03-02-2009, 11:43 AM
I posted this on another forum but since you folks are like faimly to me I figured you should have a chuckle at my expense as well. Enjoy........
Yea a ZIT!! I'm 41 years old and I'm still getting zits?! What the hell is going on there?!?!? Ok just because I act like a teen at times doesn't mean my face has to represent it!! Ok I know what your thinking! Ok so you have a little zit. What's the big deal? Dude!! I have what looks like another head growing out of my face!!!!!!! Not cool! How am I supposed to pick up on chicks with a humongus growth hanging out of my face?! Think about it. I'll be like "he beby" and they ladies will be like "ew wuts that?" then I'll have to think quick! "Uh, it's just the dead fetus of my twin brother!". Good one! Ok maybe that won't work. And it's not one of those little zits that you won't even notice if you looked at me and it's not in a remote location that no eyes ever look at. It's not on my forehead or on my cheek it's smack dab right at the end of my nose!! At the end of my nose! For thoss who didn't read it right AT THE END OF MY BIG NOSE!! Looks like a bad imitation of rudolph the red nose reindeer, bozo the clown or anyone else you can think of with a red nose! I was walking toward my co-worker and she all of the sudden stopped. Baffled and dumb founded I asked "why did you stop?" to which she replied "I saw the red light on your nose!".......????.....b*tch! If I want sh*t I'll squeez your face!!! Not going to be a good day for o'l runner!
Yea a ZIT!! I'm 41 years old and I'm still getting zits?! What the hell is going on there?!?!? Ok just because I act like a teen at times doesn't mean my face has to represent it!! Ok I know what your thinking! Ok so you have a little zit. What's the big deal? Dude!! I have what looks like another head growing out of my face!!!!!!! Not cool! How am I supposed to pick up on chicks with a humongus growth hanging out of my face?! Think about it. I'll be like "he beby" and they ladies will be like "ew wuts that?" then I'll have to think quick! "Uh, it's just the dead fetus of my twin brother!". Good one! Ok maybe that won't work. And it's not one of those little zits that you won't even notice if you looked at me and it's not in a remote location that no eyes ever look at. It's not on my forehead or on my cheek it's smack dab right at the end of my nose!! At the end of my nose! For thoss who didn't read it right AT THE END OF MY BIG NOSE!! Looks like a bad imitation of rudolph the red nose reindeer, bozo the clown or anyone else you can think of with a red nose! I was walking toward my co-worker and she all of the sudden stopped. Baffled and dumb founded I asked "why did you stop?" to which she replied "I saw the red light on your nose!".......????.....b*tch! If I want sh*t I'll squeez your face!!! Not going to be a good day for o'l runner!