View Full Version : Fast & Furious April 3rd

03-25-2009, 05:03 PM
So whos all going to see it? I am. I wanna check it out, expecially since I saw all the other ones.


03-25-2009, 05:06 PM
I've already promised 2-3 friends I'd see it with them. Hopefully with a FnF, 2F2F, Tokyo Drift Marathon leading up to it.

03-25-2009, 05:17 PM
Yay. I see the hood of a real car.

Im not excited, but Im sure someone will drag me to it :D

Im sure that blown muscle gets whooped by some NAWSSZZZ chugging civic anyways. With the whole star wars effect going on when they hit that NAASWWZZZ.

03-25-2009, 05:19 PM
I'll wait until the week after its debut. It'll only be $5 then :)

03-25-2009, 05:25 PM
I'll wait until the week after its debut. It'll only be $5 then :)

True story, then it might be possible...

03-25-2009, 05:35 PM
I've already promised 2-3 friends I'd see it with them. Hopefully with a FnF, 2F2F, Tokyo Drift Marathon leading up to it.
or you could just go do a gay-bar hop lol

03-25-2009, 05:35 PM
Going for the "lawls".

03-25-2009, 05:35 PM
Not me... I hate that whole line of movies. Mainly because I blame the makers of them for the large rice population out on the street. It makes kids think their cavaliers are factory race cars, and with a body kit, spoiler, and fart cannon, they can beat any car out on the streets and everyone is out to race them.

Thats the main reason why I hate those movies.. They promote rice. Plain and simple. Theyre very dramatic too. The last one I saw was 2F2F. And that WILL be the last one I ever see too.. Unless I am drunk or something. Then maybe. But other than that, not a chance in hell. I liked when they hit the NAAAWWZZZ button in 2F2F and everything around them looked blury, then they zoom out, and they are going no faster than like 40mph... If even that fast.

And all they are doing is ruining American muscle cars too. Sure, the older muscle cars with the blowers on them are sick... But when you destroy them by running them into a truck and taking the Yenko Camaro and launching (it had to have been at least 1/4mile that car was in the air for) into a boat.. Or even taking a skyline motor and throwing it in a old mustang... Those dont do a damn thing for me. All they are doing is ruining the rep. of those cars and destroying them.

I hate those movies... Sorry if I made anyone mad with this post.. But I just dont like these movies. They give kids bad advise and wrong perceptions of things. One kid asked me "So... Do you go out and race your Formula every night?" I said "No..." He said "Oh.. Where does everyone race then?" I told him the location where some of it takes place and he said "How do they do it there.. There arent and turns or bends like there are in the fast and the furious movies.. Or intersections.." :| I told him that nobody really does that shit.. And take everything the fast and the furious tought you and do the opposite.

03-25-2009, 05:48 PM
i'm going to go see it, mainly because i've seen the others.. and i'll just wonder how it is if i don't go see it.

just a tip, try and park away from everybody lol. imagine all the "ricers" leaving the theater all pumped.. you KNOW everybody is going to be haulin' ass out of that theater parking lot, kickin' rocks everywhere.. haha

03-25-2009, 05:51 PM
I hate those movies... Sorry if I made anyone mad with this post.. But I just dont like these movies.
You shouldn't make anyone mad with your statements. I agree it is probably the largest promotion of rice and dangerous driving. The movies are horrible, but can be good for a couple of laughs.

Counted Out
03-25-2009, 06:03 PM
Fact: Street racing related deaths nearly doubled in 2000, the same year the first Fast and Furious came out.

I did a report on Street Racing for school, I was surprised myself.

I will most likely check out the movie after it gets put into the cheap theater. I've seen all the other ones, so mite as well.

03-25-2009, 06:05 PM
LOL , our car club is going to the drive in's to see it .. i gotta say long live Muscle

03-25-2009, 06:24 PM
I'll check it out just not the fast few weeks

03-25-2009, 06:33 PM
Fact: Street racing related deaths nearly doubled in 2000, the same year the first Fast and Furious came out.

I did a report on Street Racing for school, I was surprised myself.

I will most likely check out the movie after it gets put into the cheap theater. I've seen all the other ones, so mite as well.
Should PM me that report, I'd kind of like to read it.

03-25-2009, 06:45 PM
im going because it actually looks like its gonna be good, i didnt even watch the tokyo one because it just looked stupid

03-25-2009, 07:09 PM
Never watched tokyo drift, well 5 minutes of it one time.
But, this one looks like its gonna be different than the others and should have some cool effects in it.

03-25-2009, 07:22 PM
I will admit too that this one looked better than the other ones from my POV, but I still saw a shit load of rice in the movie though (which should be expected). I just have a feeling that a nice muscle car is going to be wrecked in the movie, which I absolutely hate seeing. I forgot about the Saleen Mustang in 2F2F. That pissed me off. I love those cars, and to see one f***ed up like that made me sick. Literally.. I wanted to cry. Why would you do that? I hope they used a V6 and put a body kit on it. They should have used a ricer for that part so then I couldnt have laughed at it and not felt bad (I probibly would have liked the movie more).

