07-21-2017, 09:11 PM
So I was just reading through news headlines and I saw 2 that were about people treating cops poorly and I'm sick of it. I was military and thankfully I was in a town that supported us but I did get some bad looks and had plenty of friends with good and bad stories so I feel for you guys. I don't want to turn this into a thank anyone in any kind of service thread. Right now cops are in a bad light for stupid reasons by stupid people and you need to know there are still plenty of people that support you. They put their lives on the line daily and they keep people in check. To Popo and anyone else on here that has anything to do with police service past present or future thank you very much for what you do. Our country wouldn't be as good as it is without you and you keep us free from criminals just as the military keeps us free from other government control.
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