View Full Version : I hate parking lots!!!

01-13-2009, 10:51 AM
We had a little bit of snow last night, which for us usually means the parking lots are all filled with snow still in the morning and therefore means you cant see parking spaces, so you got to guess where they would be. So I park away from everyone else figuring nobody in their right mind would park way the hell out here in single digit temps and walk farther.. WRONG! I come back out, and EVERYONE was freakin parked by me. I'm all like "WTF!". I see theres this POS dodge intrepid parked extremely close to my drivers side door.. so I'm thinking theres no way this dumb ass could have opened their door without hitting me. I look at my door and sure enough.. Theres a scratch that went through the freakin paint!! Now I am pissed off.. Look at the other persons door, and couldnt really see nothing, but I knew it had to be from them. It lined up perfectly!

I try to keep my car clean, but its hard when dumb asses who dont give a shit about their own cars ruin yours. I couldnt have done much else.. Why are people soo inconsiderate?

I'll post some pictures up later of it.. I'm soo pissed off right now!!!

01-13-2009, 10:53 AM
If I KNEW that it was the car next to me, they would get a swift back-kick right into the door before I left

01-13-2009, 11:26 AM
If I KNEW that it was the car next to me, they would get a swift back-kick right into the door before I left

Exactly I had to do that at the mall the other day.. Some pos hit my door so he got a nice size dent in his door and I almost felt bad b/c I put all my strength into it. Was not a pretty dent lol. But that is what they get. :metal:

01-13-2009, 11:31 AM
I don't get people... I try my damnedest to park away from other cars even though my cars body is not exactly perfect, and yet someone ALWAYS has to park next to you...

Even if I do happen to park too close to a car.. I will squeeze my ass out of the door with it barely open before I would even think of gently resting the door on the side of another car

01-13-2009, 11:33 AM
I am the same way but here in Austin I just say fuck it and take up 2 spots lol. And I couldn't tell you HOW many times I have came outside to notes on my car saying.... You are a DOUCHEBAG! or Do you really need to park in 2 spots so we got to walk farther?...... Umm I park as far as I can so That one makes me laugh :P

01-13-2009, 11:35 AM
I used to take up 2-3 parking spots when I worked at a grocery store

01-13-2009, 11:50 AM
If I park way the hell in the back.. I might take up 2 spots since nobody parks out there, and if they want to.. Theres still pleanty of other spots. If I park up close to something (which isnt too often) I only take up one spot.

01-13-2009, 12:11 PM
it happens to me all the time.

my grand prix was 2 weeks old and my wife took it to the store. she parked it far away and came out to see a van right next to it backed in. she didn't think anything of it till see got home and noticed an almost baseball sized dent up high were the bottom curve of the full sized van door hit it.

same car i parked in a parking garage downtown and found a spot right next to a no parking area. i came out to find a piece of crap toyota truck wedged in the spot. i look and sure as shit he nailed me. i took his driverside mirror off with my foot and took it home as a reminder for him to think twice about who he hits with his door.

drove my wifes truck to the store and before i could even get out, BAAM! the lady next to me hits the truck with her door and then starts to drive off. i jumped out and stopped her. she looked at me like i was crazy and said she didn't do anything. after a few choice words of mine she started to take off again and i said "go ahead i'm calling this in as a hit and run, i got your plates and there is still black paint on your door". she then decided to stop and play nice.

i got a ton more. i freakin hate people.

almost forgot about my brand new chevy ext cab 4x4 truck i bought in 93. 2 days old a lady lets her cart go and it rolls down the lot and bangs into the grill. breaking the parking lamp and cracking the grill. i jumped out, grabbed the cart and with a look of fear in her eyes i ran pushing the car 4-5 spaces over right into the side of her mini van. then calmly walked over to my truck and drove off.

01-13-2009, 12:52 PM
im the same way, yes my car is starting to show its age in the paint, but i still always park as far away as possible but it always seams the the biggest POS in the parking lot always finds my car. ive been lucky and my camaro has never gotten door checked, but still if im forced to park in a tight spot (and being hear in germany its most of the time with my car) i always squeeze out . even with my pos 92 golf i do what ever possible not to tuch the car next to me. but no mater where you live you will always have retarda to deal with!

01-13-2009, 01:36 PM
Same here. I called into the office in High school ALL THE TIME for "parking crooked" or "parking on a sidewalk". Hard to explain, but basically, the spot on the end at the back of the lot overlapped the end of the sidewalk... which went no where, and was at the church across the street from school. So I parked as sideways as I could to prevent anyone from parking close (especially rookie HS drivers with backpacks). After awhile I began parking just as crooked, but making sure my tire was 1/2in from being over the line. Didn't get called in after that.

If I get a ding... and I KNOW it was that car... they get a scratch. I don't like doing that though. At the VERY least, even if no ding, but they just park like a jack azz... I'll mess up their mirrors so they have to readjust them. Always do the passenger side, and hope they don't have power mirrors :D I'll also fold them in if possible.
I imagine them getting in, going to back out. CRAP. Getting out, pulling mirror back out. Getting back in, going to back out. CRAP. having to reach across to re-adjust mirror.

