View Full Version : Since I consider you all family...
03-25-2017, 06:49 PM
So my Chief just announced that we will be doing a rank promotion test coming up.
The position will be for 1 Corporal, and will include a small 3% raise.
My question is this... I love my job, and I love being a cops cop... with the guys, "runnin and gunnin."
We have never had official rank before, other than an OIC position that I have also held. Currently though its patrol and Chief, and the OFFICER IN CHARGE position only comes in to play when the Chief is unavailable.
So my question... do I throw my hat in the ring and become a supervisor to the same guys I currently work WITH. Iknow it will change things as I will become the "other side" who has to reprimand when people screw up.
Ill still have my current duties of patrol and investigations, as well as my specialty in accident reconstruction and juvenile abuse crimes...
I know Id rather it be me over some of the other guys i work with that I dont feel could cut the mustard... but at the same time... do I want to be alienated from being one of the guys...? IS my drug...
03-25-2017, 06:52 PM
So my Chief just announced that we will be doing a rank promotion test coming up.
The position will be for 1 Corporal, and will include a small 3% raise.
My question is this... I love my job, and I love being a cops cop... with the guys, "runnin and gunnin."
We have never had official rank before, other than an OIC position that I have also held. Currently though its patrol and Chief, and the OFFICER IN CHARGE position only comes in to play when the Chief is unavailable.
So my question... do I throw my hat in the ring and become a supervisor to the same guys I currently work WITH. Iknow it will change things as I will become the "other side" who has to reprimand when people screw up.
Ill still have my current duties of patrol and investigations, as well as my specialty in accident reconstruction and juvenile abuse crimes...
I know Id rather it be me over some of the other guys i work with that I dont feel could cut the mustard... but at the same time... do I want to be alienated from being one of the guys...? IS my drug...
That's completely up to you man. I'd say go for it personally. How much does being "one of the guys" mean vs making sure things are done right. What if you don't throw your hat in the ring and a less qualified individual becomes the corporal, who then does not cut it, and doesn't do the job properly, how would that make you feel?
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03-25-2017, 06:53 PM
Go with you heart isnt that what is best. I do what I Do cause Love it. Do what your heart says. Thats my input man.
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03-25-2017, 06:54 PM
Leadership is what you make it. Some strive for the role, some are content doing what they are doing. This is a decision based on your career goals.
Where do you see yourself in 5, 10 years? Do you want to be chief? I doubt you'll be alienated based on your personality alone, but the title change could add responsibility that you may not be comfortable with.
My advice is to throw your hat on the ring and at least entertain the thought.
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03-25-2017, 06:55 PM
That's completely up to you man. I'd say go for it personally. How much does being "one of the guys" mean vs making sure things are done right. What if you don't throw your hat in the ring and a less qualified individual becomes the corporal, who then does not cut it, and doesn't do the job properly, how would that make you feel?
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Great points... and as for being one of the guys. Cops are like a clique bunch of school girls. Ive seen it in other depts... friends got rank and all of the sudden they are "dicks" according to the guys that work under them. Visibly alienated... IS my drug...
03-25-2017, 06:56 PM
I say throw your hat in to become a supervisor. I think you can still be one of the guys even while bring in the supervisor position. Granted some relationships will still probably change.
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03-25-2017, 06:58 PM
I moved up past people that I worked with to end up supervising some of them. It has its drawbacks but in the end it was worth the move. The drawbacks were having to be the boss of former equals and having to measure their performance. It took me a while to personally feel comfortable to do that. In the end only 1 person was a dick and he left. Otherwise I am still friends with a few of my direct reports. I know you, you will do fine. You are a fair and genuine person. I say go for it!
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03-25-2017, 06:58 PM
Great points... and as for being one of the guys. Cops are like a clique bunch of school girls. Ive seen it in other depts... friends got rank and all of the sudden they are "dicks" according to the guys that work under them. Visibly alienated... IS my drug...
Would that bother you? Me personally, I've dealt with that for the 7 years so far of my career, and I really don't give a shit. 35 tech's broken down into high school cliques of 5-6 guys each that are all buddy buddy but back stab the others. I got pigeon holed and have been an outsider for a while, because I'll do shit right and call them on their bs. It doesn't really bother me anymore, your feelings may vary.
Union brothers, one will stab you in the back after shaking your hand in front.
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03-25-2017, 07:03 PM
Would that bother you? Me personally, I've dealt with that for the 7 years so far of my career, and I really don't give a shit. 35 tech's broken down into high school cliques of 5-6 guys each that are all buddy buddy but back stab the others. I got pigeon holed and have been an outsider for a while, because I'll do shit right and call them on their bs. It doesn't really bother me anymore, your feelings may vary.
Union brothers, one will stab you in the back after shaking your hand in front.
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The reason it would bother me is only one. When ur not LIKED by the guys... backup always takes longer. Dont get me wrong... im used to working solo and I hardly ever call for back up... but then there is always that one time in the future... IS my drug...
03-25-2017, 07:04 PM
The reason it would bother me is only one. When ur not LIKED by the guys... backup always takes longer. Dont get me wrong... im used to working solo and I hardly ever call for back up... but then there is always that one time in the future... IS my drug...
