View Full Version : Have someone interested in buying my Formula
02-07-2009, 11:08 PM
Someones going to be stopping by tommrow to check my Formula out. They sounded pretty serious about it too. Not sure how to feel about it. I love my Formula, and dont really want to let it go... But in order for me to try another car out (lookin for 98-02 T/A's), its gotta go. Eventually I plan on hopping back into a LT1 car again... But I just gotta go explore whats out there first.
This was the first car I've truely ever had fun with, that makes me grin everytime I get in and start it up.
I hated seeing my 2 other Camaro's go (both V6's) before I got this one.... But I wasnt anywhere near as attached to them as I am with this one. Dont really know why... But I am.
I'll let everyone know tommrow the status of my Formula.
02-07-2009, 11:18 PM
Well good luck man
02-07-2009, 11:49 PM
Good luck dude. It'll be a sad day. Hopefully you stick around though!
02-08-2009, 12:01 AM
Good luck dude. It'll be a sad day. Hopefully you stick around though!
I'll definately still be here.. This is probibly my favorite/most visited forum I belong to. LT1 or no LT1.. I plan on staying ;). I still love LT1's too.
02-08-2009, 01:11 AM
If you like it, why are you selling it?
02-08-2009, 01:11 AM
Say goodbye to lowend torque.
Just kidding, I wish I had a good enough job to afford an ls1 car right now.
02-08-2009, 02:56 AM
If you like it, why are you selling it?
2 Main reasons...
The first reason is because I really want to own an LS1 car and to see what thats like.
The second reason is because it keeps reminding me of an accident I was in last September. I was extremely lucky, and dont know how I wasnt injured any worse than what I was. I hit a guard rail 30-40mph head on with it, and the only damage to the car was basically the front bumper and fenders. Other than that.. Nothin. As for me, I had a bad concussion and a neck injury (would have been a whole lot worse if I wasnt wearing a seatbelt), but it still should have been a lot worse. Spinning out in rush hour traffic and avoiding bumper to bumper traffic, I'm still wondering how I didnt hit any other cars. And If the car would have spun out about another 15 feet ahead, the car probibly would have flipped. It still started right up 2 days later when I went out to my driveway and started it.. My father actually drove it around the block and nothing was wrong with it mechanically. Its just something I'd like to forget about, and its hard when you get in it everyday and drive around.
I thought about storing it away, but its too nice of a car for that. I love the car, but I'd just like to move on for that reason and to try something new.
I have no doubts that later on I will be behind the wheel of an LT1 powered car again in the future though.
02-08-2009, 08:39 AM
He is selling it because he hangs out at New Era Performance and those guys tune and mod LS1's all day long, that's why.
You can't fool me!
02-08-2009, 12:31 PM
He is selling it because he hangs out at New Era Performance and those guys tune and mod LS1's all day long, that's why.
You can't fool me!
LOL! I dont work there anymore... Well, I kinda do, but I dont. I'm still going to be doing all their detail work, but I dont go there everyday anymore, and now will be working on commision. I havent been there for about the past month.
They still do work on LT1's pretty often, but they usually get more LS1 cars in there. They built this nasty 396 LT1 Camaro last summer.
02-08-2009, 12:59 PM
They are great guys there! tell Mike to get another BBQ going asap! I want to sneak some pics of studderin's setup 'cause you know he's up to no good! Is Mike getting a 2010 Camaro as a shop car?
02-08-2009, 02:55 PM
Johnnys got a whole new set-up goin this year on his Z28 (a least since the LSXShootout). I think hes got some new ported heads goin on it sometime soon also.
Mike has been talking a lot about getting one. He really wants to at least. He's already got a lot of project cars that he owns right now: Trailblazer SS (STS Turbo project), G8 GT (I think its the fastest N/A one right now), and his Cobalt SS project. I think he said he has to get rid of something before he gets the new Camaro though.
And I'll tell him that next summer we should have another BBQ there. We were planning one for this summer, but we were just sooo busy over the summer.
02-08-2009, 02:57 PM
OOhh.. and heres an update.. Just got back from meeting the guy, and he says he's very interested in it. He's looking at one more Camaro, but he says he loves my Formula and says he will most likely be contacting me by the end of next week and we'll be going from there.
It seems like its going to a good home too.
