View Full Version : cant find rocker arms

05-16-2009, 04:44 PM
ran into an issue building my new engine a few days ago... the crane 1.6 gold rocker arms, they are self aligning, dont hit the tip of the valve, the rocker arm itself contacts the retainer. im not installing new valves again, and i cant run lash caps because of the self aligning rocker arms. i currently have 3/8th stud rocker arms. im looking for a set of non self aligning, 7/16th stud, 1.6 ALUMINUM , narrow body roller rockers. does ANYONE know where i can get this? i cannot find this setup in anything but 3/8th stud, id like to use the 7/16th because of the new cam / springs/ valves, etc, i think there may be more stress on the rocker arm stud this go around..

should i just get the 3/8th stud and be done or what?

05-16-2009, 05:16 PM

05-16-2009, 05:40 PM
ran into an issue building my new engine a few days ago... the crane 1.6 gold rocker arms, they are self aligning, dont hit the tip of the valve, the rocker arm itself contacts the retainer. im not installing new valves again, and i cant run lash caps because of the self aligning rocker arms. i currently have 3/8th stud rocker arms. im looking for a set of non self aligning, 7/16th stud, 1.6 ALUMINUM , narrow body roller rockers. does ANYONE know where i can get this? i cannot find this setup in anything but 3/8th stud, id like to use the 7/16th because of the new cam / springs/ valves, etc, i think there may be more stress on the rocker arm stud this go around..

should i just get the 3/8th stud and be done or what?

So, you're looking for 7/16" but also NARROW body 1.6s, right? I've never seen that combination either. I believe the NARROW body design prevents the use of a 7/16" stud.

Since your rocker is riding on the retainer, sounds, like you need a longer pushrod. A longer rod will kick up the cup end of the rocker arm, giving you the clearance you require. It's best to use an adjustable pushrod to determine the correct length you need.

I'm about to do a head and cam swap on my son's 96 LT1 Vette. I'm going with NON SELF aligning, 7/16" 1.7s with new guide plates and new pushrods.


West Point ROCKS!

05-16-2009, 07:45 PM
So, you're looking for 7/16" but also NARROW body 1.6s, right? I've never seen that combination either. I believe the NARROW body design prevents the use of a 7/16" stud.

Since your rocker is riding on the retainer, sounds, like you need a longer pushrod. A longer rod will kick up the cup end of the rocker arm, giving you the clearance you require. It's best to use an adjustable pushrod to determine the correct length you need.

I'm about to do a head and cam swap on my son's 96 LT1 Vette. I'm going with NON SELF aligning, 7/16" 1.7s with new guide plates and new pushrods.


West Point ROCKS!


i have to get custom length pushrods bro, i got +.100 valves, and heads have been milled, new ls7 lifters etc, i would be unwise to get proper pushrods, hell i have to anyways because the engine broke one on the last go around.

anyways, the recession of a non self aligning rocker arm vs a self aligning rocker arm at the roller tip at the valve is where my problem is occuring.

if i had NON self aligning and used guideplates, the roller tip is full bodied, and the tip is larger than the head of the rocker arms gold metal part. basically the self aligning portion of the tip, they take the roller and cut it down to half size on the innermost portion, giving it two little guide walls, if that makes sense, well... anyways, thats the recess im talking about. i will try and get pics in a minute.

05-16-2009, 07:53 PM

see the how the roller tip is extruded past the metal of the rocker arm on the non sa vs the recession on the sa version? thats where my clearance is getting f'd up at.


basically shows where the metal of the rocker arm is hitting on the left, vs what i need on the right.

05-17-2009, 12:27 AM
I didn't quite understand what you wrote, but I understood from looking at the pictures. Still the same answer though, I don't know of anyone who makes a 7/16" NARROW body 1.6 roller rocker.

Different retainers may give you the clearances you need.


West Point ROCKS!

05-17-2009, 12:47 PM
I didn't quite understand what you wrote, but I understood from looking at the pictures. Still the same answer though, I don't know of anyone who makes a 7/16" NARROW body 1.6 roller rocker.

Different retainers may give you the clearances you need.


West Point ROCKS!

yes, but so will a new set of rocker arms. so basically no one is running a 7/16th stud rocker arm on an lt1? or am i crazy, i was under the impression i had to run narrow body due to the centerbolt covers...

if i dont need centerbolt then wtf im fine! so do i need narrow body or not!

05-17-2009, 03:16 PM
How about something like these?

http://cgi.ebay.com/Sbc-Small-Block-Chevy-Stainless-Roller-Rockers-1-6-7-16_W0QQitemZ200342755352QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMotors_ Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories?hash=item2ea55bd818&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1171%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C 240%3A1318%7C301%3A0%7C293%3A1%7C294%3A50

I think this is what you are looking for.


