View Full Version : wireing harness help

08-24-2014, 12:19 PM
ok working on a 94 Trans Am, trans plug was jacked up so i cut it to splice a new one on and got a donor part. well some of the wires dont match...WTF?


far left is wires on my car...and the number of wires dont match up. i have two ones off to the side i was told for power or something. i thought i could just match the colors up but thats not happening.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t1.0-9/r270/10628369_10201534739849597_3987217114451601691_n.j pg
there are a number of more wires but i got them matched up

will i actually use all the wires?

what can i do?

how hard is it to change the front harness if possible (there are other splices)

08-24-2014, 12:38 PM
Best thing to do is "ring out" the wires coming from the harness to find our exactly what socket they come from at the pcm. This just involves removing the pcm and connectors and checking for continuity between the unknown wire and the sockets that go into the pcm. I would give you colors but I only have a 95 service manual and I know they went from pwm in 95 so not all of the colors are going to correspond.

08-24-2014, 01:41 PM
Best thing to do is "ring out" the wires coming from the harness to find our exactly what socket they come from at the pcm. This just involves removing the pcm and connectors and checking for continuity between the unknown wire and the sockets that go into the pcm. I would give you colors but I only have a 95 service manual and I know they went from pwm in 95 so not all of the colors are going to correspond.

i was going to do that but i didnt understand the pin lay out sheet and it was black and white...just assumed it was the same i was told it came from a 94 also