View Full Version : Well we had a tat thread...

05-02-2009, 05:49 PM
The tat one pretty much died quickly but oh well

How about a piercing one :)

So there are my oddities :) Feel free to post yours or ask any questions you may have respectfully.

05-02-2009, 08:06 PM
the obvious....do they hurt lol. Ive seen the back of the neck done before, but the arm and chest is new to me.

05-02-2009, 08:13 PM
The arm is a surface piercing, very high chance of rejection (hence me having taken out 3 surface piercings already). They are not too bad to get done, fairly quick procedure and the skin is very thick there. Pain in the ass to get to heal though.

The sternum and collar bone are microdermal anchors, VERY low chance of rejection (think 2% rejection rate). They are a pain to get done but I have a pretty good tolerance for pain and I actually enjoyed getting them done, to me it was relaxing. Not a quick procedure like a normal piercing. As for the after feeling, it is nothing worse than a bruise

05-02-2009, 09:52 PM
thats cool man, definitely different from what you see every day.

05-02-2009, 10:14 PM
i have both ears (which i hardly ever wear), and my nipples. http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v2088/34/97/1191390433/n1191390433_30719970_9074.jpg

im on the right and thats one of my best friends that got his pierced the day before i did. which i had always wanted to pierce them but just never did, until i was giving him shit about them and he basically said i didn't have the balls to do it so the next day i got them.

05-04-2009, 10:03 AM
Ive never seen the chest thing before. Thats pretty cool.
Ive always wanted to get my lip pierced since my older cousin did when I was a child but never did.

05-04-2009, 10:37 AM
My lip was a pain in the ass and actually the first piercing I ever got.. If at all possible (if you get it) get it done with a stud, mine was done with a ring and it did not allow much room for swelling and they take a good few months to heal up.

But yea I've had that for 5 years now. I actually just took out my wrist bar last night because sadly my right one now rejected way worse than my left.. that's the bitch about surface piercings. Oh well, when it heals up I will have anchors put in instead.

05-05-2009, 12:24 PM
those are pretty cool!! I think piercings are awesome.. what I am wondering is the piercings ones on ur chest and collar bones, like in ur bone? is that how they stay?? and is it hard to take them out ?

05-05-2009, 01:12 PM
I got my ear done. It hurt and I am a wuss LOL

05-05-2009, 01:17 PM
those are pretty cool!! I think piercings are awesome.. what I am wondering is the piercings ones on ur chest and collar bones, like in ur bone? is that how they stay?? and is it hard to take them out ?

They are called microdermal achors or microdermal implants... the base of the jewelery is implanted underneath the last layer of skin


The skin and tissue grows in and around the holes in the jewelery essentially "anchoring" it as the name suggests.

If they are fresh removal is simple but should be done by a piercer with their tools.. I had one removed and a shorter one inserted but its was only 20 minutes after I had it done so I didnt feel a thing. But after the time it has been if I wanted one removed they basically need to be ripped out of me because they have partially anchored in.

05-05-2009, 01:51 PM
I want a prince albert so I can beat the hell out of wifey! Is that what it's called? You know, that winky piercing??

05-05-2009, 02:16 PM
I want a prince albert so I can beat the hell out of wifey! Is that what it's called? You know, that winky piercing??

For that matter you could get several 'winky' piercings and call it a Jacobs Ladder :laugh:

05-05-2009, 07:07 PM
I can not respond to that lol

05-05-2009, 10:47 PM
I want a prince albert so I can beat the hell out of wifey! Is that what it's called? You know, that winky piercing??

no way it hell could i go through that! I have heard though, that it doesn't hurt very bad just alot of bleeding and swelling. But still its just the simple fact.... (gets shivers) i don't even want to think about it. lol

05-07-2009, 10:44 AM
no way it hell could i go through that! I have heard though, that it doesn't hurt very bad just alot of bleeding and swelling. But still its just the simple fact.... (gets shivers) i don't even want to think about it. lol
The thing with that is.. if that ever rejected.. your junk would look like an STD. If it keloids that would be just awful, trust me I know how bad rejected piercings look and I would never want that anywhere near my manhood haha.

03-29-2010, 11:23 AM
And I pass out getting a blood drawn at the doctors

03-29-2010, 11:38 AM
wow dude thats pretty intense....do you do any hanging from your back skin yet?

Ive got both my ears pearced (left one twice) but all I wear are dimond studs.

Thats my ICEEE lol

03-29-2010, 11:44 AM
lawl at your corset piercing, still

03-29-2010, 11:58 AM
Those look insane! Ive had my share of peircings over the years, but nothing like that. I've had 9 total, and just 2 in my ears now.