05-17-2009, 04:11 PM
if i dont need centerbolt then wtf im fine! so do i need narrow body or not!

Don't worry about it. Just clearance the valve cover. I run Comp Pro Mags and have no issues after clearancing.


05-17-2009, 06:49 PM
i dont get the need for narrow body, i thought it was nec because the valve cover bolt location hit the side of the rocker arm,not the bracing?

05-17-2009, 08:11 PM
No one makes a narrow bodied full roller rocker arm for the 7/16 stud, and as far as I know you do have to run a narrow bodied rocker arm to clear the center bolt valve covers. The trimming that you do to the valve cover supports are to clear the trunnion not the rocker arm body itself which is what would make contact with the center bolt provsion. promags by design are narrow bodied here are pics of the comp narrow bodies I run (notice the angle on the rocker body) and a promag for comparison. I run a ton of spring pressure and a high lift cam so I opted to run the higher strength version ARP 3/8's stud.



05-17-2009, 08:50 PM
i will be running arp stud regarless, the "pro " version, wether it be 3/8th or 7/16. so what do you all think i should do, 3/8th and be done with it or continue looking for this 7/16th?

05-17-2009, 09:21 PM
I assumed you were gonna run arp studs I was just mentioning you may want to consider the higher quality one they make. I think you will be fine with 3/8's studs.

05-17-2009, 09:40 PM
I assumed you were gonna run arp studs I was just mentioning you may want to consider the higher quality one they make. I think you will be fine with 3/8's studs.

right, i am referring to the "pro" version stud.

05-17-2009, 09:47 PM
well im gonna just go ahead and get the 3/8th studs.

05-17-2009, 10:17 PM
now do i go with the new ultra pro mags or do i go with the comp gold rocker arms, the comp golds are like 100 bucks cheaper... i currently have crane gold race rocker arms... what do you think i should go with? are the promags lighter than the gold comp or cranes? ill go for the extra 100 if they are lighter..

05-17-2009, 10:29 PM
I haven't had the opportunity to run the new pro mags but my old promags were very heavy compared to what I run which I think are PN CCA-1018-16

05-17-2009, 10:37 PM
yes i see the "old " promags now and the new ones look awesome!... uh... im confused again, the NEW promags, can i run THEM in a 7/16th stud? being that the body of the rocker is completely different?

edit: by completely different i mean the way they are shaped compared to the aluminum rr's.

05-18-2009, 01:10 PM
Unless the rockers are stated to be narrow body, you're probably going to have a clearance issue with the stock valve covers. You MAY be able to clearance the covers for NON narrow body rockers. Some guys have, but I wasn't able to.

To me, valve train rigidity is much more important than valve covers. So I opted for the most rigid studs.

I went with ARP 200-7202s from Summit, which are 7/16" and rated stronger than their other version.


West Point ROCKS!

05-18-2009, 02:08 PM
I have no idea about the new type of pro mags like i stated previously, I haven't needed to put rocker arms on anything since they were released. Your best bet would probably to be give comp a call and discuss it with them.

Shon Herron
05-18-2009, 02:31 PM
If you need anything let me know!

05-18-2009, 11:15 PM
id love to order from a site sponsor.... but i shot the gun at around noon today and got the new ultra pro mags 7/16th, and i got the arp "regular" studs 7/16th. we shall see what hits where.

05-19-2009, 01:15 PM
id love to order from a site sponsor.... but i shot the gun at around noon today and got the new ultra pro mags 7/16th, and i got the arp "regular" studs 7/16th. we shall see what hits where.

That's the route I would have taken too; 7/16". If you would, please post the part numbers of what you ordered; I'm about to begin a heads and cam swap on my son's 96 LT1 Vette and am still considering which route to take on rockers. I already bought and installed the ARP 7202 7/16" studs.



West Point ROCKS!

05-19-2009, 05:26 PM
no problem, from jegs..

249-1605-16ULTRA-PRO RCKRS 1.6 7/16

these are the new ultra pro mags i guess... id hold off on buying them just yet, i will let you know if they fit on thursday i guess.

05-20-2009, 10:06 AM
no problem, from jegs..

249-1605-16ULTRA-PRO RCKRS 1.6 7/16

these are the new ultra pro mags i guess... id hold off on buying them just yet, i will let you know if they fit on thursday i guess.

Thanks for that info.


West Point ROCKS!

05-20-2009, 06:46 PM
they fixed my problem with the rocker arm tip interference. the question now is will they clear the stock valve covers. as far as the centerbolt, i think it will.