View Full Version : Where can I get

06-26-2009, 04:36 PM
(4) Fuel rail bolts for a 94+ intake M6 x 1 x 35 (Could only find M6x1x30 or M6x1x40 at Lowes)
(1) Knock sensor for a 93 (I can get it from GMpartsdirect for ~$27 + shipping, just seeing if there is another place)

(1) or (2) TPS sensor bolts (no idea the size they are, cant find it on shbox)

06-26-2009, 07:54 PM
(4) Fuel rail bolts for a 94+ intake M6 x 1 x 35 (Could only find M6x1x30 or M6x1x40 at Lowes)

You might have to get them at the dealer. Part # 11514667. Or try Osh, I've had luck there before.

(1) Knock sensor for a 93 (I can get it from GMpartsdirect for ~$27 + shipping, just seeing if there is another place)

Get it from them. AC Delco is the only brand you want for engine sensors.

(1) or (2) TPS sensor bolts (no idea the size they are, cant find it on shbox)

Couldn't find it either. All the screws come from the dealer in a kit. You might just try taking your TB to Lowes and looking for a screw that fits.

06-26-2009, 09:00 PM
Do you have a fastenal by you ? There is your answer for the hardware

06-26-2009, 09:06 PM
I think there might be, i'll have to check

06-26-2009, 09:09 PM
Ive used them for motor mount bolts. Header bolts , 12 points for the rear dif. Great store and cheaper than the dealer

06-26-2009, 09:18 PM
You might have to get them at the dealer. Part # 11514667. Or try Osh, I've had luck there before.

Get it from them. AC Delco is the only brand you want for engine sensors.

Couldn't find it either. All the screws come from the dealer in a kit. You might just try taking your TB to Lowes and looking for a screw that fits.

Thanks... for that fuel rail bolt pn.. it says package quantity 1 so it's only 1 bolt? (this is also through gmpartsdirect) Just trying to figure out if I have to order 4.

06-26-2009, 11:08 PM
Alright I ordered 4 because im pretty sure that is for each one... thanks for the info guys