But that's fucked up because that could be a life or death situation, and if something bad were to happen, I wouldn't want that weighing on my conscious, so that shows what kind of people they are
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03-25-2017, 07:05 PM
But that's fucked up because that could be a life or death situation, and if something bad were to happen, I wouldn't want that weighing on my conscious, so that shows what kind of people they are
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Thats the way it works... its sad, but true. I know I wouls never do that to another brother... even if i hated them... IS my drug...
03-25-2017, 07:06 PM
The reason it would bother me is only one. When ur not LIKED by the guys... backup always takes longer. Dont get me wrong... im used to working solo and I hardly ever call for back up... but then there is always that one time in the future... IS my drug...
If this were to happen because you're a supervisor, then you get to put a boot in someone's ass.
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03-25-2017, 07:07 PM
Go for it!! Your made for a good leader and you can handle your own in any situation. No matter what you'll be the best in any position your in.
mustangs can run..... but birds will fly!!!
03-25-2017, 07:08 PM
If this were to happen because you're a supervisor, then you get to put a boot in someone's ass.
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Absolutely... if it could be proven it would mean termination for them. And there is no guarantee I would be hated... but odds are good, as I only like things done RIGHT. IS my drug...
03-25-2017, 07:56 PM
I say you go for it man. It was the same thing in the military. When you are E4 and below you're one of the guys. The second you become a NCO you are looked at completely differently because you are now leadership. It takes a bit of getting use to for both you and your subordinates, but they will get over it and realize that you are just doing your job. The friendship will come back after the awkward phase is over it just takes a bit of adjusting. Frankly if they cant treat you the same and respect your position they probably weren't that great of a buddy to begin with.
03-25-2017, 08:23 PM
It's a freaking double-edged sword but I've always seen it as, "What works best for me and my family" and "is the headache worth the pay raise."
You know the drawbacks and you also know that the guys you work with will be applying as well. If it's ok with them to supervise you, it should be in them to see you supervise them.
Good luck.
03-25-2017, 09:01 PM
I say you go for it man. It was the same thing in the military. When you are E4 and below you're one of the guys. The second you become a NCO you are looked at completely differently because you are now leadership. It takes a bit of getting use to for both you and your subordinates, but they will get over it and realize that you are just doing your job. The friendship will come back after the awkward phase is over it just takes a bit of adjusting. Frankly if they cant treat you the same and respect your position they probably weren't that great of a buddy to begin with.
What branch were you in? This was exactly what I had to go through when putting on SSgt.
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03-25-2017, 09:03 PM
Army. I ran into it alittle at Sgt and SSG
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03-25-2017, 11:11 PM
Ok... fuk it. Im gonna do it. IS my drug...
03-26-2017, 05:52 AM
I didn't ready everything above because frankly, I'm at the end of a 15+ hour day and freaking wiped. That said......
Larry, ask yourself this. Do you want one of the other guys able to put his thumb down on you, or do you want to be the one putting the thumb down if necessary. Asked differently, do you trust EVERYONE you work with to be a capable supervisor, or do you feel that you'd be the best fit? If you don't trust absolutely everyone, then you've GOT to put your name into the hat simply because these things have a way of getting the worst possible person into a position of authority.
03-26-2017, 08:22 AM
Take the promotion. I have several friends that are above me at work. Never been an issue. We respect each other and understand what our responsibilities are. We alway have each other's back no matter what.
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03-26-2017, 08:57 AM
I didn't read any of the other reply's but in my mind Im always looking to move up, no matter how small a move it is.
Don't hold yourself back now because this small move up will put you in a position later to be next in line for something even better....
03-26-2017, 02:34 PM
Of you've been OIC you've already been a supervisor. The position is just what you make it, a supervisor can be one of the guys by being a leader and setting the example and focusing on the strengths of each team member. People look up to and follow that leadership, it's the "boss" mentality that creates the us vs. them within a department. If you are gonna be OIC at times now, might as well take the pay increase that comes with the added liability! Just my .02.
03-26-2017, 02:39 PM
Army. I ran into it alittle at Sgt and SSG
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Are you still in?
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03-26-2017, 05:04 PM
No I got out about three years ago
04-01-2017, 02:42 PM
So ive purchased all the books I need to learn for the test... 600 bucks worth of books, and thats only cause I bought used... if i bought em new... woulda cost me 1k.
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04-01-2017, 03:57 PM
04-02-2017, 04:43 AM
Im ALL IN now...
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04-02-2017, 08:18 AM
Good luck!
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04-02-2017, 10:32 PM
Good luck!
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Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
04-02-2017, 10:32 PM
My letter of intent and resume, along with a lil note for the chief. ;)
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04-02-2017, 11:58 PM
Good deal good luck
04-03-2017, 01:03 AM
Good deal good luck
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04-03-2017, 08:07 AM
Dedication, and confidence !!! love the sticky lol
04-03-2017, 08:15 AM
bad ass
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04-03-2017, 11:43 AM
Dedication, and confidence !!! love the sticky lol
Lol... thanku. Our chief has a great sense of humor, so i figured let me stand out from the rest early on.
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05-01-2017, 12:05 PM
Sweet Jebus... been reading and studying the required books.
First off... 1000 bucks for the books. One hell of a raquet they have going on there...
