View Full Version : Back to school

05-20-2019, 02:15 PM
Well, with retirement just over the horizon (7 years from August), I decided to go back to school to get my Masters, then possibly look into my options to get into law school.

I fugure since my twp does 100% reimbursement for school, why not get my next career lined up for when i retire (i will only be 50 years old).

Figuee, why not become a lawyer and .ake some money and not have to work 30 hours a week. I can take on as few or as many clients as I want, and my earnings will suppliment my pension (50% of my salary) which I can start collecting as soon as I retire...


Let me tell u, I still hate school and homework.

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05-20-2019, 06:52 PM
My best friend is an attorney. While he plays hard, he works even harder. Too hard I think. Lots of responsibility. If he forgets something, the perception would be “I lost my case because my attorney is an asshole screwup.” I’d rather handle a man with a gun call.

Sounds fun, and lots of cops become attorneys during and after their career. Hell, our Chief is an attorney. I say do something else in retirement. Perhaps work for LEOKA. They impact a lot of officers, new & old, and save lives.

Retirement is only 6 years away for me, if I decide to go, which I probably will unless someone turns up pregnant. And being a big-dummy, with only a diploma and few measly college credits from the Fire Department (volunteer) I don’t see myself doing anything else except turnin’ wrenches and playing golf.

But you did say 100% reimbursement. That sounds really nice, not having a crap ton of college debt and you could do consulting or something else if you don’t like working for Dewey, Cheatem & Howe ;-)

Sent from my Commodore64, excuse typos & brevity.

05-20-2019, 06:57 PM
Your plan sounds like a great idea to get your next career option off the ground why you have the opportunity to take advantage of 100% reimbursement.

Sent from my VS996 using Tapatalk

05-20-2019, 07:11 PM
My best friend is an attorney. While he plays hard, he works even harder. Too hard I think. Lots of responsibility. If he forgets something, the perception would be “I lost my case because my attorney is an asshole screwup.” I’d rather handle a man with a gun call.

Sounds fun, and lots of cops become attorneys during and after their career. Hell, our Chief is an attorney. I say do something else in retirement. Perhaps work for LEOKA. They impact a lot of officers, new & old, and save lives.

Retirement is only 6 years away for me, if I decide to go, which I probably will unless someone turns up pregnant. And being a big-dummy, with only a diploma and few measly college credits from the Fire Department (volunteer) I don’t see myself doing anything else except turnin’ wrenches and playing golf.

But you did say 100% reimbursement. That sounds really nice, not having a crap ton of college debt and you could do consulting or something else if you don’t like working for Dewey, Cheatem & Howe ;-)

Sent from my Commodore64, excuse typos & brevity.No debt at all, and I would only do it here and there to suppliment my retirement income. Between that and all of my investments I should be able to live a pretty chill life, because its not a necessity for me to work at that point... just something to do...

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05-20-2019, 07:12 PM
Your plan sounds like a great idea to get your next career option off the ground why you have the opportunity to take advantage of 100% reimbursement.

Sent from my VS996 using TapatalkYeah, just gotta stick with the extra work load of school and work now. Did i mention i hate school.

LTXtech.com is my drug...

05-20-2019, 08:28 PM
Good luck with whatever you decide. I still hate school....and work.

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

05-20-2019, 08:32 PM
Sounds great. You’re gonna be using big words in here on us, like Worcestershire and judiciary.

Sent from my Commodore64, excuse typos & brevity.

05-20-2019, 08:33 PM
Yeah, just gotta stick with the extra work load of school and work now. Did i mention i hate school.

LTXtech.com is my drug...You did mention that school is an issue. The issue I would have is that it takes somewhere in the neighborhood of 7yrs to complete schooling. Finding a second career can be a challenge.

Sent from my VS996 using Tapatalk

05-20-2019, 08:35 PM
You did mention that school is an issue. The issue I would have is that it takes somewhere in the neighborhood of 7yrs to complete schooling. Finding a second career can be a challenge.

Sent from my VS996 using TapatalkNot if i go into law... i have several ins with the ability to open my own practice as well.