01-13-2009, 01:46 PM
Same thing happens to me when I go to walmart. I park away from everyone and these other spaces around else where.I come out said wht the hell. 1 or 2 cars near me.I allay say cant you people park in the other spaces.

01-13-2009, 02:00 PM
We had a little bit of snow last night, which for us usually means the parking lots are all filled with snow still in the morning and therefore means you cant see parking spaces, so you got to guess where they would be. So I park away from everyone else figuring nobody in their right mind would park way the hell out here in single digit temps and walk farther.. WRONG! I come back out, and EVERYONE was freakin parked by me. I'm all like "WTF!". I see theres this POS dodge intrepid parked extremely close to my drivers side door.. so I'm thinking theres no way this dumb ass could have opened their door without hitting me. I look at my door and sure enough.. Theres a scratch that went through the freakin paint!! Now I am pissed off.. Look at the other persons door, and couldnt really see nothing, but I knew it had to be from them. It lined up perfectly!

I try to keep my car clean, but its hard when dumb asses who dont give a shit about their own cars ruin yours. I couldnt have done much else.. Why are people soo inconsiderate?

I'll post some pictures up later of it.. I'm soo pissed off right now!!!

Dude, I woulda waited untill that guy came out. Then it woulda gone from there.

Did you take his license plate down at least? Its not too big of a deal. It's just the peer principal of it.

01-13-2009, 09:33 PM
I'll never forget what a buddy of mine and i did to some asshole who parked next to my old thunderbird SC when i was in college.

basically i was in a spot at the end of this gravel parking lot (yeah it sucked and i never parked there again. it was the closest lot o my dorm)

anyway the area next to my car had these concrete parking barriers surrounding a small grassy area (those things you see at the end of most parking spaces so you don't drive through 2 spaces) well this jerk in a POS and i mean POS plymouth sundance/dodge shadow (it had broken taillights so the guy put that cheapo red taillight tape over the area) anyway he moved the concrete blocks and parked his car next to mine so close i couldn't get my drivers side door open (i was backed in) after turning the car on from the passenger side and rolling down the window i did the dukes of hazzard climb through the window bit and went and washed all the rock dust his dumbass spit all over my car when he pulled in there...

now here's where it gets good. after i washed the car and moved it to another lot (one that wasn't gravel), a friend of mine and i went back out there that night and his POS car was still there and the 4 concrete blocks were sitting in front of his car, so we did the school a favor and put the blocks back where they belonged... behind his front wheels, behind his rear wheels and on each side of his car between his front and rear wheel, but in far enough that he wouldn't have seen them unless he was really looking for them :whistle:

thats what the guy gets for being a dumbass and parking too close and also parking illegally

and if you're wondering, i meant these kind of blocks


01-13-2009, 09:36 PM
I hate our apartments parking lot. It's narrow as fuck. I've had a truck park damn near against mine before. (I went out and took a picture of his plate because it was dark and I couldn't be sure he didn't hit my truck) and I also had a Tiburron (sp?) almost back into me in my SS one day.

01-13-2009, 09:53 PM
This is exactly why I have a DD. I can park my Civic anywhere I feel like it, and go ahead, door ding the hell out of it. While the Camaro is sitting at the house being pretty.

When I do drive the car, I just choose not to stop anywhere that the car will be unattended.

01-13-2009, 10:01 PM
Lol so much parking lot hate! Although I really don't understand why people can't be more considerate, unless it's those pesky Mustang drivers...

01-13-2009, 10:27 PM
Dude, I woulda waited untill that guy came out. Then it woulda gone from there.

Did you take his license plate down at least? Its not too big of a deal. It's just the peer principal of it.

I thought about leaving them a note, but that would have been almost pointless. They wouldnt have cared anyways so I didnt want to waste my time. The lot didnt have cameras, soo even if I did write down their plates, I still couldnt technically prove it was them, even though I knew they had to be the ones that did it.

01-13-2009, 10:34 PM
here's one, two fridays ago my buddy and me go out to old town, it's south of orlando and they have car cruises friday and saturday night, friday night '73-90 and then anything newer needs to be worked on, well 4 exterior mods, know that cuz we tried to put my car in it, now we had finished wet sandind and buffing the car the week before and had just waxed it, the wax took out 75% or more of the buff swirls, and they wouldn't let it in because I only had tinted tails and non stock wheels, paint didn't count b/c it wasn't custom, and things like headers, exhaust and all that don't count, but they'll let integra's with paint falling off the bumbers because they have autozone shit stuck on it. Well, back to the point, there's a big field that is used for parking, so after we find out we can't put the car in, I go park out there. I park the car under a light at least 100 feet away from the closest car, we go bakc look at some cars, then walk back out to leave and there is a blue scion tc park right next to my car, couldn't open the pass door all the way, so, buddy did a swift back kick and left a pretty good reminder of how much of a asshole that guy is.

01-14-2009, 12:10 AM
oh and if you ever catch somenoe door dinging your car...... you know what to do :jest:

YouTube - Parking lot rage

01-14-2009, 12:17 AM
oh and if you ever catch somenoe door dinging your car...... you know what to do :jest:

YouTube - Parking lot rage (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFx4Ff3aNFc)

LMFAO stang drivers......