03-29-2010, 12:03 PM
All I have is a simple ear piercing.

03-29-2010, 12:07 PM
wow dude thats pretty intense....do you do any hanging from your back skin yet?

Ive got both my ears pearced (left one twice) but all I wear are dimond studs.

Thats my ICEEE lol

No I haven't done any suspensions yet but have been talking it over with Jon and Greg. Possibly this summer.

lawl at your corset piercing, still
I could have gotten light chain or something of that nature but it wasn't feasible because you can only fit so much material between a 1/2" diameter captive bead ring with 1/3" of that under the skin.

I had nylon rope that I was going to use but there was no way it would fit especially on rings that took more than one section

03-29-2010, 12:11 PM
I'm not too big on surface piercings but it's nice to see something out of the norm.

I have small gauged (6g) ears, and left ear cartilage. I also have a lubret piercing. I used to have an industrial in my right cartilage but it never healed right. I also had a nose piercing but the retainer fell out in my sleep within the first week and it grew shut.

I'm probably done with piercings for now since I have a career that requires me to look professional. Although my ink pretty much ruins any chance of that.

03-29-2010, 07:33 PM
I could have gotten light chain or something of that nature but it wasn't feasible because you can only fit so much material between a 1/2\" diameter captive bead ring with 1/3\" of that under the skin.

I had nylon rope that I was going to use but there was no way it would fit especially on rings that took more than one section

I was really looking into corset piercings at one time. You *can* get 'permanent' ones right, it's just hard to do? like this one: http://www.alternativelook.net/images/correctcorsetpiercing.jpg

but they'd be a bitch to get healed up-- if they even would--because of the placement. and I bet my hair would always get caught in it. I think it looks pretty cool not laced up though.

03-29-2010, 07:38 PM
I was really looking into corset piercings at one time. You *can* get 'permanent' ones right, it's just hard to do? like this one: http://www.alternativelook.net/images/correctcorsetpiercing.jpg

but they'd be a bitch to get healed up-- if they even would--because of the placement. and I bet my hair would always get caught in it. I think it looks pretty cool not laced up though.
Those are done with microdermals as are in my chest with captive ring tops. They actually look more like transdermals from their size.. but it is just a larger microdermal.

Dermals heal very well if they're done correctly. You don't want to put a captive ring on for about a month or two because of the weight and when the corset is tightened it pulls on the anchor.

The ones in my back are surface piercings which are the hard ones to heal and are almost never permanent. I took off the ribbon today and there is substantially less pressure on the rings so we will see how it goes.

edit: looking at that pic again those might be surface bars with a captive ring on one end of the bar. It is in black and white because it was probably JUST done and very red and irritated. So chances are that one will not be permanent, but as I said, they can be permanent done with dermals.. those are just not considered "true" or "real" corset piercings because typically corset piercings are done for a photoshoot, maybe a couple days and then removed.

03-30-2010, 09:01 AM
I have had my eyebrow pierced 3 separate times, each one removed because of rejection, and then my labret. Ears pierced twice. Then I got married, and took them all out. FML...

03-30-2010, 09:55 AM
holy pain tolerance batman,
no way i could do that, but probs to you ryan
i have a hard enough time trying to decide if i should get a monroe piercing

03-30-2010, 01:24 PM
The corset took about an hour plus 30 min or so to run the ribbon.

I took out 17 of the 24 rings last night because it was difficult to lay back, i couldn't sit back in the car, nor in the chairs in school. So now I have 7 left and I'm heading to the shop later to get nylon bars put in the 7 I have to see if I can heal them. The rings came out pretty painlessly and no blood so we will see.

Unfortunately one of my replacement dermals on my collar somehow was screwed up this morning and pushed up to the top of the skin under the scar tissue. No clue how it happened because it was fine last night. The one in the same spot on the other side has to come out anyways so I can have my new piercer replace it so I'm going to get those moved down about 1/2" to get away from the scar tissue of the old dermals as that is why I think it fucked up.

My wrists are going well and are also painless. I hope I can heal the ones on my back and if I can I will replace the other 17 later down the road.

03-30-2010, 01:31 PM
holy pain tolerance batman,
no way i could do that, but probs to you ryan
i have a hard enough time trying to decide if i should get a monroe piercing
I'm honestly not a fan of monroe piercings, but obviously everyone has their own tastes..

IMHO snake bites on a girl = drool haha

03-30-2010, 02:01 PM
Never cared for the Monroe either.

