View Full Version : what makes someone attractive to you?
04-08-2009, 08:59 PM
Okay so I was just thinking recently, and you know how like there can be someone that everyone thinks is 'ugly' and than one person thinks they are 'hot' .. or like even people that are thought to be 'extremely hot' theres always people that think they are 'ugly'
also when I see couples sometimes for example, a guy with a fat girl that is unnatractive I think to my self 'does he really think shes hot?' I know a good personality can make someone that is ''ugly'' become ''hot'' but really who would approach someone if they thought that person was ''ugly'' in the first place??
okay this sounds like alot of rambling, and I hope you guys know what i am trying to say...
so I guess basically what I am saying is, different things are attractive to different people, and I am very interested in this... so what makes someone attractive to you? EX: blonde hair and fake boobs? Brunette with a nice smile? anyone with a pulse?
04-08-2009, 09:10 PM
boobs and butt lol im jk.. kinda sorta
I've honestly dated all types of girls so it's hard for me to narrow it down.
I've dated anywhere from stuck up little rich girls, to the dark little goth chicks.
I can honestly say I love tats and piercings and such and I love the whole goth look, but often those girls come with a certain attitude that makes them hard to deal with but obviously not all of them are like this.
My current gf is hard to categorize but I would say she dresses more preppy than anything, has a few meaningful tats that can't be seen normally and her piercings are nothing out of the ordinary.
I'm honestly one person who can say I don't have a type. When I see a girl I know immediately if I'm attracted but it's not due to a physical feature or a certain look (although goth and punk girls attract me easier) I can think a girl is drop dead gorgeous but have no attraction to her. I'm weird I know lol
04-08-2009, 09:11 PM
Im not picky
She can be skinny and ugly, Fat and a pretty face, but not fat and ugly. lol.
04-08-2009, 09:15 PM
Im not picky
She can be skinny and ugly, Fat and a pretty face, but not fat and ugly. lol.
LOL!! that is funny!! are u kind of serious about that? lol
04-08-2009, 09:25 PM
i like pretty much any girl with a BA car, thats not completly fugly
EDIT: i hate it when girls smoke
04-08-2009, 09:26 PM
I dont know...... as long as Im attracted to her thats all that matters. Could be anything. Then if her attitude sucks im gone!
Now Girls like me because Im good lookin, fit, funny, have a good job, like to have fun, and do exciting shit, dont live with my mom etc... hell...... Id date me.LOL! JK!!JK!!
04-08-2009, 09:28 PM
It's really hard to pinpoint and exact idea of what makes someone attractive. My idea of attractive is a girl who is pretty and smart, but doesn't really know it.
The first thing I notice is how they act and treat others. If they flaunt their partying and look down on those they deem less fortunate then I don't care how "attractive" they are.
Looks wise - no fake tans, excessive makeup, stupid looking boots (see them everywhere) and obvious attention-getting outfits. Natural is better.
04-08-2009, 09:34 PM
04-08-2009, 10:05 PM
It can be difficult to explain. I'll take the cutest girl over the hottest girl, if that makes any sense.. A dull personality will do nothing for me. I'm not one of those guys who says "blonde hair, blue eyes" etc.. It's a "good combination" that works. I look past smokers as nothing more than sex. The girl has got to be intelligent, have some common sense that (no offense) a lot of girls lack. I love a girl that cares about her fitness and health, but isn't a complete nut about it. I'll explain a little bit.
One girl I work with has very pretty features. I can say a beautiful face, minus a tiny bit of ance which is ok. Darkish almost black hair to her chin. The way she walks presents, and holds herself turns me off highly. She has no confidence in how she walks, kinda slouches everywhere. She's not fat, but it looks like the fat has accumulated around the ass making for a strange looking ass. She's really cool to talk to, and I would NOT turn her down in bed. However, I would never try to date her. I've partied with her, and she can be bland.
One girl is pretty short, has a tight body, and overall just small. She always does some crazy hair do that is very sexy.. Black with red highlights/streaks, brown with blonde, red with brown, etc. She has a confident personality, and always is happy and excited. She also has a glass eye that she kinda covers up with her hair a lot, although you gotta be looking REALLY close to see it. Her name is Candy and I see her as being a freak in the bed, so her name fits her well, because I see her being a pornstar haha. I could not date her, because she seems to pick people who are good enough for her to talk to only, kinda.
