View Full Version : Hydro lock

05-16-2009, 11:28 AM
I keep hydro locking the back 4 cylinders (5,6,7,8) on my 96 Z. Everytime this happens I have to pull those plugs and turn the motor over backwards to get the fluid out. When it doesn't happen the car runs fantastic. I cant imagine what it could be. I hate having to do this. anyone have any ideas. I'm sure its not an injector because it doesn't smell like fuel. Its just water. completely clear not coolant.

05-16-2009, 03:17 PM
Are you serious? You need to stop running it and tear it apart. You can do serious damage to your engine, if you haven't already.

05-16-2009, 06:53 PM
Yea you need to tear that motor down immediately, idk what you did but something was done.

05-16-2009, 09:08 PM
Yes I know this, but where is the water getting in from. Everytime it happens i do an oil change run till operating temp change oil again. I have no milky residue in the oil or coolant thru the exhaust. I am thinking it might be a vacuum line that is cracked, broken, or installed wrong. that is the only way that much water can be introduced. I wanna build a 383 or 396 so If it it goes boom than i can tell my wife i have to spend the money. I'm not trying to blow it up, but what else can i do at this point. I am ill equipped to yank the motor out right now.

05-16-2009, 09:25 PM
you need to stop driving that thing....... water will not compress in those cylinders.. you will bend a rod or a valve.. not good.

05-17-2009, 01:33 AM
Head Gaskets are blown between the 2 cylinders on each side would be my guess or cracked heads but both heads being crack would be rare at the same time. The motor is already blown with that problem. Hydro lock is a blown engine in my book!!!!!!! Time for a rebuild!!!!!

05-17-2009, 06:11 PM
How about this. I was told it could be either the heater core starting to go or.... When I did my cam swap there is a coolant line that is a moisture line. If the lines were hooked up wrong because of the reverse flow cooling there could be moisture that is dumped into the cylinder when the engine is turning over as soon as the valves open it is letting water seep into the combustion chamber and hydrlocking the engine. Does this sound like it could be a possibility?

05-18-2009, 02:08 AM
I believe those two lines you are talking about are different sizes so there would be no way you could cross them. I would at least tear it down and pull the heads off. I think you have a bigger issue than some hose issue. It never hurts to double check everything tho.

05-18-2009, 10:29 AM
my guess would be the head gaskets blown between cyl as hempkat94z already stated, id go ahead an pull the heads to confirm.