View Full Version : ECM and Real Time tuning question (Moates Ostrich)

06-27-2009, 09:55 PM
I have a 1993 camaro OBDI car. I am currently runnig a PCMforless tune loaded into a Moates Ostrich. I use TunerproRT for the tuning. Untill recently (today.. lol) i was running this all with no issues. All of a sudden the car would not idle under 1500 rpm and not go over 3000 rpm. The SES cycled rapidly, i lost all gauges except for the tach and can no longer connect to the ALDL via tunerpro. I am using a USB to ALDL cable. I shot an inquiry off to Moates about the ostrich, in particular the issues of running a 3 foot long ribbon cable. In all my troubleshooting i have come back to the Ostrich is emulationg just fine, but tha data to the ECM is corrupted. I can run the car perfectly with the Stock EPROM and the EPROM from PCMforless. I do register a code 26 (evap noid) with out the ostrich hooked up.

I guess my prelim questions are:

Is the ribbon cable a big issue?
Is the ECM fried since i cant connect to the ALDL anymore?
What the hell is the Evap Noid? I know where it is and have replaced it but i still get the code.

I am sure i will have more questions as soon as i get some responses. I would like to know if anybody out there with OBDI is running an Ostrich. I like the Real TIme tune ability, not that I mind paying Alvin to burn chips either.



06-27-2009, 10:00 PM
Things like the ostrich are only meant to emulate until a final tune is reached, then you are supposed to burn that tune to the chip and run the chip.

You are by no means supposed to run the ostrich fulltime

06-28-2009, 01:06 AM
Things like the ostrich are only meant to emulate until a final tune is reached, then you are supposed to burn that tune to the chip and run the chip.

You are by no means supposed to run the ostrich fulltime

100% agree with the above. If you can get your hands on a spare ECM I'd try that.

06-29-2009, 11:50 AM
Well getting a hold of a spare ECM is proving to be a PIA. No one will order me one without mine as a core. I know ppl that run the Ostrich full time, but both of them have 3rd gens and the ECM and Ostrich are both inside the car and they can use a short cable. I ordered a short cable and if i dont hear from Moates soon, i am just gonna "weatherproof" the ostrich and install it out with the ECM. IN the meantime i am gonna burn a chip with the DTC codes i do not need turned off. This way if the Ostrich takes a poop, i can swap in a chip to that adapter and keep on getting on. I have to make up a nice little tool kit to carry.

09-12-2012, 06:45 AM
Well getting a hold of a spare ECM is proving to be a PIA. No one will order me one without mine as a core. I know ppl that run the Ostrich full time, but both of them have 3rd gens and the ECM and Ostrich are both inside the car and they can use a short cable. I ordered a short cable and if i dont hear from Moates soon, i am just gonna "weatherproof" the ostrich and install it out with the ECM. IN the meantime i am gonna burn a chip with the DTC codes i do not need turned off. This way if the Ostrich takes a poop, i can swap in a chip to that adapter and keep on getting on. I have to make up a nice little tool kit to carry.

Edited for spam