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View Full Version : Top end cooling

07-17-2015, 10:05 PM
I saw in the July Super Chevy LT write up some interesting cooling. They ran lines to the front side of the cylinders and capped the rear. My question here is where on the water pump needs to be ported and has anyone here run this set up?

With the engine set back I have this would be GREAT! I positioned the engine and built the firewall completely forgetting about the crossover. Dumb mistake but new to LTs

07-18-2015, 07:24 AM
On the stock setup the lines just run back to the radiator and serve as a way to vent pockets of steam/air that tend to stay trapped in the heads when trying to push coolant from the top down. I don't see why you couldn't just reuse the setup in the front and dump it back into the radiator.

07-18-2015, 05:46 PM
I'll have to dig out the line and see how it goes. I'll have to figure it out some how tossed a set of heads onto the set up block and there is no room to work. Not going to jack the motor around for any sort of maintenance.

Also I'm having trouble picture to load. Good with a welder working on the computer skills

07-26-2015, 12:04 AM

07-26-2015, 12:22 AM
This shot shows my set back(look at the firewall). I mocked up not taking the steam pipe into the game plan. I tried to lossely put it up front... No go I'll have to put a hard kink to get it to fit.
Can I just run it though the front with dual -6 lines to the heads tied back to a bleed line to the radiator from a -6 into head to -2 back to the rad.

I will have to rework the firewall to make the steel li r work back aft.
I set the engine back 8" in a 1500 chassis also shortened the wheel base from 115" to 108" to run with you f body boys