Counted all the pages and divided them by all the days I will have to read and study before the writtwmen test.
Its about 2200 pages to read.
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
05-01-2017, 12:05 PM
In case u wondered what a thousand dollars in books looked like. Blah!
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
05-01-2017, 01:07 PM
You can do it. But wow for a 1k of books sure is. Isnt there more?
Sent from my LGLS990 using Tapatalk
05-01-2017, 01:08 PM
You can do it. But wow for a 1k of books sure is. Isnt there more?
Sent from my LGLS990 using Tapatalk
Just the one Im reading now... other than that... they are all in the pic.
And thanku for the vote of confidence. Its only 3 of us competing for this position. So decent odds.
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
05-01-2017, 01:32 PM
You are welcome. Now get back to them books :)
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05-01-2017, 01:35 PM
You are welcome. Now get back to them books :)
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Lol... oh I will, soon as I get up and shower.
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05-01-2017, 01:56 PM
Wow news says a Dallas paramedic was shot responding to a shooting. Well good luck and even though you are not in my neck off the woods. Thank you for your service.
Sent from my HP Pro Slate 8 using Tapatalk
05-01-2017, 07:16 PM
Unfortunately, first responders have become an expendable line item to much of the public. We are dehumanized, and looked at like a THING rather than people.
Its my pleasure to serve man. Thank YOU.
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
Best of luck during this process Larry. Like others have mentioned, I think you'll be a good supervisor. Coming from one of the guys, I've noticed the sergeants that still keep their personality, don't let the position get to their head, still joke around, and most of all, still respond to calls and actually take reports, are the most liked. My shift gets along with our Sgt. very well because he still behaves like one of us and always has our back wether it be on the street or when dealing with admin. Of course if we screw up, then he does his job and corrects it, but at the end of the day we're all still brothers.
On the other hand, there are some supervisors who are known for back stabbing and worse of all not even responding to calls. Needless to say, their shift doesn't work as well as ours.
05-02-2017, 04:38 AM
Best of luck during this process Larry. Like others have mentioned, I think you'll be a good supervisor. Coming from one of the guys, I've noticed the sergeants that still keep their personality, don't let the position get to their head, still joke around, and most of all, still respond to calls and actually take reports, are the most liked. My shift gets along with our Sgt. very well because he still behaves like one of us and always has our back wether it be on the street or when dealing with admin. Of course if we screw up, then he does his job and corrects it, but at the end of the day we're all still brothers.
On the other hand, there are some supervisors who are known for back stabbing and worse of all not even responding to calls. Needless to say, their shift doesn't work as well as ours.
Thanku Brotha. Much appreciated. I will ALWAYS remember where I came from and never expect my guys to do anything I myself wouldn't do. (If I get it).
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
05-04-2017, 11:52 PM
Omg... so buried in reading. 2moro I will try to combine reading and cardio at the gym...
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05-05-2017, 04:16 AM
Larry, a thought, is there an audio study guide for your study materials? If there is, GET IT. I made TSgt in the Air Force solely by listening to my PFE on audio during my work commute and workouts. You'd be amazed how much you pick up not even realizing it.
05-05-2017, 07:27 AM
Larry, a thought, is there an audio study guide for your study materials? If there is, GET IT. I made TSgt in the Air Force solely by listening to my PFE on audio during my work commute and workouts. You'd be amazed how much you pick up not even realizing it.
We have been searching. Cant find anything on audio, for this damn test. It would be perfect if I did.
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
05-05-2017, 02:23 PM
Found an excuse to get back to cardio. Recline bike and studying work well together.
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
05-05-2017, 05:10 PM
Is it easy on the knees? I need to get some, loose some weight after falling at work my knees and back bark at me.
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05-05-2017, 05:45 PM
Is it easy on the knees? I need to get some, loose some weight after falling at work my knees and back bark at me.
Sent from my HP Pro Slate 8 using Tapatalk
It was easy on everything. Im sore from the cardio itself as Ive been focusing on weights for the last few months. But I plan on hitting it daily while in this study mode ...
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
05-05-2017, 05:53 PM
Killing two birds with one. Multitasking. The Mark of a good supervisor.
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05-05-2017, 07:30 PM
Killing two birds with one. Multitasking. The Mark of a good supervisor.
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Thanks man... fingers crossed.
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
06-24-2017, 07:02 PM
This weds... its test time...
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
06-24-2017, 07:40 PM
Good luck!!
06-24-2017, 07:40 PM
Good luck!!
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
06-24-2017, 11:53 PM
Good luck on Wednesday. I've been in your shoes. Some things will be the same, some different. The tough part is balancing.
06-25-2017, 01:10 AM
This weds... its test time...
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
Good luck!
06-25-2017, 04:15 AM
Good luck!
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
06-25-2017, 04:17 AM
Good luck on Wednesday. I've been in your shoes. Some things will be the same, some different. The tough part is balancing.
Thanku Brotha... its 3 of us testing and I have some competition with at least one. So we will see how round 1 goes...
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
06-25-2017, 07:23 AM
Good luck my friend. [emoji1303]
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06-25-2017, 08:20 AM
Good luck my friend. [emoji1303]
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Thanku sir...
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
06-25-2017, 04:50 PM
So how soon after you test will you have results? Best of luck Wednesday, not that you're going to need it.