I cant wait for my internship to be over so I can get a piercing. I have always wanted my lip pierced though Id need to get a clear piece of jewlery for work and all the places I talked to said that if I got it done on a friday it would still be to swollen on say monday morning to put something clear in for work.

03-30-2010, 02:20 PM
Never cared for the Monroe either.

I cant wait for my internship to be over so I can get a piercing. I have always wanted my lip pierced though Id need to get a clear piece of jewlery for work and all the places I talked to said that if I got it done on a friday it would still be to swollen on say monday morning to put something clear in for work.

Lip and labret piercing jewelery should not be changed for about two months after they are done. That was my first piercing and it was a bitch to eat for a week or so and two weeks after I got it, I got elbowed in the mouth in a football game.

They don't heal fast and changing the jewelery too soon increases the chance of infection or rejection.

03-30-2010, 02:40 PM
Lip and labret piercing jewelery should not be changed for about two months after they are done. That was my first piercing and it was a bitch to eat for a week or so and two weeks after I got it, I got elbowed in the mouth in a football game.

They don't heal fast and changing the jewelery too soon increases the chance of infection or rejection.

I have a lubret and am addicting to chewing tobacco. That was an interesting learning curve but after a couple years I mastered the art. :finger:

03-30-2010, 02:44 PM
I have a lubret and am addicting to chewing tobacco. That was an interesting learning curve but after a couple years I mastered the art. :finger:
for your future reference it's "labret" ;) haha.

Yea that's a dangerous habit to have with an open wound in your mouth :-/

03-30-2010, 02:56 PM
Thats pretty much what I was told. Unless I just got a clear piece and when I done with my internship in 3 months Ill be all set haha.

03-30-2010, 03:24 PM
for your future reference it's "labret" ;) haha.

Yea that's a dangerous habit to have with an open wound in your mouth :-/

Oh, duh lol. Thanks for catching that. And agreed on the dangerous habit. But when you're young and dumb you do dumb things :(

Oh, and CamaroGirl- Get the Monroe if you want it. Don't let opinions on the net persuade you otherwise. I personally think they usually look good, but then again I've only ever seen them on teenage girls and none around my age.

03-30-2010, 07:14 PM
i don't mind monroes, but first glance i always think "ah! something on your face, i'll get it!" same with nose rings (etc.) if they use studs, and not hoops. i'd like to get my eyebrow pierced but i have a hard enough time getting people to take me seriously and that'd just be another obstacle. :P

03-30-2010, 08:08 PM
:face_shocked:Umm yeah......fuck that shit. No way could i do that. I think its pretty cool but nothing I would ever try. I have a couple tats and would get more if I could ever think of something meaningful enough to put on my body for ever.

Ryan your back reminds me of the red dragon tat

03-30-2010, 10:06 PM
:face_shocked:Umm yeah......fuck that shit. No way could i do that. I think its pretty cool but nothing I would ever try. I have a couple tats and would get more if I could ever think of something meaningful enough to put on my body for ever.

Ryan your back reminds me of the red dragon tat
The movie aside, the tattoo he had was incredible

black hawk
03-30-2010, 10:56 PM
who wants their ding dong pierced!! http://www.learner.org/courses/essential/physicalsci/images/s4.rusty_nail.jpg + http://www.istockphoto.com/file_thumbview_approve/1830717/2/istockphoto_1830717-sledge-hammer.jpg

03-31-2010, 01:53 AM
You're one sick fuck. :puke: I knew there was something I liked about you.... :devil:

03-31-2010, 01:42 PM
The movie aside, the tattoo he had was incredible
Agreed It was bad ass!

03-31-2010, 01:47 PM
who wants their ding dong pierced!!

That doesn't look too appealing.

03-31-2010, 10:08 PM
who wants their ding dong pierced!!
i uh, knew a guy with his done. dont understand why someone would do that.

04-03-2010, 01:53 AM
When i was young i wandered around my yard shoeless, and stepped on a nail.

Thats about all i got for peircings.

04-04-2010, 07:00 AM
I had/have my left ear pierced. I took it out about a year ago, just because I got tired of it. The hole still hasn't closed, and sometimes ill put it in for a day or two. But thats it on piercings. I do want a few tats on my shoulder blades and upper arms in the near future.


04-05-2010, 10:16 AM
Ear shaping? What would you gets your ears shaped into?

04-05-2010, 10:35 AM
Ear shaping? What would you gets your ears shaped into?
Elf/demon ears :-p haha

04-07-2010, 09:59 PM
I bet Airport Security loves you :whistle: