View Full Version : Oh Yay yet another fun problem, my new IM is a 1993 one...

06-05-2009, 02:42 AM
Ok I am confused, I was not looking and took the new ported intake manifold I bought, got it all cleaned up and just put it on.

I put the new o-rings on the injectors... and then I tried to put it on... damit.

So I am lost, I started looking around thinking maybe I had a Corvette Intake Manifold no its a 93 Manifold.

I have the fuel rails, injectors (Which look different at the tips, any difference? Should I switch them?) I am not sure I like the placement of the fuel lines... I also seem to have a new FPR on my old Manifold.

My question is this, any problems running the 93 on a 95 etc car? Besides the fuel line differences?

How can I modify my fuel lines just cut them down or completely redo them?

Any gains from the 93 Mani being used?

Again on the injectors should they be changed or is there no difference other than the appearance of the tips?

Any difference between the FPR's or should I just leave it alone?