02-08-2009, 03:27 PM
Johnnys got a whole new set-up goin this year on his Z28 (a least since the LSXShootout). I think hes got some new ported heads goin on it sometime soon also.
John is always :sneaky: , I will believe it when I see it, lol. He's always 2 or 3 steps ahead of the crowd.
02-08-2009, 03:57 PM
He really does have a new set-up.. :laugh:
He blew his old motor around september of last year, and sent it to a machine shop and built it up (I think its a 347 now), and put a lot of new stuff in it. It made 450+rwhp. He was porting his new LS6 heads the last week I was at New Era.
02-08-2009, 04:16 PM
Good luck!
FYI I regretted selling my first LT1 and getting a LS1 ever since the day I did it. Just never had as much love for the car and the LS1 was faster for the mods. Now im back with my LT1 and staying here.
02-08-2009, 04:33 PM
Good luck!
FYI I regretted selling my first LT1 and getting a LS1 ever since the day I did it. Just never had as much love for the car and the LS1 was faster for the mods. Now im back with my LT1 and staying here.
What kind of car did you have?? I have a feeling I will be back into the LT1 game at some point too (would love to own one of each). What about it didnt you like though?
02-08-2009, 09:36 PM
I had a brand new 97 Formula then a brand new 00 Formula. I drove in with the 97 and left with the 00. The LT1 just seems and drives more like a Muscle car and IMO looks and sounds way better.
The ls1 was more of a top end feel= NOT nearly as fun on the street.
Its up 2 you just saying how i felt.
02-08-2009, 10:07 PM
Yeah. There are a lot of things I love about my Formula right now... It sounds pretty nasty for the mods it has, its the first car I've ever owned that had some performance to it, and its pretty much the way I currently want it. Makes for one hell of a DD.
BUT, with the whole LS1 thing... I'd get better gas milage (would also only look for 6 speeds, unless I got an absolutely amazing deal on a A4), respond better to mods, and be faster stock than I currently am right now (and it probibly wouldnt stay stock for long either :D).
Nothin beats the sound of a cammed LT1 with some exhaust work though.
02-09-2009, 03:27 PM
The difference isnt night and day and your LT1 will feel faster than the LS1 even if it isnt. Dont kid yourself into beleiving they are the fastest thing on the street and touched by God, its only a couple 10ths if that, and there are plenty of slow LS1s out there too. They just dont post as much. You could very easily end up with a 14 sec LS1. Ive seen them many many times at the track.
My 97 wasnt as fast as my 00 mod per mod, but my 96 WS6 is much faster than both mod per mod. Just a thought.
02-09-2009, 04:01 PM
Im not trying to talk you out of it, because I want an ls1 ws6 bad, but when I got to the track there are usually 10 ls1 cars to every lt1.
I like my lt1 camaro because you dont see many nice ones on the streets anymore, most of them end up like my firebird, abused and worn out.
Most of the ls1s I see at the track run between 13.5 and 14.5 counting fbodys and GTOs, but there was the catback only trans am that ran a 12.8.
02-09-2009, 07:56 PM
I dont think I'll ever get over the sound of my Formula though. I've heard several LS1 cars with similar set-ups, and they dont have the deep tone like mine does.
Like I said though, I know I will be back into the seat of an LT1 car in the future, but as of now, I just want to see what different cars are like. I eventually would like to own a 99-04 GT (would really love an 03-04 Cobra, but thats just me dreaming right now :laugh:).
02-09-2009, 09:22 PM
Kinda interesting news just came up for me... Which many of you might like. Might be back into the LT1 game sooner than I though.
A friend of mine said he would sell me his LT1 Camaro: H/C/I - 6 speed - 83K miles - and a few other things - and its well within my price range right now too. Said it should be making about 400rwhp (dont know the specs on the set-up right, PMing him back and forth right now).
I dont know what to do anymore... Just when I thought I had everything figured out, this comes up. :doh:. I really want an LS1 car... But this is a pretty bad ass car too...
I'm also thinking that might be too much power for me right now also. I'm only 18, and I know that I would get into some trouble with that... And I dont know how good of a DD it would be in the summer. Definately wouldnt even consider driving it in the winter.
02-09-2009, 09:43 PM
Kinda interesting news just came up for me... Which many of you might like. Might be back into the LT1 game sooner than I though.