Another girl has a wild, extremely confident, exciting personality. Actually, because she is pretty much the finest girl in the building. Nice juicy rack with the one of those "DAMN" booties you just gotta look back a few times at it. Gorgeous face, blonde-ish brown hair to maybe her shoulders. However, she does not act like she is super fine at all. I love how she acts and presents herself. She is sexy all around, inside and out. This girl, I am actually taking on a date Friday night and I am definitely going to try and get to know her better. I can honestly say though it's because I love her personality because she is someone I can get along with, and the excellent body is a plus.
Yes, long post, but I'm bored.
04-08-2009, 10:14 PM
ladder theroy was fucking hilarious
04-08-2009, 10:35 PM
Personality is way more attractive to me than looks. Don't get me wrong, I can appreciate a good looking girl, but if she isn't intelligent and personable, then she won't appeal to me at all.
04-09-2009, 07:46 AM
they have to be mature, low to medium maintenance and have a good personality. i tried the whole hot model, killer body deal and it was a pain in my ass. we couldn't even run out to pick up fast food and bring it home without them needing to get all fixed up.
my wife is very pretty but has a great personality, very mature (actually more than me LOL) is not high mainentance and is great to be around and everyone likes her. plus she is a great mom, others i dated i couldn't see them being a mom.
04-09-2009, 07:59 AM
i lik a girl that i can deal with me lol im pretty crazy alot of girls would think i belong in a mental institution but alot that i know absolutly love my personality. they gotta be on the thinner side i dont care about hair or eye color. they just gotta be able to mix with me. my current gf a friend introduced us we talked on the phone met one time and started goin out. i just gave her a chance and she gave me one and 3 1/2yrs later were still together
04-09-2009, 08:49 AM
first off, of course you're going to be attracted to the physical aspect. if you say you're not at first then you're a liar(unless you talk to her on the phone first). i first notice a smile on a girl...that's what will get me to talk to her. there has to be some physical attraction there or it just won't work
then its all about her interests and personality. i hate a girl that takes everything you say to heart. its a joke...learn how to laugh. i hate girls that NEED you to be around 24/7 to have a life. i have things outside of our relationship that make me happy...maybe you should to.
that's about it...
Gotta have an awesome personality and be laid back in the same package. Boring people suck. Quiet people suck. And if they outweigh me (which doesnt take much) I will for sure kick her to the curb.
But I'm not all that picky. No uglies though. And blondes are a thing of the past. Reds and Bru's for me.
04-09-2009, 12:51 PM
For me the girl has to be outgoing but not crazy (i'm enough of that!). She has to be respectfull but also be able to have a good time. If she has a nice body and great looks those are a bonus. I've dates some girls who were just drop dead georgous and I've also dated some not so much but it came down to how they acted and their personality. I dated a girl who thought she made me look better in public and I don't need that. She was stuck on herself and that was a real turn off. I married a girl whos laid back but can go out and have a good time too. A girl whos nice looking and has a nice body to go with her great personality. All of her friends who I've talked to always have great things to say about her and my familly loves her so I think I made the right choice.
04-09-2009, 01:06 PM
I'm not as picky on looks as some guys. There is no "type" for me... I appreciate the looks in all sorts of girls. I will admit that I like a "fit" girl... but part of that is because they are more likely to enjoy the things I enjoy, and not mind being outside (no matter what the occasion is).
Pretty common thing I here people say is that the girl has to be skinnier than the guy... I can't do that it's illegal for me to date most girls who weigh that little because of age (I only weigh 125).
Personality is a must... there are some girls I won't even CONSIDER simply based on conversation.
I can't STAND a smoker. Only been with one, it was a fling, and she claims to have stopped now.
Sounds pretty shallow, but she has to be into sex/affection. I've dated one girl who simply wasn't into it at all, and it got worse the longer we dated. Hard to call her out on that.
A similar sense of humor, and someone who catches on to my odd sense of humor is a HUGE plus. I've only met two girls who kept up without a hitch. Unfortunatly, I live in Houston.... one is in Cali, one in NY.
04-09-2009, 07:47 PM
I think it starts out with looks then moves on to personality. If you pass the "looks" part and you think they are physically attractive, then you move on to personality to measure that also. If they arent a total bitch and are pretty cool, then you can go from there. For me at least, first thing (I bet many others are like this too) I notice is looks.
Its hard to say.. Some people are kinda outta there and everyone just likes different things.
04-09-2009, 08:36 PM
I really like reading everyones responces, very interesting, and most are not what I expected to hear!
04-09-2009, 09:06 PM
Eyes, smile, and fun personality. My wife has them all and she can turn a bad day into a great day when she gets them all going at once.
