:37 AM
Since we are all beginning to find each other on facebook and there is a Ltxt fan page, We should all start putting our names in our signatures so when people go to add us we know who they are, I am sure there are plenty of people from this site I have denied simplly because I dont know who you are, The few people I have added on this site I knew because they had the names in the sig or I had delt business with them and knew there names that way,

Obviusly my name is my username though if we all started putting our First and Last initial in our sigs I believe that the site will become a bit more personal and better as a community instead of saying hey 99firebirdlt1355ci what wire do I need to cut etc etc.

My rant
Chris G.

11-18-2009, 01:42 AM
I go mostly by my last name and its finn which is my account name.

11-18-2009, 02:19 AM
sounds like a good idea. makes things simple

11-18-2009, 01:59 PM
A lot of us have had our names in our signature since back when the site first started. Not necessarily as way to identify each other on facebook (post in your username in the LTx Tech group) but more in hopes of achieving a more personal and tight-knit community.

11-18-2009, 02:07 PM
my name is in my Screen Name (Jay), and I use that Screen Name on all the forum, Fquick, CarDomain, and AIM. I am to old to have a Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, etc.. LOL

11-18-2009, 02:10 PM
I am to old to have a Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, etc.. LOL
Nowadays everyone and their mom has a Facebook. I'm pretty sure the majority of my aunt's and uncle's have one.

11-18-2009, 02:35 PM
good idea