A friend of mine said he would sell me his LT1 Camaro: H/C/I - 6 speed - 83K miles - and a few other things - and its well within my price range right now too. Said it should be making about 400rwhp (dont know the specs on the set-up right, PMing him back and forth right now).
I dont know what to do anymore... Just when I thought I had everything figured out, this comes up. :doh:. I really want an LS1 car... But this is a pretty bad ass car too...
I'm also thinking that might be too much power for me right now also. I'm only 18, and I know that I would get into some trouble with that... And I dont know how good of a DD it would be in the summer. Definately wouldnt even consider driving it in the winter.
Wow thats a tough decision now!! I think if your worried that you cant handle the power lol than go with the LS1 and keep it stock maybe? But I think it is bad ass to have a powerful LT1 and I am sure with some practice you would be able to handle it fine.. well whats the condition of this camaro? have any pics?
02-09-2009, 09:49 PM
Wow thats a tough decision now!! I think if your worried that you cant handle the power lol than go with the LS1 and keep it stock maybe? But I think it is bad ass to have a powerful LT1 and I am sure with some practice you would be able to handle it fine.. well whats the condition of this camaro? have any pics?
He said its in very good condition. He buys, build, and sells them. Seems like he's got a new one and lets one go about every week. I'm trying to see if he can get me some pics of it. Awhile back Brice made a post about one of his LS1 Z28's he wanted to trade him... Same guy who wanted to trade cars with him wants to sell me this one. He's probibly one of the smartest guys I know in regards to LT1's, and I know he doesnt buy and sell junk cars. I almost bought a 95 Z28 Convertable off him too over the summer, but the deal never fell through. I'll get some pictures up as soon as I get some from him.
But even with my Formula right now, I'm truely suprised I dont get into trouble with it. Several close calls on the street, but havent been caught yet *knocks on wood*. 260rwhp to 400+rwhp is a big jump...
02-09-2009, 09:55 PM
But even with my Formula right now, I'm truely suprised I dont get into trouble with it. Several close calls on the street, but havent been caught yet *knocks on wood*. 260rwhp to 400+rwhp is a big jump...
I went from driving my car to driving a 600 hp (on the street tune) Cobra, and Ill tell ya , thats a big jump, but not as hard to handle as I thought... maybe you could drive that Camaro a little bit and see how you like it?
02-09-2009, 10:03 PM
I went from driving my car to driving a 600 hp (on the street tune) Cobra, and Ill tell ya , thats a big jump, but not as hard to handle as I thought... maybe you could drive that Camaro a little bit and see how you like it?
That LT1 would definately be the most powerful I've ever driven on the street (have driven several other bad ass cars moving them in the parking lot to get them into a spot to clean them, but never actually drove one before, and would definately be way to scared to drive some of them). Do you DD the cobra in the summer? In the summer, This would be my DD, and dont know what thats going to be like driving a modded one like this all summer though (rain or sunny out, which means I couldnt be on DR's since they would absolutely blow in the rain and then probibly wouldnt be able to get traction in the dry weather either since they really couldnt be on that good of a tire).
02-09-2009, 10:06 PM
That LT1 would definately be the most powerful I've ever driven on the street (have driven several other bad ass cars moving them in the parking lot to get them into a spot to clean them, but never actually drove one before, and would definately be way to scared to drive some of them). Do you DD the cobra in the summer? In the summer, This would be my DD, and dont know what thats going to be like driving a modded one like this all summer though (rain or sunny out, which means I couldnt be on DR's since they would absolutely blow in the rain and then probibly wouldnt be able to get traction in the dry weather either since they really couldnt be on that good of a tire).
yep I dd it all year! I live in florida, so thats what we do here :cool:
02-09-2009, 10:37 PM
Did you even drive it through the rain though??
02-09-2009, 11:09 PM
He said its in very good condition. He buys, build, and sells them. Seems like he's got a new one and lets one go about every week. I'm trying to see if he can get me some pics of it. Awhile back Brice made a post about one of his LS1 Z28's he wanted to trade him... Same guy who wanted to trade cars with him wants to sell me this one. He's probibly one of the smartest guys I know in regards to LT1's, and I know he doesnt buy and sell junk cars. I almost bought a 95 Z28 Convertable off him too over the summer, but the deal never fell through. I'll get some pictures up as soon as I get some from him.