Oh yeah, I like square butts and I cannot lie...YouTube - Square Butts Burger King Music Video with SpongeBob Square Pants
04-09-2009, 09:23 PM
im attracted to any girl that hates my car, is atleast cute and only has 1 chin i like to keep the weight to within 25lbs of myself but im not picky the personality and alcoholism is a BIG deterrent for me, i cant stand a drunk bitch.
the dark look is a HUGE plus though but the straight Emo chicks are a BIG hell no. i think piericings are attractive but no tatoos.. i guess in a way i am very picky but looks dont matter so much as personality but they go hand in hand... ever heard of pleasantly plump? im down wth that but i just cant deal with rolls lol
i always told my mom, i can date a bigger girl, a dumb girl or an ugly girl but no fat dumb ugly bitches lol
04-09-2009, 09:31 PM
blonde hair, blue eyes, C or Ds, nice ass, clear skin, wash board stomach, firm legs, inbetween 5 foot 2 and 5 6, 110-130 pounds, etc
yea im kinda pickey but you already knew that lol
04-10-2009, 08:18 AM
i will agree with slow that i just can't bring myself to date a girl thats over 5'8...i like short girls for some reason, lol. i'm 6'1 but i really like short girls
04-10-2009, 08:32 AM
i will agree with slow that i just can't bring myself to date a girl thats over 5'8...i like short girls for some reason, lol. i'm 6'1 but i really like short girls
well if the girl was over 5 8 she would be taller then me:jest:
04-10-2009, 08:36 AM
i dont think height has anything to do with my selection. they could be 6' as long as there not lik a man. but these days it seems lik all girl are short (atleast to me)
i also think that a girl has to be willing to do the things i like. my gf had no interest in cars, baseball, or surfing. and now she has a board, loves watchin me play, and loves the strip.
04-10-2009, 08:37 AM
Honestly for me, its sort of weird. I CANT find a girl attractive until i know her, until then shes just another girl to me.
Doesnt seem to matter anyways cause i get blindsided and fucked over by all of them anyways, but thats what it is for me haha. :D
04-10-2009, 09:56 AM
i dont think height has anything to do with my selection. they could be 6' as long as there not lik a man. but these days it seems lik all girl are short (atleast to me)
i also think that a girl has to be willing to do the things i like. my gf had no interest in cars, baseball, or surfing. and now she has a board, loves watchin me play, and loves the strip.
baseball huh? i'm beginning to like you more and more...any chance you have a vagina?
04-10-2009, 10:00 AM
baseball huh? i'm beginning to like you more and more...any chance you have a vagina?
lol no sorry. im rehabbing from shoulder surgery hopin to walk on to the team at college. probably wont be good till im a sophmore
04-10-2009, 11:34 AM
what did you do to your shoulder? i pitched when i was in college and started playing fat man softball...found out i had a torn labrum, broken bone, and moderate-severe tear of my rotator cuff, lol
04-10-2009, 11:50 AM
they never found anything to big with it. im a pitcher and last year i could barely throw 20' without bad pain. they tried all the shots and all then went in tightened it up my labrum was frayed and that was about it now 9 months later im barely throwin 90' but im doin it with no pain and im startin to be able to put some velocity on it. its still tight but its gettin looser lik it should. but i lost many opportunities at schools and scholarship offers since it happened befor my senior year so i didnt sign with any schools now im kinda screwed unless it heals and i can walk on. i dont wanna ruin the thread though so if you want you can pm me or somethin.
04-10-2009, 12:28 PM
Would you two get a room :D
04-10-2009, 12:45 PM
Besides whats been mentioned, personality, looks and so on. For me its important that she has a realistic perception of the world and how things work. I dated a couple girls that were younger than me, never had a job, and the way they kind of viewed things were real childish. They always got what they wanted and thought they knew every thing and how the world worked. Also, how they act after you have sex with them is important, a lot of girls change, when your dating them, they put up a front, they like your friends, hobbies, taste in stuff and then when they give it up, every thing changes.
Speed Density
04-10-2009, 01:30 PM
If she wears and optispark necklace.
04-10-2009, 02:54 PM
If she wears and optispark necklace.
