View Full Version : Lots of Camaro / Firebird parts

05-01-2009, 11:16 AM
http://shop.ebay.com/merchant/going-faster_W0QQQ5ftrkparmsZ72Q253A1205Q257C66Q253A2Q25 7C65Q253A12Q257C39Q253A1QQ_trksidZp3911Q2ec0Q2em14 QQ_sopZ10QQ_scZ1

Mostly interior , but lots of odds & ends. I have ALOT that isn't listed yet . I have most of the interior(grey/ebony) trim pieces , stock exhaust manifolds , etc. If you buy anything from the Ebay ads , I'll take 10% off the total price for all LTX members, just let me know after the auction .