View Full Version : F***ing insurance companies...

09-19-2009, 04:32 PM
Why do they always have to be a bitch to deal with? I swear to god some of these idiots that work there never even got through 2nd grade. I was in a pretty serious sccident on May 23 of this year, and never imagnined how much of a head ache this whole thing would be to deal with. They send me like a billion forums, I fill them out, and send them back... A few weeks later they say they never recieved them, and send me new ones to fill out.. WTF! They sent me the same forums 3 times in a row! :shame:

They are now trying to bill me for one of the doctors appointments I went to because they never got the forum that I mailed them. So then I call them and bitch for awhile, tell them that my lawyer isnt going to be happy hearing this, then they figure everything out.

From day one they've done nothing but piss me off. They called me 2 days after the accident and asked my side of the story, completely flipped it around on me, then said I couldnt be a credable witness because of my injuries and how they happened which was total BS!

Fucking insurance companies... They piss me off.

(I got some more papers today that they never recieved)

09-19-2009, 04:35 PM
Make sure you fill them out exactly the same, or they will try and screw you!

09-19-2009, 04:56 PM
When you send things through the post office you can have a receipt added and returned to you when they are delivered

09-19-2009, 05:25 PM
I was in an accident in November of last yr breaking my C1 and C2 vertebrae..... I have yet to get the first check and they still wont pay for a 2nd opinion on fixing my neck! I havent worked a full day since last november because of the accident, INS companies are total BS

09-19-2009, 05:43 PM
Sorry to hear man. Did you get A lawyer? That was the first thing I did after they tried to flip everything I said around. I wanted to deal with them as little as possible.

09-19-2009, 06:45 PM
I love mine, they just sent me a 250 dollar check for no reason! Actually, I think the reason was because it was a refund on some policy coverage. Idk, but fuck ya

09-20-2009, 02:25 AM
Just stick it out I got all bills paid, lost time from work and 16000 after that for pain/suffering Without a lawyer. It took about 15 months and they tried the same BS you are describing.