View Full Version : Had no idea she did this...

12-02-2014, 03:29 PM
The other day, I noticed I was tagged in something on FB. I checked it out, and low and behold my WIFE had posted a blog.... KINDA about me... but LEO and their support "staff."

Well her blog got "published" on some other site, and I was tagged.

Not a big deal to most, but it was to me, so...... just wanted to share:


In case you cant open the link;

​Life of a LEO’s Girl
Posted by Angela on December 01, 2014

It does not matter if you are a wife, a fiancé, or a girlfriend of an LEO there are things you learn to love as you go…….You learn what you need to be at any particular moment. After seven years of being with my LEO I know just by how he walks through the door after work what he needs me to be, a shoulder to cry on, someone to listen and not say anything just really listen to him, or let him vent. He has always told me that it is his job to read people, well it is our job to read them, the men we love that are HERO’s to so many. I am his support as he is mine.

You learn your own language, whether it is as simple as codes you make up with each other so you know he is alright when he is too busy to call you or text you back, for example my LEO and I have a simple letter text so I know everything is alright and I can go to bed without staying up all night worrying, or a super quick call to say he does not know when he will be home because 5 minutes before the end of shift he got a call that he will be tied up on for at least another 5 hours….too quick for you even to say anything but okay I love you.

The night shifts that we have ALL stayed awake for just so we can cuddle up in bed with him and sleep. The constant observing everyone in every situation everywhere you go ready to PROTECT you should anything turn into a threat. That feeling of PRIDE seeing him in uniform. The cute little police escorts we get when driving through his area on Patrol knowing that he is your hero and he would do ANYTHING for you!

All the little things that we all know and learn to LOVE because it is ours, our Life of an LEO’s Girl!
- Angela, LEOW

12-02-2014, 06:43 PM

12-03-2014, 01:40 AM
Yeah... def caught me off guard.

12-03-2014, 07:16 AM
Too early for these feels.

12-03-2014, 07:34 AM
Too early for these feels.
Lol... comin from u.... ill take that as a compliment to what she wrote. Hahaha.