01-14-2009, 12:18 AM
I rarely take the SS out to a store...yes thats how Anal I am.

A buddy of mine once kicked in this dude door for door dinging him, and I'll admit if it happened to the SS I wouldn't think twice about it.

01-14-2009, 01:09 AM
oh and if you ever catch somenoe door dinging your car...... you know what to do :jest:

YouTube - Parking lot rage (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFx4Ff3aNFc)
LMAO!!! :claps:

01-14-2009, 01:14 AM
oh and if you ever catch somenoe door dinging your car...... you know what to do :jest:

YouTube - Parking lot rage (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFx4Ff3aNFc)

HAHA! that is one less POS stang out there! classic lol

01-14-2009, 01:26 AM
HAHA! that is one less POS stang out there! classic lol

It sounded like a GT though :(.. I couldnt tell if it was or not. It sounded like one, but that might have been edited in.

01-14-2009, 01:34 AM
LMFAO stang drivers......

the funniest part is the mustang's bumper sticker

"War Is Not The Answer"


and i'm pretty sure its just a V6 because when the car backs up close to the camera to show the bumper sticker you can make out the letters on the rear bumper that say MUSTANG. The GT's had MUSTANG GT on theirs

01-14-2009, 06:14 AM
just the other day i stopped in front of a store to let my girlfriend out and some guy stopped in front of me to pick up his wife or something. so shes takes her bag out of her cart and just leaves it there and it rolls into my door. i was like are you fucking kidding me??? shes like well you shouldnt have parked there! i was just letting my Girlfriend out of the car!!! so pushed her cart into the door on there car, and said you shouldnt have parked her, there alot of inconsiderate assholes! lol

01-14-2009, 07:55 AM
That video is hilarious!!

Its a shame how inconsiderate people are.. I would never open my car door into someone elses...(now if they did it to me than its on) people just seem to not give a damn..

01-14-2009, 10:27 AM
speaking of moving stuff and making it hard on the drivers.

a few of us got introuble in highschool for moving a girls scooter around. she would park it right in front of the school on the side walk so me and a buddy picked it up a few times and moved it around back behind a dumpster and onto the tennis courts. one of our senior pranks was puting it on the stage in the audatorium right before we had a senior meeting. it was funny as hell but there was 6 of us in on it and one guy talked so we got busted, again.

we also turned a geo metro sideways in a spot that was right next to a light pole and a buddys car that we just left parked there while he went home with me. no idea how long it took to get out of there or even how the kid moved it.

01-14-2009, 07:52 PM
Thats what you get for driving a Formula in the snow! Haha jk man 2 people sandwiched me in at the beach with my vette this summer so close i couldn't open the doors. I had to go in through the t-tops. They did it on purpose I know it! :shame:

01-14-2009, 07:55 PM
Haha moving stuff reminds me, couple months ago me and my buddies moved my friends saturn across the parking lot on him he left it in neutral. He got out of the resturant and was like wtf?!?!??!

01-14-2009, 08:25 PM
I'm just smart about how I park. I don't do douche bag things like double park and attracting attention to myself.

I typically park on the end of the row against the curb so that way my car is way over making the only way my car would get door dinged is if someone parked next to me on the line.

Out here at my apartment the spot I typically park in use to be a handicapped spot so there's a blue empty space for wheel chairs so that makes my life easy driving a extended cab short bed in an extremely narrow parking lot.

01-14-2009, 09:33 PM
I'm just smart about how I park. I don't do douche bag things like double park and attracting attention to myself.

I typically park on the end of the row against the curb so that way my car is way over making the only way my car would get door dinged is if someone parked next to me on the line.

Out here at my apartment the spot I typically park in use to be a handicapped spot so there's a blue empty space for wheel chairs so that makes my life easy driving a extended cab short bed in an extremely narrow parking lot.

haha douche bag moves... I am just smart is all.. I park all the way in the last spot at all places and I take up 2 spots just b/c, and I have still got notes when no one wants to walk all the way out there in the cold at a mall or whatever the case may be.

01-15-2009, 02:07 AM
I just take down their plate number or wait for them to come out and handle the situation like a lady, but if they don't comply and admit... then I turn green and do "mean things"... http://www.mysmiley.net/imgs/smile/angel/angel18.gif haha

01-15-2009, 02:12 AM
I just take down their plate number or wait for them to come out and handle the situation like a lady, but if they don't comply and admit... then I turn green and do "mean things"... http://www.mysmiley.net/imgs/smile/angel/angel18.gif haha

Thata girl. I thought I said this till i saw "handle the situation like a lady"..

01-15-2009, 09:39 AM
haha douche bag moves... I am just smart is all.. I park all the way in the last spot at all places and I take up 2 spots just b/c, and I have still got notes when no one wants to walk all the way out there in the cold at a mall or whatever the case may be.
I'm not going to attract attention to my car. There are a lot of jealous people out there that might be tempted to teach me a lesson for thinking I'm better than everyone else and taking up twice the parking spaces.