View Full Version : Strange story... help me if you can please lol

02-05-2009, 08:04 PM
Kinda lengthy but please read if you know anything to ease my mind lol:

-Had car for sale with cell number on autotrader

-Random guy calls three weeks ago asking if he could sell my car for me online at over 60 sites for like $300... says his company runs out of phoenix but I forgot all the info he told me... he then needs my credit card info at which point I lie and say I don't have it with me and might have to get back to him and he gave me an 800 number that I faked to write down lol (obviously I never had intentions of calling him back)

-For the past three weeks I've been getting calls everyday, a couple times a day from a restricted number (same as he called me on) and just been ignoring figuring he will give up

-Last night they accidently leave a message and I can make out someone saying "the trace didn't go through" and then talking about how he can't get ahold of me... and someone else says "is he good?" which is a pretty strange message so I decide to pickup today (while I'm out driving around intentionally not at home) and get the call, pick up and here's what happens:

Me: Hello?
(pauses a few seconds)
caller: I'm calling about the uhh mustang

Me: Ok....... its not for--- (hangs up on me)--sale anymore...

Call lasted 15 seconds on the dot.

So now I'm at home, cell turned off, and looking for some info on cell traces and can only find those reverse lookup sites. I'm wondering if I should be concerned at all about this? I'm always very cautious when it comes to stuff like this, it's just my nature. I don't know anything about how cell phone traces work and I'm wondering if it's possible for traces to actually get your location at all times when the phone is on, or just during the time of the call? Lol now knowing this board, I know some of you may joke about this if I sound stupid but I am actually looking for a little help here just to make sure I shouldn't be walking around strapped or worried someone is going to try and steal the car I was selling lol.

02-05-2009, 08:08 PM
I'm not sure, you might search around and see if its a common scam or not. I put my # on my craigslist ad when I sold the truck and got a couple calls from people trying to sell my truck for me, had potential clients, etc but I'm not interested in dealing with a third party so I'd probably hang up at that point.

Luckily all of those type of calls went to voicemail as I was in class or away from my phone so I just deleted the VM.

02-05-2009, 08:11 PM
I put my truck up forsale and I got the same calls. Its some troll's that browse autotrader and "promise" you that you will get your full asking price. I sold my truck in like 3 weeks because of autotrader, which I thought was pretty good.

Now, the part about them calling you and mumbling in the background blah blah, thats strange. But I wouldnt be worried about it at all.

02-05-2009, 08:11 PM
Yeah, I'm not so much worried about it being a scam, just more or less want to make sure I can turn my phone and not worry about the car being stolen or if I should pack some heat all the time lol.

02-05-2009, 08:17 PM
The message they "accidently" left had some arabic sounding recording playing on repeat in the background and the voices were definately white males, two, maybe three of them. First I hear that the trace didn't go through, then one says he talked to me and hasn't been able to reach me and the other one replies "is he good?" And then theres some talk about trying again first thing in the morning, then I can't make out the rest and then they stop talking for a little until the message ends.

Today I got another message but it was very quick and no one talked, just like they didn't hang up in time.

02-05-2009, 09:07 PM
Dude, someone's out to get you.
You better hope they dont have one of those things like batman had in The Dark Knight.

02-05-2009, 09:55 PM
I would part the car in question in side under lock and chain. They may be trying to do a locate to grab the car.

02-05-2009, 10:27 PM
Might want to head down to the police station and let them know whats goin on. Maybe they can take some legal action against it.

02-05-2009, 10:33 PM
Thats what kinda sucks about this... no room in the garage, we have like 4 cars sitting out front. The Z has an alarm, but everything else has the factory security. Our neighborhood is a pretty good one, but you never know... That's why I waited to answer the call until I was out of the house on the road, at least then they won't have me tracked to my house. But I can tell you if they try something and get caught... I have guns lol

I don't know about going to the police yet, I only really have the message they left and a restricted number on my recent calls... so unless they can trace the calls off my phone I don't know how much use they will be.

02-05-2009, 10:50 PM
call your cell company and see what they can do and explain the information.... i have all restricted #'s blocked from my cell.

02-05-2009, 10:57 PM
call your cell company and see what they can do and explain the information.... i have all restricted #'s blocked from my cell.

That's a good idea I might do that but I'd rather not block ALL restricted calls, and I definately don't want to change my number. I guess I would more or less hope they could find out if anyone did indeed try to trace my phone.

02-05-2009, 11:17 PM
Heres a little update... I listened to the message info in my voicemail and it revealed the number... 6045215515... I reverse searched them and it came up as a landline in New Westminister B.C. in Canada?? Now either the number my voicemail gave me was not a phone number or else somebody from Canada wants my car. I'm not sure what to make of it since the original guy that called me was saying he was in Phoenix I think. And the guys on the message didn't sound Canadian hahaha

02-05-2009, 11:43 PM
that's freaking strange but i think you should deff do something about it....just like they said earlier, you should block restricted numbers

02-05-2009, 11:48 PM
that's freaking strange but i think you should deff do something about it....just like they said earlier, you should block restricted numbers

I mentioned that to my gf and she was like "OMG what if I'm lost and stuck at a payphone and you don't pick up because it's restricted?".... how can I argue with that? lol

But I guess if it came down to it I could do that, normally I just ignore restricted numbers and I usually don't get any expect in these past three weeks.