But even with my Formula right now, I'm truely suprised I dont get into trouble with it. Several close calls on the street, but havent been caught yet *knocks on wood*. 260rwhp to 400+rwhp is a big jump...
Your friend sounds just like me, I do the same thing :) I couldn't even tell you how many F-bodies I have owned lol.. I love them!
02-09-2009, 11:28 PM
ive driven a 00 trans am stock. i wasn't impressed, they got top end but low end is not there, you don't get that kick in the pants like you do with a lt1 car.
ill take a lt1 car any day of the year man. i love my formula. end of story.
02-09-2009, 11:45 PM
Not to mention I bought another LT1 car............................................... .....
Just keep you car and keep modding it! You will never have the same love for any car as you do for the formula!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep it start modding it and grab a DD just to get around. Ive driven or owned alot of cars and in the end LT1s Fn rock. My brother in law buys Lambos and Ferraris and Vette Zo6s then sells them and he still compares them to his 94 vette. He wishes he kept.
Anyways I say keep you car and buy something to DD. Look at my car its making 425ish to the rear wheels with H/C! That is bad ass!!!!! Lots of LS1s dont even come close. Everything else is the exact same.
If you buy a mustang you must be blindfolded and shot!!!jk They are fun but in the end its not a Bird and never will be!
02-10-2009, 06:22 PM
He should be sending me some pics of it sometime soon as well as some more info on it.
Its a red hard top, 6 speed, cloth interior. All I know about the appearance soo far.
02-10-2009, 08:37 PM
Sounds just like my car.:):) Its very hard to tell from pics. Make sure you see the car in person first
02-10-2009, 09:29 PM
Yeah. There are a lot of things I love about my Formula right now... It sounds pretty nasty for the mods it has, its the first car I've ever owned that had some performance to it, and its pretty much the way I currently want it. Makes for one hell of a DD.
BUT, with the whole LS1 thing... I'd get better gas milage (would also only look for 6 speeds, unless I got an absolutely amazing deal on a A4), respond better to mods, and be faster stock than I currently am right now (and it probibly wouldnt stay stock for long either :D).
Nothin beats the sound of a cammed LT1 with some exhaust work though.
Sorry, just read this now.
Don't count on getting any better gas mileage with the LS1 over LT1 unless you are absolutely going with a 6 speed and then only highway will you see any better mileage. The LS1's just eat gas, especially in the A4's no matter what the EPA says. Just something to keep in mind.
02-10-2009, 10:28 PM
Here are some pics he sent me of it (doesnt come with those wheels though... They were on one of his other camaros - NBM LS1 Z28 - and just wanted to either get me jealous or see what they look like on it :laugh:)
Photobucket is acting pretty stupid right now... And wouldnt upload the pictures properly.
May sound like a really stupid question, but what should I expect for gas milage if I were to get this one if it had 3.73's?
02-10-2009, 10:39 PM
1994 Z28, Red exterior, grey cloth interior
-never wrecked, no winters
-83k miles
-GM 847 cam (234/242)
-Agostino ported heads
-2.00/1.56" valves
-comp pro mag rockers
-CSR electric water pump
-Vented opti conversion (95+style)
-cloyes double roller timing chain
-true duals exhaust with magnaflow 4x9's AND moroso spiral flo's
-moroso CAI
-42lb injectors
-pacesetter long tubes
-chromoly PHB with rod ends
-Competition Engineering subframe connectors
-3.73 gears
-Spohn LCA relocation brackets
-B&M ripper shifter
-McLeod clutch
-255lph intank fuel pump
Makes right around 400rwhp and is fully tuned and ready to go.
He just sent me that message over on LS1Tech. I'm VERY tempted now. Just gotta ask him a few more things (guess hes got the motor out right now) and we'll go from there.
EDIT: just gave me the option of having a low compression forged 355 in there with a small 214/222 cam. Said it would olny get me about 300rwhp. I guess it used to have a supercharger on it also.
I'm just looking for a fun, strong motor that can handle a little abuse every once in a while and not really have to worry about it much.
02-10-2009, 11:44 PM
I wouldnt do it, it doesnt have t-tops.
Just kiddin, Id be all over that deal.
I would only go with the 355 if I had a supercharger or lots of nitrous to go with it.
02-11-2009, 08:37 AM
^^^ I would probibly put some nitrous on it if I got the 355. :D
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