06-25-2017, 06:20 PM
So how soon after you test will you have results? Best of luck Wednesday, not that you're going to need it.
Thanku.. idk how long till results, but mid july is the oral board interview, so maximum by then. If i dont pass i wont progress.
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06-27-2017, 12:40 PM
Here foes nothing. 9am 2moro!
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
06-28-2017, 11:44 AM
Well.. the 3 of us tested this am.. we have all been notified that the 3 of us passed and move on to the oral board interview.
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
06-28-2017, 12:12 PM
Great, good luck on the second part. (Not going to say good luck on the oral)
It's not how fast you mow. It's how you mow fast.
06-28-2017, 12:19 PM
Great, good luck on the second part. (Not going to say good luck on the oral)
It's not how fast you mow. It's how you mow fast.
Thats why I added the word "board" in there. I saw the can of worms I was opening... lol.
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
06-28-2017, 12:20 PM
Wow yeah good luck.
It's not how fast you mow. It's how you mow fast.
06-28-2017, 12:21 PM
Wow yeah good luck.
It's not how fast you mow. It's how you mow fast.
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
06-28-2017, 12:51 PM
Good job Larry. I have a distinct feeling you'll do quite well at the board interview.
06-28-2017, 12:54 PM
Thats why I added the word "board" in there. I saw the can of worms I was opening... lol.
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
Congrats on pt1
06-28-2017, 01:11 PM
Good job Larry. I have a distinct feeling you'll do quite well at the board interview.
I sure hope so... thanku Sean!
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
06-28-2017, 01:11 PM
Congrats on pt1
Lol. Thanku...
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
06-28-2017, 06:18 PM
Yeah I think the written review was probably the hard part. You'll do great in the interview
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06-28-2017, 06:52 PM
Yeah I think the written review was probably the hard part. You'll do great in the interview
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Agreed. The next part is about me... my decision making and my ability to articulate my decisions. No real studying other than reviewing our operating proceedures.
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07-02-2017, 10:40 PM
I dont have my interview time yet... but I do know that it will be in 10 days on the 12th of July.
Out of us 3, Im currently tied in 2nd. The kid got nearly a perfect on the written test, so I have some points to make up to catch him during the interview.
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
07-03-2017, 09:49 AM
any idea how far back you are? In my experience, an interview will completely make or break you. You can have marginal scoring elsewhere but knock it out of the park in person and overcome the other scores.
07-03-2017, 09:55 AM
any idea how far back you are? In my experience, an interview will completely make or break you. You can have marginal scoring elsewhere but knock it out of the park in person and overcome the other scores.
Not sure what u mean how far back? Points? If thats what u mean, Im 10 behind the leader. You are correct, the oral accounts for the biggest part of the points that can be earned.
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
07-03-2017, 03:25 PM
If you haven't read the the President's Task Force on 21st century policing, read this synopsis. Incorporate into your interview.
07-03-2017, 03:43 PM
If you haven't read the the President's Task Force on 21st century policing, read this synopsis. Incorporate into your interview.
Deal! Thanku.
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
07-05-2017, 02:38 AM
7 days till oral board interview...
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
07-05-2017, 02:40 AM
Debatimg whether I should wear a suit and tie, or my class A uniform. Im the only one at the pd with a class A, so it would set me apart if i do it.
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
07-08-2017, 08:58 PM
Debatimg whether I should wear a suit and tie, or my class A uniform. Im the only one at the pd with a class A, so it would set me apart if i do it.
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
If you think it'll give you an edge over the other guys, go for it. Make yourself look better in front of the board and maybe intimidate the other guys a little.
07-09-2017, 09:12 AM
I agree. Set yourself apart from everyone else. Be the leader.
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07-10-2017, 07:56 AM
Arghhh... idk what to do. Been asking all over and its been like 50/50
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07-10-2017, 11:02 AM
My opinon means nothing really since I always dress more casual no mater what im doing. I guess for an interview though it would help you be remembered but would it be in a good way?? that would really depend on whos interviewing you.
If you know the person and they are all out by the book, eat sleep and breath Police work then I would wear it.
If there more laid back and really give a crap kinda people, then I wouldn't because they might think your being arrogant???
So what is the person's doing the interviewing like?
07-10-2017, 06:52 PM
My opinon means nothing really since I always dress more casual no mater what im doing. I guess for an interview though it would help you be remembered but would it be in a good way?? that would really depend on whos interviewing you.
If you know the person and they are all out by the book, eat sleep and breath Police work then I would wear it.
If there more laid back and really give a crap kinda people, then I wouldn't because they might think your being arrogant???
So what is the person's doing the interviewing like?
Its a board. 3 or 5 people with some sort of rank in law enforcement. I have no idea what they are like, or who they are. We are not allowed to know before hand...
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
07-10-2017, 08:50 PM
I'd go for it then, because if you dont get the position you will probably regret not showing your pride for the uniform and rank? If you don't wear it.
Good luck either way I'm sure it's very stressful!
07-10-2017, 09:05 PM
I'd go for it then, because if you dont get the position you will probably regret not showing your pride for the uniform and rank? If you don't wear it.
Good luck either way I'm sure it's very stressful!
