View Full Version : Major Appliance shopping

08-16-2016, 07:17 PM
I need to purchase a refrigerator, washer and dryer. Waiting for labor day weekend, I also have about $300 in Best Buy gift cards from work. If anything that should cover sales tax and installation equipment. The house has both gas and electric hook ups for the dryer. Although most dryers I see are electric. I want something simple, i.e if the fridge doesn't have wifi or mood lighting, that's o.k. I was leaning toward Maytag or Whirlpool because they're still built in America. Can anyone offer any insight. Budget is 1500ish for the fridge max & same on the washer dryer combo.

08-16-2016, 07:27 PM
What size do you have and what style do you want?

French door on fridge? Freezer on side, on top, or on bottom?

Top loader or front loaded washer dryer?

08-17-2016, 12:08 AM
Craigslist bro!!:laugh::D

08-17-2016, 08:15 AM
On the fridge I was thinking a normal side by side, on the dryer and washer Top Load. Main thing on size is I need to measure the opening for the fridge, I haven't closed yet on the house so I haven't had the chance to really measure stuff in detail.


What kind of clover leaf dumpster fire special you trying to find me??

08-17-2016, 09:17 AM
Neil, a thought on the side by side. Ever try to fit a pizza box in one. Personally, for the price, you could get an entry level french door fridge for under $1500 that would make far better use of the space. I HIGHLY recommend getting the measurements of the space where a fridge will go first though.

Check the slick deals website. There's always deals being posted there and you may be able to land some of the large capacity HE top loaders for under $1500 for a pair.

08-17-2016, 09:28 AM
Another vote for a not side by side. While french doors can be pricey, even a basic bottom freezer top fridge can be had for ~900 area with decent quality. Either way, you gotta settle on a basic footprint to determine what style you can utilize.

08-20-2016, 05:00 PM
I'll be able to measure it Wednesday when I do the walk through, because I need to measure the laundry room as well. I've actually only been in the house once, when I first looked at it. After that I have been off shore working and not had the chance to go back. There's a big Sears outlet by my Dad's house in West Houston, and the Best Buy I guess maybe because it's a mixed income side of a town always has deals on open boxes. I didn't really think of the pizza box. Last 20 years I just wrapped the left overs in aluminum foil.