View Full Version : PLZ HELP DD NO START 94 TRANS AM LT1

07-01-2009, 03:11 AM
I have a 1994 Trans Am Gt Auto....

I few Weeks ago we (some buddies and i) had to put a new tranny in the car. b/c well the old one lost 3rd and 4th.. it drove fine for like a week or 2 then one day well drivin i noticed that the speedo, tach, and amps gauge. when drivin seemed to twitch like well doing 60 the speedo would twitch between 60 and 70,, tach, amps also did this.. I knew that something must be lose but left it alone.. a day or two later. i noticed that when i would start the car some times it would die right after started.. i was like WTF... it's my dd and i work so much don't have time to work on it so again left it alone.. drove to work just fine gauges freaked out but runs fine,,, 8 hours later i got to leave work start it let go of the key and it dies... so i start it again let off the key slowly and it stayed running! drove home shut it off and went to start it again.., and non of the gauge cluster lights would come on like the check engine light etc the ones that come on when you turn the key.. but i did not raido and all other acc's that turn on with the key... so that ruled out ignition switch..

I went in side and read up some stuff went out.. and tryed again to start it nothing,, the cluster was still dead and i was not getting a click or nothing out of the starter.. so i got pissed and just started twisting the key back and forth like 1000 times.. and boom all a sudden i got the cluster lights back and the car fired up.. turned it off tryed aging bamm it's working...

WTF is going on... some one help me out... i can't trust it b/c i don't know when it's gona run and when it's not going to..

07-01-2009, 06:29 PM
Check and make sure that the battery connections are tight, especially the ground, and check specifically the ground that's right behind the battery. Sounds like you're electrical system is randomly going open as the twitching gauges are very indicative of that.

07-02-2009, 11:59 PM
OK looked the car over.. I cleaned all grounds still no start.. but i searched around some more.. it turned out to be bad ignition switch.. replaced it and the car is up and running great again with no twitching cluster..

Thanks guys!

07-03-2009, 03:11 AM
That was one of my guesses. Glad u got it fixed eric hope the tutorial I sent u helped