Not as stressful as waiting for the written test and all the studying. I love public speaking so I dont mind the board. This part is about me and who I am and how I make decisions... so there is no anxiety there. Lol.
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
07-10-2017, 09:14 PM
Response sent
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
07-10-2017, 09:47 PM
Well you sound confident!
07-10-2017, 11:05 PM
Well you sound confident!
I am confident in me, and selling myself. Just hope its good enough.
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
07-11-2017, 08:08 AM
Is it a "behavioral interview" with the STAR method?
That's how we do everything here. Structured behavioral interviews. Everyone forgets to give a finite or measurable result and just says, "And it all worked out." That's not a legitimate answer. The other thing people do is say, "I do that every day" and give no real examples for the board. It makes it impossible to score and they end up getting a 0 or 1 when they could have just described what they did any given day.
Best of luck.
07-11-2017, 10:22 AM
Is it a "behavioral interview" with the STAR method?
That's how we do everything here. Structured behavioral interviews. Everyone forgets to give a finite or measurable result and just says, "And it all worked out." That's not a legitimate answer. The other thing people do is say, "I do that every day" and give no real examples for the board. It makes it impossible to score and they end up getting a 0 or 1 when they could have just described what they did any given day.
Best of luck.
I know nothing about the interview platform...
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
07-11-2017, 11:10 AM
Talk to any people who have done the interview, especially recently, if any. Just to get the format, not specifics.
07-11-2017, 04:38 PM
Talk to any people who have done the interview, especially recently, if any. Just to get the format, not specifics.
Ive spoken to guys at neighboring depts, but none of them know if they did the same process as ours.
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
07-11-2017, 05:06 PM
Well... still have not decided what Im gonna wear, but here goes nothing... my interview is 2moro at 1415hrs...
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
07-11-2017, 07:15 PM
Well... still have not decided what Im gonna wear, but here goes nothing... my interview is 2moro at 1415hrs...
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
good luck man, I have confidence you are gonna be the star of the show
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07-11-2017, 07:19 PM
good luck man, I have confidence you are gonna be the star of the show
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I appreciate that very much. Thanku!
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
07-12-2017, 11:30 AM
Less than 2hrs away...
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
07-12-2017, 12:35 PM
I love public speaking so I dont mind the board. This part is about me and who I am and how I make decisions... so there is no anxiety there. Lol
Just remember
07-12-2017, 12:38 PM
Just remember
Thanku bro. I will.
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
07-12-2017, 12:38 PM
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
07-12-2017, 03:50 PM
All dun. Out of my hands now.
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
Slow 30th
07-12-2017, 07:43 PM
Hope it all went well
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07-12-2017, 09:33 PM
You look very professional!
07-13-2017, 05:50 AM
We wait and see... and thanku.
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
07-13-2017, 11:13 AM
So, what was the format? More of a board-style or a behavioral?
07-13-2017, 07:51 PM
So, what was the format? More of a board-style or a behavioral?
It was a board of 3 chiefs. Started with an oral resume and went on to situational questions...
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
07-13-2017, 10:40 PM
Well I hope you remembered all 4 steps and best of luck!!
07-13-2017, 10:42 PM
Well I hope you remembered all 4 steps and best of luck!!
I gave it my all. Thanku
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
07-14-2017, 06:58 PM
Well, today I was notified that all 3 of us received passing scores on the oral.
This week we will sit down with the chief individually, and learn our combined scores as well as our ranking from 1-3.
Unfortunately even if Im first, the "rule of 3" will end up fukin me... so Im not holding my breath for the stripes...
We will see...
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
07-14-2017, 07:42 PM
Well, today I was notified that all 3 of us received passing scores on the oral.
This week we will sit down with the chief individually, and learn our combined scores as well as our ranking from 1-3.
Unfortunately even if Im first, the "rule of 3" will end up fukin me... so Im not holding my breath for the stripes...
We will see...
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
I think you got it man. the chief has alot of respect for you.
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07-14-2017, 07:47 PM
I think you got it man. the chief has alot of respect for you.
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He does... but its the township commisioners who get the final say out of the top 3 who gets the spot.
The chief will make his recomendation to them, but they dont have to listen.
One cool thing is, Ive learned that a large number of twp reaidents are writting letters of recommendation to the chief in my favor.
Here is one of them...
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
07-14-2017, 07:49 PM
He does... but its the township commisioners who get the final say out of the top 3 who gets the spot.
The chief will make his recomendation to them, but they dont have to listen.
One cool thing is, Ive learned that a large number of twp reaidents are writting letters of recommendation to the chief in my favor.
Here is one of them...
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
and the chief knows you bleed blue, you are someone he can trust. the township should get their head out of their ass.
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07-14-2017, 07:53 PM
Well... we will find out in august after the first meeting of the month. Thanku for the vote of confidence.
Although as I wrote on fb.. these letters of recomendation mean more to me than the stripes ever will.
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
07-14-2017, 08:35 PM
I think you got it man. the chief has alot of respect for you.
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This. He's put you in positions of authority before also if I remember right. Don't be arrogant, but I'd be surprised if the recommendation wasn't yours to lose.
07-14-2017, 08:37 PM
This. He's put you in positions of authority before also if I remember right. Don't be arrogant, but I'd be surprised if the recommendation wasn't yours to lose.
