View Full Version : Woops!!

05-20-2009, 11:56 AM
So I'm sitting at my desk at work right and suddenly feel the urge to wiz. Ok no big deal. I get up from my desk walk into the restroom. Since it's a small office we only have a seat and not a urinal. So I'm standing there in the standard male position. You know, hands on hips admiring your best friend while nature takes it's course. So I had just started and the flow, AH, magnificent when I noticed a roll of TP on top the the camode. Just as I had made eye contact for some unknown reason the TP decided to commit suicide by drowing in the camode water. Nooooooooooooo!! I reacted with the speed of a cheeta! I lunged to save the falling TP but in my quick reaction I failed to stop the, uh, flow?! C'mon guys once it starts it stays!! Not many women know this but it's painfull for a man to stop his flow just like that. It's kind of like a 747 jet coming in for a landing, you just can't stop it on a dime or catasrophy can happen. Anyway my buddy is spraying the seat, the wall, my shoe and a unfortunate cricket who decided to pass thru. Sorry dude! Now do I clean it? Do I let the janitor clean it? Do I act like it never happened?

I pick choice #3. Always an adventure in my office!! :finger:

05-20-2009, 11:58 AM
Ah damn, poor little cricket got a shower.

I dont know about you sir LOL.

05-20-2009, 11:59 AM
LOL idk what to tell you but do you know its actually a good uhm... "sex" exercise to stop yourself midstream like 5-10 times.

05-20-2009, 12:01 PM
LOL! u always have some funny / crazy story about something... ! lol

05-20-2009, 12:20 PM
LOL idk what to tell you but do you know its actually a good uhm... "sex" exercise to stop yourself midstream like 5-10 times.

Really? You mean that will help me last longer than 2 1/2 minutes?? Dude it hurts though. Seriously!! Last time I just stopped my flow is when a friend and I were driving home from a bar and pulled over to wiz and a cop almost busted us. I felt it for at least a week.

05-20-2009, 02:14 PM
lol, atleast u didnt just try to flush it

05-20-2009, 04:17 PM
Ah damn, poor little cricket got a shower.

a GOLDEN shower at that

05-20-2009, 04:22 PM
LOL! your a prick!!

05-20-2009, 05:37 PM
Fern,see a doctor,immediately!!!

05-20-2009, 06:14 PM
I have Alih. Dr Feel good by Motle crue. Oh and don't worry there was no burnin sensation.

05-20-2009, 07:57 PM
you need a doctor for the mind,not the body