View Full Version : So........a hard decision has been made.

04-16-2015, 09:04 PM
As some may know, I'm officially getting my Corvette back in a couple more weeks. Worked some stuff, sold the Audi, Celica is getting picked up on Saturday, and a smallish loan and it's a done deal. Guy I sold her to is meeting me in Bowling Green KY at the NCM too (was Nashville but I proposed meeting at the NCM and he was all for it).

My wife and I talked it over, and we have decided that the Trans Am will unfortunately be the last casualty of getting the Corvette back. I know I had a part out thread up recently as I thought that was going to be necessary to get the Vette back, and when it became apparent it wasn't, I pulled it. But after deliberation, for sake of simplification, and in order to vanquish any note on the Corvette ASAP, the T/A will be taken apart. Unfortunately, due to some of the stuff I have changed, putting it back to a stockish form to my liking isn't possible (harness modifications, deleted all the abs stuff, etc). And given my less than favorable view of the car's overall condition, we are parting the ENTIRE car out.

Once the Vette is paid off we have already agreed to another LTx vehicle, probably a Vette as we have two kids, so we'd have a Mom's and Dad's vette setup.

It's going to be WEIRD not having a Bird in the garage. Ever since buying my first car back in 1996, save for the one month gap of not owning a car between lemon law returning my new 99 T/A and buying my black 93 T/A, I've ALWAYS had a Bird. Hello? Fastbird? Just won't have the same ring anymore.

For those wondering, I'm having mixed feelings about my co-ownership here considering I don't want to be one of THOSE guys who co-owns and helps run a place like this but doesn't have one of the focal points. But on the flip side, I love this community, and have a great deal of pride in what this community has become. I guess what I'm saying that conflicted feelings or not, I have zero plans to disappear.

Anyway, that's my big news. Getting my vette back, parting out the T/A, and sticking around while hopefully getting another LTx vehicle down the road (probably a year ish if I had to guess unless a cheap good F-Body comes my way). I'll be posting a VERY detailed part out listing here this weekend (have a couple days off finally) so keep an eye out for that.

04-16-2015, 09:37 PM
Its understandable man... and thats coming from me. Lol

04-16-2015, 09:53 PM
I never got to see the vette so that's exciting! Best of luck on the transam I've heard it run before this point so in happy =)

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Ryan Stout
04-16-2015, 10:16 PM

04-16-2015, 11:17 PM
My 2 cents worth here... I believe it would be a loss for all of us if you left here just because you no longer had the Bird. LTXtech is more than just what you have in the garage but rather what you have inside you.............

04-17-2015, 12:01 AM
Under Pressure is coming back?:)

04-17-2015, 08:15 AM
Thanks guys. Yes, Under Pressure is coming back except now it's more like pressure cooker.......she's badder than when she left. Ernie upgraded to a C6Z rear end/cradle, built T56, custom driveshaft with LPE solid couplers, LG Turbo's (about 50lb/hr more air flow than the stock APS Turbo's), FAST intake manifold and TB setup. Says on a conservative 16* timing 16ish PSI tune it's making around 825-850 at the tires. And I'm pretty sure it could take a bit more timing than 16*.

Two weeks from tomorrow I'm picking her up.

And I meant what I said. I'm not leaving here. I invested a ton in this community, and this community invests in itself, and I'm extremely proud of that. I will never forget the outpouring that came my way when my situation happened a few years ago, or how this community has rallied time and time again around people on hard times here. I'm extremely proud of what this place has become and could never leave.

04-17-2015, 09:35 AM
ill be over with a trailer to take that ltx "junk" off your hands ;)

04-17-2015, 09:51 AM
ill be over with a trailer to take that ltx "junk" off your hands ;)
Not if we get there first. Cmon, we've done this once Ltconvert

04-17-2015, 09:52 AM
Shotgun !

04-17-2015, 09:52 AM
Nothing wrong with switching back. Have fun with it.

04-17-2015, 11:15 AM

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04-17-2015, 11:49 AM
If anyone wants to make an offer for EVERYTHING on the car before I part it out, please get with me asap. I'm working on a list this evening after I detail out my Celica for it's pick up tomorrow. Once that list is done and I see a sum total I may not be as willing to let it all go at once, lol.

04-17-2015, 11:57 AM
If I had the cash I would kill for the drivetrain and electronics. After driving the boosted audi I want a boosted camaro soooo bad.

04-17-2015, 12:33 PM
If anyone wants to make an offer for EVERYTHING on the car before I part it out, please get with me asap. I'm working on a list this evening after I detail out my Celica for it's pick up tomorrow. Once that list is done and I see a sum total I may not be as willing to let it all go at once, lol. Ltconvert

04-17-2015, 04:00 PM
DAYUMN!!!! Sean you gotta do what ya gotta do and congrats. I hope you do a return vid like you did the departure vid. And if anyone hasn't called it, I want dibs on your entire brake line for the front of the car minus the line lock but I'll take prop valve as well so I don't have to cut nothing. LOL!

Ryan Stout
04-17-2015, 11:15 PM
The notch vs the vette someday? Gotta bring it to indy some night.

04-18-2015, 07:25 AM
The notch vs the vette someday? Gotta bring it to indy some night.

Long as I'm not saddled at work I'll be out for SCT at Indy with it.

06-15-2015, 07:29 AM

LTXtech.com is my Drug...

06-15-2015, 09:37 AM
Long as I'm not saddled at work I'll be out for SCT at Indy with it.
I plan to be up there for sct as well. Id love to see the vette!

06-15-2015, 01:26 PM
Oh snap. Looks like I'm going to be off that weekend and my wife is taking the kids home to PA to visit family over their birthdays (18th and 25th) so I may be free for this after all.

Ryan Stout
06-16-2015, 01:27 AM
I'm definitely gonna be there!