So u think I will be the chiefs recommendation to the board?
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
07-14-2017, 08:39 PM
So u think I will be the chiefs recommendation to the board?
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
yes. you're someone he knows he can trust.
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07-14-2017, 08:40 PM
yes. you're someone he knows he can trust.
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Thanku fellas. Fingers crossed...
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
07-15-2017, 11:42 AM
Stay positive don't let the wheels turning discourage you. All you can do is give it your all what you have done. I look forward to hearing the results and I wish you the best of luck on the quiring the position.
Sent from my SM-N915V using Tapatalk
07-16-2017, 01:26 PM
It's politics so anything can happen. Rule of 3 for first line supervisor is whack. But I would not be surprised if you got the promotion. I bet those other two candidates don't even own an Impala.
07-16-2017, 01:31 PM
It's politics so anything can happen. Rule of 3 for first line supervisor is whack. But I would not be surprised if you got the promotion. I bet those other two candidates don't even own an Impala.
Hahahaha... ur bet would be right.
Rule of 3 also sucks because we only have 3 canidates... might as well have just picked one without the testing.
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
07-17-2017, 08:45 AM
Larry good luck to you. I don't know you personally but the way to run this forum and the way to treat and talk to people I can tell you are a good guy and have some leadership qualities. Hopefully the township commissioner will listen to the Chief and take his recommendation seriously. Those letters of recommendation are awesome and the fact that you appreciate that the most says a ton about your character. My work is going through a mid level management change and the boss that isn't even in this facility won't allow the facility manager here to make decisions on who should be where so it's never a perfect world. Here's to you!:cheers:
07-17-2017, 09:11 AM
Damn man... thanku very much. I appreciate ur well wishes and compliments. I hope ur situation at work gets straightened out properly as well...
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
07-25-2017, 08:31 PM
Well the list has been made... although in my critique from the oral board, I was the most honest and confident speaker they had ever met. They stated that they felt I did not handle the example situation the way they wouldve wanted to see it... and I explained to them that I knew what they were looking for, and I couldve LIED and done the BY THE BOOK SONG and DANCE, but I explained to them that I wont do that. Their question to the situational was "what would u do..." and I explained that I stood by my decision because as a supervisor, Im not out to jamn my guys up... Im there to take a situation and address it ao that it never happens again, and so I make my Officers, BETTER Officers by learning from the experience. Now although I didnt post the situational here... it was not a serious incident... or even an ON DUTY incident, amd I was honest had that situation happened my 1st day as supervisor, my answer wouldve been what I said in the interview and I wouldnt be doing something different that a BS text book answer.... so we woll see 2nd week of next month.
No matter what... thank u all for ur support.
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
Slow 30th
07-25-2017, 08:37 PM
Well sir in my opinion you did the right thing. They asked how you would handle it not how the text book would. To me that should put you ahead because you were truthful
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07-25-2017, 08:46 PM
Well sir in my opinion you did the right thing. They asked how you would handle it not how the text book would. To me that should put you ahead because you were truthful
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkThanku. And honestly... if how I would handle it is not what they want... i dont want the spot... because I dont bs just to get something.
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
07-25-2017, 08:48 PM
Man you have been true to your self and honest with your answers even though you knew that the answer that you gave was not the text book answer they were looking for you gave your answer. If they don't look at you for the position do to that it's there loss. Good luck hope you have a new position soon.
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Slow 30th
07-25-2017, 08:49 PM
Then on the other hand they may say that but may have liked it. But being honest will get you a lot farther in your line of work
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07-25-2017, 08:49 PM
Man you have been true to your self and honest with your answers even though you knew that the answer that you gave was not the text book answer they were looking for you gave your answer. If they don't look at you for the position do to that it's there loss. Good luck hope you have a new position soon.
Sent from my SM-N915V using TapatalkThanku brother... exactly how I feel.
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
07-25-2017, 09:02 PM
Then on the other hand they may say that but may have liked it. But being honest will get you a lot farther in your line of work
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkExactly what I was thinking.
Hoping for the best!
Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
07-25-2017, 11:13 PM
Thanku guys... id rather be disqualified for being honest, than promoted on a lie.
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
07-26-2017, 06:51 AM
Thanku guys... id rather be disqualified for being honest, than promoted on a lie.
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the did a great job this far, and the fact that you stated that to them may be the deciding factor more than anything, they may just be addressing it as such to make it seem like they didn't approve.
I still have confidence.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk
07-26-2017, 12:28 PM
Well the list has been made... although in my critique from the oral board, I was the most honest and confident speaker they had ever met. They stated that they felt I did not handle the example situation the way they wouldve wanted to see it... and I explained to them that I knew what they were looking for, and I couldve LIED and done the BY THE BOOK SONG and DANCE, but I explained to them that I wont do that. Their question to the situational was "what would u do..." and I explained that I stood by my decision because as a supervisor, Im not out to jamn my guys up... Im there to take a situation and address it ao that it never happens again, and so I make my Officers, BETTER Officers by learning from the experience. Now although I didnt post the situational here... it was not a serious incident... or even an ON DUTY incident, amd I was honest had that situation happened my 1st day as supervisor, my answer wouldve been what I said in the interview and I wouldnt be doing something different that a BS text book answer.... so we woll see 2nd week of next month.
