08-29-2019, 08:50 AM
I know this may not be the right place to start but i figured a bunch of car guys might be able to help me out here. I replaced my transfer case encoder motor on my 2004 suburban 2500. While i had the front driveshaft off, i ended up needing to put the transmission from park into neutral so i could reposition the transfer case to neutral manually from underneath the truck to install the new part. Me being forgetful, i reinstalled everything, lined the driveshaft back up to the marks i made and then got back in the truck and shifted back to park... the question i have is did i just fuck up by doing that? Obviously the shifting linkage is tied into the transfer case or else i would have been able to freely turn the transfer to neutral by hand while the truck was in park. So now im thinking i fucked up and my driveshaft is not properly reinstalled. I also rotated the shaft by hand a bit while i was under it so i have no idea how to get everything lined back up. Any ideas on this or did is it not something i need to worry about?
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