04-10-2009, 03:44 PM
if the girl has a faster car then me i cant even talk to them hahahahaha thats embarassing
04-10-2009, 07:08 PM
blonde hair, blue eyes, C or Ds, nice ass, clear skin, wash board stomach, firm legs, inbetween 5 foot 2 and 5 6, 110-130 pounds, etc
yea im kinda pickey but you already knew that lol
lol Demello.. and I bet none of these girls around here u been hooking up with meet that criteria..and ur pickey when it comes to everything! Even freakin pizza rolls. lol
if the girl has a faster car then me i cant even talk to them hahahahaha thats embarassing
lol than I guess u cant talk to me! ! :D
04-10-2009, 07:30 PM
04-10-2009, 11:19 PM
In case anyone read my previous post. The date went great! :D
04-11-2009, 06:04 AM
if the girl has a faster car then me i cant even talk to them hahahahaha thats embarassing
if a girl has a faster car and knows how to drive it...thats bonus points!!!
04-11-2009, 07:11 AM
yeah unless that faster car is a ford then there is no bonus points
04-11-2009, 09:41 AM
She has to be attractive to me at least. There has to physical attraction. But the biggie is personality. You can be the hottest girl on the Earth but if you have an attitude thats absolute shit your just another dumb bimbo. Blue and green eyes. Brunette. I'm not too picky. My PERFECT girl is Jenna Fischer from The Office. I'd marry her right NOW. :laugh:
04-11-2009, 10:19 AM
Well for me, its big eyes, not to thin eyebrows. full lips, and long wavy hair. a energetic personality that is outgoing but shy at the same time.
That gets me going.
Now what I hate in a girl is: when she knows she is hot and acts like it, if a girl smokes, if a girl cusses, if a girl has a tattoo, and if a girl is stupid
those thing are an absolute turn off for me.
04-11-2009, 10:29 AM
another thing that i like alot i love girls with wavey or scrunched hair. i hate girls that straighten their hair all the time id rather see i wavey
04-11-2009, 11:02 AM
if the girl has a faster car then me i cant even talk to them hahahahaha thats embarassing
WTF you talkin about?? You marry her fast if you find a girl like that!!
Lots of good stuff in this thread!!
04-11-2009, 11:46 AM
For me there has to b that inital first physical attration. But after that they have to b able to hold their own in a conversation. Kinda pointless if it feels like ur talking to a manican. Their personality to me has a big part in my decision to continue to talk to them. When i first met my gf she came off as a bitch like most girls do when they know that they r attractive. I knew she was a smart ass and just threw it back in her face when she came at me with comments and well some of the things i did made her speechless. Ended up telling me that no1 had ever done that before and since then she told me that i pretty much had her at the cliche line "had me at hello". Pretty much comes down to how they hold themselves with being in situations that they arnt use to. Their reactions tell all.
04-11-2009, 05:56 PM
lol Demello.. and I bet none of these girls around here u been hooking up with meet that criteria..and ur pickey when it comes to everything! Even freakin pizza rolls. lol
3 of them do....
EDIT, besides the eyes and boobs lol
04-11-2009, 06:28 PM
its hot if a girl has a Dark Shadow Grey Camaro LT1/M6
04-11-2009, 07:13 PM
its hot if a girl has a Dark Shadow Grey Camaro LT1/M6
are you trying to hit on my sister?
04-11-2009, 07:32 PM
are you trying to hit on my sister?
I can't tell if you are joking or not???
If not you can't be serious to think that if someone starts a thread, they are female, and attractive on a message forum that someone is not going to put something like that....
I would have at least thought you'd have put a smile behind the "don't" if you were messing around.
04-11-2009, 08:38 PM
when someone is unavailable that always seems to make them a little more attractive
04-12-2009, 05:32 AM
beautiful girls come in all races and ethnicities, i guess the eyes and smile do it for me. fit/semi-thick. but with millions of these around, it is the personality that makes the difference between lust and love.
04-12-2009, 09:33 AM
I can't tell if you are joking or not???
If not you can't be serious to think that if someone starts a thread, they are female, and attractive on a message forum that someone is not going to put something like that....
I would have at least thought you'd have put a smile behind the "don't" if you were messing around.
Lol Brandon he is just playing :D
04-12-2009, 10:06 AM
04-12-2009, 11:44 AM
Eye, Smile, The way she caries herself
04-13-2009, 10:43 AM
Lol Brandon he is just playing :D
Well that's what I figured...LOL. Some brothers (I know he's not your real brother) are that protective of their sister. I just wanted him to know you are safe here:peace2:
04-14-2009, 02:43 PM
Well that's what I figured...LOL. Some brothers (I know he's not your real brother) are that protective of their sister. I just wanted him to know you are safe here:peace2:
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