No matter what... thank u all for ur support.
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
Man, this is EXCELLENT. You couldn't have done better IMO. Bureaucracy may say otherwise unfortunately, because upper level sees things as "textbook" instead of dynamic like you explained. I don't think you could have better explained your rationale with your answer. I'm REALLY hoping you get the job Larry.
Curious...have you and the other candidates spoken and bounced results off of each other or anything?
07-26-2017, 01:04 PM
Man, this is EXCELLENT. You couldn't have done better IMO. Bureaucracy may say otherwise unfortunately, because upper level sees things as "textbook" instead of dynamic like you explained. I don't think you could have better explained your rationale with your answer. I'm REALLY hoping you get the job Larry.
Curious...have you and the other candidates spoken and bounced results off of each other or anything?Thanks alot Sean... we were ordered not to discuss anything from the process with each other...
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
08-19-2017, 12:00 PM
Well... they should be making the decision at the next twp meeting.
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
08-19-2017, 12:02 PM
Fingers crossed.
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08-19-2017, 12:04 PM
Fingers crossed.
Sent from my SM-J700T using TapatalkDont cross em 2 tight. This twp board hates me... id bed a weeks pay it will never happen for me as long as its their decision.
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
08-22-2017, 01:52 PM
Oh well. I cant say Im suprised.
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
08-22-2017, 02:37 PM
Damn. Sorry Larry. I was really hoping to see you get the job.
08-22-2017, 02:48 PM
Its ok... i knew they wouldnt pick me no matter what. But I tried.
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
08-22-2017, 04:52 PM
Popo8 I wish you better luck with the next position that is an opportunity. You at least did your best. Upward and onward remain true to yourself.
Sent from my SM-N915V using Tapatalk
Slow 30th
08-22-2017, 07:53 PM
Larry don't get down it could be for the better. All you have to do is what you do everyday and you have my upmost respect.
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08-22-2017, 09:11 PM
Larry your still the Cream of the Crop. No matter what you will rise to the top.
... on my tablet using Taptalk
08-22-2017, 09:57 PM
Larry your still the Cream of the Crop. No matter what you will rise to the top.
... on my tablet using Taptalk"And Ill never eat a pig,
Cause a pig is a cop..."
Hahahaha... seriously though. Thanku.
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
08-22-2017, 09:58 PM
Larry don't get down it could be for the better. All you have to do is what you do everyday and you have my upmost respect.
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkWell said... i lost and I dont want to make excuses... but ur right. I can continue to focus on my investigations on crimes against kids.
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
08-22-2017, 09:59 PM
Popo8 I wish you better luck with the next position that is an opportunity. You at least did your best. Upward and onward remain true to yourself.
Sent from my SM-N915V using TapatalkThanku... hopefully there is something else coming my way in the near future...
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
08-22-2017, 10:09 PM
Well that sucks brother. However, you have younger cops (me!) that loom up to you and hold you in the highest of regards no matter your rank. I could never do the investigations involving kids. It takes a special/amazing kind of person to do that. You're still the man.
Sent from my SM-J700T using Tapatalk
08-22-2017, 10:21 PM
Well that sucks brother. However, you have younger cops (me!) that loom up to you and hold you in the highest of regards no matter your rank. I could never do the investigations involving kids. It takes a special/amazing kind of person to do that. You're still the man.
Sent from my SM-J700T using TapatalkThank u Brother... I appreciate it. I do.
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
08-23-2017, 03:31 PM
Its ok... i knew they wouldnt pick me no matter what. But I tried.
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
What makes you say that?
08-23-2017, 03:59 PM
What makes you say that?The fact that Ive sued the twp in the past for whistleblowers... all my drama with the last chief... etc etc etc.
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
08-23-2017, 05:56 PM
The fact that Ive sued the twp in the past for whistleblowers... all my drama with the last chief... etc etc etc.
This is begging to be expounded upon if you can.
08-23-2017, 07:34 PM
This is begging to be expounded upon if you can.Ive written the story somewhere before... but... the paperback version.
When i started we had a racist chief. He called the kids of one of our multiracial familes nigglets and used tonsay things like black people look like mellons in a mellon patch and things like that.
It was 2004 and the twp questioned all of the officers. Not willing to lie for anyone. I told the truth... however they told the chief who said what and didnt take him from his position.
Slowly but surely I started getting written up for everything and anything... i was put through 4 piss tests in a 4 month period... the first piss tests in the history of this dept... etc etc etc.
I went to the twp... told them what was going on and they did nothing... so... i contacted my friend and atty... amd sued the twp based on the whistleblowers act.
The lawsuit drug for 6 years. Im "gagged" from discussing the outcome... but i can say... im not this twps favorite person...
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
08-23-2017, 08:08 PM
Ive written the story somewhere before... but... the paperback version.
When i started we had a racist chief. He called the kids of one of our multiracial familes nigglets and used tonsay things like black people look like mellons in a mellon patch and things like that.
It was 2004 and the twp questioned all of the officers. Not willing to lie for anyone. I told the truth... however they told the chief who said what and didnt take him from his position.
Slowly but surely I started getting written up for everything and anything... i was put through 4 piss tests in a 4 month period... the first piss tests in the history of this dept... etc etc etc.