03-25-2009, 07:35 PM
Dont worry they dont wreck the nice cars. I read an article in Hotrod and they use a nice car for the still shots and junkyard cars for stunts.

03-25-2009, 07:37 PM
Dont worry they dont wreck the nice cars. I read an article in Hotrod and they use a nice car for the still shots and junkyard cars for stunts.

Really? So what was the car they sent under the tractor trailer truck then? It looked a lot like a Saleen to me (unless it was just a V6 with a body kit or something). And what about the charger too?

03-25-2009, 07:49 PM
just re-read part of the article. They used 3 junk chargers they bought off craigslist and ebay for stunt cars, and installed 350 and turbo 400s for the drivetrains to keep costs cheap. they didnt say anything about the saleen, but I would assume that due to keeping costs down they wouldnt destroy a real one.
So, they did destroy 3 chargers that probably could have been restored.
Its a very interesting article. Im not too crazy about the movies themselves but the guys who actually built the cars had a lot of blood sweat and tears in them.
They built a chevelle and a camaro specifically for wheelies for the new movie. Should be intersesting to say the least.

03-25-2009, 08:00 PM
just re-read part of the article. They used 3 junk chargers they bought off craigslist and ebay for stunt cars, and installed 350 and turbo 400s for the drivetrains to keep costs cheap. they didnt say anything about the saleen, but I would assume that due to keeping costs down they wouldnt destroy a real one.
So, they did destroy 3 chargers that probably could have been restored.
Its a very interesting article. Im not too crazy about the movies themselves but the guys who actually built the cars had a lot of blood sweat and tears in them.
They built a chevelle and a camaro specifically for wheelies for the new movie. Should be intersesting to say the least.
I'm going with a bunch of buddies for my birthday at the IMAX showing. Should be decent. :cool:

03-25-2009, 08:05 PM
Ok... So let me get this streight.. They not only ruined 1 charger.. But 2 others!!!! :face_shocked: Now I'm officially NEVER seeing any of those movies... IDC if they have The fast and the Furious: Camaros shitting on ricers movie come out.. I WONT even go to watch that simply because I am disgusted with them. 3 chargers that probibly could have been restored into nice looking cars were wrecked.. Wonder how many Camaros they f***ed up in the 2nd one or Nova's for that matter too.. The more I think about it, I remember more and more American cars being f***ed up in those movies. :frustrated:

03-25-2009, 08:09 PM
I bet you hate the guys who produced Dukes of Hazard. lol.
30 for the movie and over 300 for the shows. :face_shocked:

03-25-2009, 08:13 PM
I bet you hate the guys who produced Dukes of Hazard. lol.
30 for the movie and over 300 for the shows. :face_shocked:

WHAT!! Jessica Simpson looked damn good in that movie so I dont really care that much. :drool:. But thats insane though. I didnt realize that.

03-25-2009, 08:44 PM
Damn, Camaro 94!! You got some built up hatred trying to get out. Just breathe...breathe and say it's just a movie. :D LOL. Lot's of cool cars get destroyed in lots of movies.

I'll prolly go see it. Not on the top of the to-do list though.

03-25-2009, 09:07 PM
Damn, Camaro 94!! You got some built up hatred trying to get out. Just breathe...breathe and say it's just a movie. :D LOL. Lot's of cool cars get destroyed in lots of movies.

I'll prolly go see it. Not on the top of the to-do list though.

Yeah.. I live at an intersection and get to listen to those pieces of shit ricers launch their cars at the intersections every night. Its annoying.

03-26-2009, 08:36 AM
Lots of times the cars they destroy are simply shells. Although they MIGHT have been restorable... sometimes they are simply trashed, and have enough body work done to get a good shot (maybe even computer graphics to fix them if the body work wasn't good enough). Eleanor (gone in 60 seconds) was simply a fabricated shell that got crushed if I remember correctly.

I'll see it... cause it's entertainment, and it keeps my attention. They aren't "good" movies, but I enjoy them.

03-26-2009, 08:52 AM
So whos all going to see it? I am. I wanna check it out, expecially since I saw all the other ones.

Admit it, you are just going to see Paul Walker....Or is Vin more your type?

03-26-2009, 10:07 AM
So whos all going to see it? I am. I wanna check it out, expecially since I saw all the other ones.


Only because they have cars with these kinds of engines!! ^^^^

03-27-2009, 09:05 AM
only if they have an lt1 in the movie!

03-27-2009, 12:08 PM
my car can do wheelies, i saw it on fast and furious.

03-27-2009, 09:33 PM
my car can do wheelies, i saw it on fast and furious.
my car can do a wheelie while doin a burnout:tt2:

Counted Out
03-27-2009, 11:36 PM
Should PM me that report, I'd kind of like to read it.
I would but honestly I kind of rushed it, so after I turned it in I never really kept track of it.

There is a report (one of the VERY few) out there that was done by some college - it was VERY good. I'll try tracking it down.

Honestly my report is very similar to it because finding good information on the subject if very hard.