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05-20-2019, 09:23 PM
Not if i go into law... i have several ins with the ability to open my own practice as well.

LTXtech.com is my drug...Then that would be more inviting with ins. Then I would soul searching and continue to work towards it.

Sent from my VS996 using Tapatalk

05-20-2019, 09:42 PM
Good luck

Sent from my SM-T217S using Tapatalk

05-21-2019, 10:21 AM
With 100% tuition reimbursement why not? Plus with your background you'd be a good candidate for Law School I'd think.

05-21-2019, 02:48 PM
With 100% tuition reimbursement why not? Plus with your background you'd be a good candidate for Law School I'd think.Thanku...

LTXtech.com is my drug...

95 blackbird
05-21-2019, 08:45 PM
First off, congratulations to you for working so hard to get yourself into a position to retire so early. I'm definitely jealous.
About the lawyer thing, if you can see yourself doing that go for it, especially with 100% reimbursement. But if you see school as a potential "issue" why not look into another related field?
I don't know........maybe a private detective? Or something along those lines. You can still work for yourself and still pick and choose what jobs you would want to take on. And you definitely have the background for it.
Just my .02.

Sent from my VS501 using Tapatalk

05-21-2019, 09:00 PM
First off, congratulations to you for working so hard to get yourself into a position to retire so early. I'm definitely jealous.
About the lawyer thing, if you can see yourself doing that go for it, especially with 100% reimbursement. But if you see school as a potential "issue" why not look into another related field?
I don't know........maybe a private detective? Or something along those lines. You can still work for yourself and still pick and choose what jobs you would want to take on. And you definitely have the background for it.
Just my .02.

Sent from my VS501 using TapatalkSchool isnt an issue... i just dislike it.

LTXtech.com is my drug...

05-22-2019, 12:08 PM
The Law firm of Po and Po8 has A ring to it Larry [emoji3]
No really good luck

Sent from my HP Pro Slate 8 using Tapatalk

05-22-2019, 01:14 PM
The Law firm of Po and Po8 has A ring to it Larry [emoji3]
No really good luck

Sent from my HP Pro Slate 8 using TapatalkLol... figure aftee all these years on this side, I kmow the ins and outs here. It would give me an advantage on the dark side.

LTXtech.com is my drug...

05-22-2019, 01:16 PM
First off, congratulations to you for working so hard to get yourself into a position to retire so early. I'm definitely jealous.
About the lawyer thing, if you can see yourself doing that go for it, especially with 100% reimbursement. But if you see school as a potential "issue" why not look into another related field?
I don't know........maybe a private detective? Or something along those lines. You can still work for yourself and still pick and choose what jobs you would want to take on. And you definitely have the background for it.
Just my .02.

Sent from my VS501 using TapatalkAlso, I didnt really put myself in any position... thats law enforcement. Many departments are 20 or 25 years of service for full retirement.

Here we just happen to be 25 years of service, must also be 50 years old to collect my pension... well since I got hired at 25 years old... both will hit at the same time.

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05-22-2019, 01:39 PM
That's real nice! Mine is set up on a 30 (years of service)/60(age). I won't be very ambitious to do much when I retire. 50 is still young.

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

05-29-2019, 09:18 PM
Ponch givn me support while I write my papers. https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190530/f7e6c580c60a2dfd99f6b00685001df9.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20190530/9160b7844fcb3a30e35fbe263b4be496.jpg

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05-31-2019, 01:25 PM
You're a shoe-in for law school in my opinion. Definitely go for grad school now. It does not suck nearly as much as the undergrad courses. Best of luck and awesome you're looking forward!

06-01-2019, 07:00 AM
You're a shoe-in for law school in my opinion. Definitely go for grad school now. It does not suck nearly as much as the undergrad courses. Best of luck and awesome you're looking forward!Thanks man, I appreciate the positive reinforcement and support...

From everyone!

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09-01-2019, 11:10 PM
On my 3rd class, and what have I learned so far???

I'm a fkn nerd. Two "A" grades so far. Lol.

LTXtech.com is my drug...

09-02-2019, 10:39 AM
Congratulations on the good grades as you head back to school keep up the good work.

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