I went to the twp... told them what was going on and they did nothing... so... i contacted my friend and atty... amd sued the twp based on the whistleblowers act.
The lawsuit drug for 6 years. Im "gagged" from discussing the outcome... but i can say... im not this twps favorite person...
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
Damn I didn't know all of that. Shame on the Township for not removing him from power and allowing that to happen. Sorry you didn't get the position man.
Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
08-23-2017, 08:12 PM
Damn I didn't know all of that. Shame on the Township for not removing him from power and allowing that to happen. Sorry you didn't get the position man.
Sent from my SM-G900V using TapatalkThanks man... u know... it was a process ans the "best man" won. Im ok with it... eveything happens for a reason.
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
08-23-2017, 08:15 PM
Nah, you pretty much got fucked. Sometimes that happens too.
Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
08-24-2017, 07:16 AM
Ive written the story somewhere before... but... the paperback version.
When i started we had a racist chief. He called the kids of one of our multiracial familes nigglets and used tonsay things like black people look like mellons in a mellon patch and things like that.
It was 2004 and the twp questioned all of the officers. Not willing to lie for anyone. I told the truth... however they told the chief who said what and didnt take him from his position.
Slowly but surely I started getting written up for everything and anything... i was put through 4 piss tests in a 4 month period... the first piss tests in the history of this dept... etc etc etc.
I went to the twp... told them what was going on and they did nothing... so... i contacted my friend and atty... amd sued the twp based on the whistleblowers act.
The lawsuit drug for 6 years. Im "gagged" from discussing the outcome... but i can say... im not this twps favorite person...
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
Oh, damn. I don't remember seeing that before. Wow man. That's some BS.
What ended up making the bad chief go bye bye? Retirement?
08-24-2017, 07:50 AM
Oh, damn. I don't remember seeing that before. Wow man. That's some BS.
What ended up making the bad chief go bye bye? Retirement?It took about 1 year till enough pressure wasbon the twp from my suit that he was allowed to resign... rather than the termination he deserved.
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
08-24-2017, 10:38 AM
Oh I hate the politics of that stuff. WAY too many people are let to "resign" rather than being straight up fired.
08-24-2017, 10:43 AM
Oh I hate the politics of that stuff. WAY too many people are let to "resign" rather than being straight up fired.Agreed... and because of that he was able to get another job in law enforcement
Im not only an LTXtech member... Im also the Owner.
09-21-2017, 06:29 PM
Well... everything happens for a reason... had I gotten the promotion, this would not be a possibility.
So... last nite while out with the Chief and some of the guys, the Chief asked us, if we could get a grant for a real k9 for the dept, who would be interested... I was the only one who said they would. Ponch, u may be getting a big brother/sister...
Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
09-21-2017, 07:17 PM
Well... everything happens for a reason... had I gotten the promotion, this would not be a possibility.
So... last nite while out with the Chief and some of the guys, the Chief asked us, if we could get a grant for a real k9 for the dept, who would be interested... I was the only one who said they would. Ponch, u may be getting a big brother/sister...
Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalkthat would be awesome
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk
09-21-2017, 07:21 PM
that would be awesome
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using TapatalkI'm so excited... hope to make it reality b4 2018... hope.
Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
09-21-2017, 07:22 PM
I'm so excited... hope to make it reality b4 2018... hope.
Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalkas long as the hot fuzz puppers doesn't eat the ponch it would be pretty cool.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk
09-21-2017, 07:29 PM
Btw... this is my partner A. WERNER. We were hired together back in 2001... actually I have 6 days of seniority on him, lol. HE GOT THE PROMOTION, and I am very happy for him.
Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
09-21-2017, 07:29 PM
as long as the hot fuzz puppers doesn't eat the ponch it would be pretty cool.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using TapatalkWell... odds are it will be a pup as well. So ponch should be able to establish dominance before it gets bigger. Lol
Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
09-21-2017, 07:30 PM
Man , that's awesome Larry. Mans best friend. Congrats!!
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
09-21-2017, 07:43 PM
That's pretty cool, i spoke to a bunch of guys that used to have a K9 partner and they loved it.
Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
09-21-2017, 07:46 PM
Man , that's awesome Larry. Mans best friend. Congrats!!
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkThanku. Very excited. Just waiting to see if we can get the grant. I'll even get my own take home car!!!!
Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
09-21-2017, 07:46 PM
That's pretty cool, i spoke to a bunch of guys that used to have a K9 partner and they loved it.
Sent from my SM-G930V using TapatalkThanku. Same here.
Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Slow 30th
09-22-2017, 04:38 AM
My dad is on his 3rd k9 and he said he wouldn't do anything other than k9 now.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
09-24-2017, 03:16 AM
Got my fingers crossed we can get the grant...
Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
09-24-2017, 09:10 AM
Got my fingers crossed we can get the grant...
Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Did he mention whether it would be guard/attack or locate/track etc?
We've got 4 teams in house here and I find the differences in breed, response, etc. fascinating.
10-11-2017, 01:51 PM
Did he mention whether it would be guard/attack or locate/track etc?
We've got 4 teams in house here and I find the differences in breed, response, etc. fascinating.Im not sure yet. First we need approval for the grant... then i guess we decide what specialty.
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