View Full Version : Rigid plastic reapir with Plastifix

08-27-2015, 07:40 PM
Hey everyone I want to share a product that works great for any rigid plastic ( don't use on more flexible plastics like bumper covers made from pp or urethane, better off being welded). I have repaired numerous things with it, such as the column that snaps in around the gauges with a million of double sided clips that are held on by nothing hardly. It is now stronger than factory. I first tried super glue and messy epoxy and it just does not hold but this stuff is super strong. Today I did some repairs on my air box, which had a hole bigger than a quarter where it bolts down and a stud hole was falling off but could be used on the dash or whatever. Hope yall have the chance to use this product.
I bought this at Urethane Supply Company. Just etch and bevel all edges and v groove the cracks, then grind or sand to desired finish (etc). Its a 2 part with a powder and liquid. It comes in clear, white , and black. I use aluminum tape to put over places that are getting filled or to keep pieces lined up properly.