View Full Version : Think I found my "thing."
04-26-2014, 08:47 AM
Some of u may remember that a summer or two ago...I was complaining that these juvenile sex assault investigations had been getting to me. Although the MOST satisfying cases to make an arrest in... The topic...the victim accounts, etc were very draining for me...
Many of u suggested that I get involved with juveniles/kids in a positive manner. Ironically not to long after that.. I WAS sent to SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER training and I recieved my certification as an SRO.
WELL this past school year...I have been off the street, amd assigned to our middle school. I was assigned temporarily since the previous SRO was injured in an altercation with a 14 year old.
ANYWAYS... Ive enjoyed being the SRO.. ive been able to interact with kids before they chose the wrong paths..where as, on the street...most of the people u deal with have already made their decisions...and there is no changing them.
Well here is where I was going... Besides enjoying the interaction and duties of being the SRO... i recently was contacted by a teaher that is friends with me on FB.
SHE Saw my post about celebrating two years of not smoking and asked me if I would come address her classes about smoking...and the struggles of quitting. etc etc... Im no expert.. But i was happy to go share my experience.
WELL last week I addrsssed two of her classes...the kids never got distracted...they almost hung on my every word... Asked lots of questions... I mean.. I actually ran out of tine for both classes.
I REALLY enjoyed it...and am looking fwd to addressing two more of her classes this monday.
DONT GET ME WRONG... I miss the chases (car and foot)...altercations.. The rush of "calls" and in the summer time ill get my "fix..." but for now I think I found something I can do that makes a difference.
I WAS actually approached by many of the kids from the clases (6th graders) and they wanted to just tell much they liked my presentation...and asked me to do more on other topics...
THATS ALL... just wanted to share. is my DRUG!
04-26-2014, 11:29 AM
that is INVALUABLE what your giving those kids ... your showing them that the cops arnt there to "catch you" or "get you in trouble". you are showing them that police are here to help us and should be approachable as apposed to intimidating. i am hoping that some day i can shake your hand. this just proves that you and this continuity here at are made of some of the best people around.
thank you for picking the harder path so we can live the easy.
04-26-2014, 02:34 PM
Thanku man. That was really nice. I really feel the same tho... Like im teaching these kids, just like u said..thay we can be approached... SO MANY of these kids are from the "lower income" areas..amd we started out the year with.." u arrested my mom..." or " my dad is locked up..." I think many of them thought the badge was.the enemy.... is my DRUG!
04-26-2014, 04:30 PM
That's awesome man. I think it would be cool to work in a school as a SRO.
04-26-2014, 05:11 PM
That's awesome man. I think it would be cool to work in a school as a SRO.
Its def "fun," with the kids. Idk if the high school would be as fun.. But the 6th..7th amd 8th graders (altho many of the 8th graders have some serious CHIPS on their shoulder) are def still impressionable. is my DRUG!
04-26-2014, 06:09 PM
im happy this worked out for you man. i knew it would, just by your "help anyone" mentality, it is definitely for you. you said to me one time you became a cop to make a difference, and i think you are with these kids.
04-26-2014, 08:11 PM
Very cool Larry, our SRO has a ton of patience dealing with parents who's kids can do no wrong, and school admin who are not real pro-law enforcement and think "it won't happen here". Just like it takes a certain person and personalty to be a police officer or teacher it takes a certain kinda officer to be a good SRO! Glad you like it, I'm 33 and I remember my SRO who taught DARE in 5th grade and the one from high school. Your making a bigger impression on those kids than you can imagine. Thank you.
04-26-2014, 11:48 PM
that's awesome, ive actually been thinking bout law enforcement after the military but anyways lol I would have told them "smoke mustangs, not drugs" on the track that is...
04-27-2014, 09:09 AM
im happy this worked out for you man. i knew it would, just by your "help anyone" mentality, it is definitely for you. you said to me one time you became a cop to make a difference, and i think you are with these kids.
Thanks man... It really has been a great experience. Even the school personel continue to tell me how different things are between me and the previous SRO. APPARENTLY it was more important for him to be FRIENDS with the kids. I on the other not tryimg to be friends with the kids.
.but rather...i want them to know there is a time and a place for everything...Id do anything to help them and protect them.. But when they are out of line..i wont hesitate to do what needs to be done....and they get it.
Very cool Larry, our SRO has a ton of patience dealing with parents who's kids can do no wrong, and school admin who are not real pro-law enforcement and think "it won't happen here". Just like it takes a certain person and personalty to be a police officer or teacher it takes a certain kinda officer to be a good SRO! Glad you like it, I'm 33 and I remember my SRO who taught DARE in 5th grade and the one from high school. Your making a bigger impression on those kids than you can imagine. Thank you.
Thanku Brother... It does take alot of patience...u are so right. I have found that many parents when approached properly..are very supportive when their kids do wrong. HOWEVER...THERE ARE MORE out there that do insist that their kids are not at fault because they can DO NO WRONG.
that's awesome, ive actually been thinking bout law enforcement after the military but anyways lol I would have told them "smoke mustangs, not drugs" on the track that is...
ITS the greatest job man... Never the same thing... But its thankless most of the time... SHIFT work and stress are hard on the body... SUICIDE RATES for cops are twice that of the average Joe... DIVORCE RATES are THREE TIMES that of the average joe...
IM WORKIN ON MY 13th year... And If I could do it all over again... I WOULDNT CHANGE A THING...even with all the issues.
I KNOW I wont live to a ripe old age... But i also know...that Im makin differences here and there... i hope. Lol is my DRUG!
04-27-2014, 09:09 AM
I just wish I could continue to be the SRO in the future...however I know when/if the old SRO heals.... The Chief will put him back in the school. :( is my DRUG!
04-29-2014, 02:57 PM
Ironically.... (my FB friends prob already saw this...)
I had some stuff to handle, so I was out of my office... I returned to my office to find a card from one of our Autistic students.....
04-29-2014, 03:03 PM
04-29-2014, 04:50 PM
Finding a letter like that can brighten up ur day even on the worst of days. Thanks for ur service.
Sent from my SCH-S738C using Tapatalk
04-30-2014, 07:16 AM
Finding a letter like that can brighten up ur day even on the worst of days. Thanks for ur service.
Sent from my SCH-S738C using Tapatalk
My pleasure... I LOVE what I do... and these kids have really pulled at a "softer" part of me.....
I must admit... not to sound like wuss.... but, when I read this got to me.
04-30-2014, 07:26 AM
It seems that in public service, you would think you would get praise or thanks, but it is rare. But with kids, they are more of a blank slate, and are more forthcoming with their feelings (often times). I loved the card, I know that you appreciated that! It's always nice to find a positive spin on work.
05-01-2014, 09:33 PM
Bought my buddy (the one that wrote this for me) an ice cream sandwich at lunch today... he was so excited... lol.
It was fun.
05-02-2014, 11:51 AM
Wait just a minute... little kids think you are a nice guy and give you cards, but grown men think you are meany online?
Something is fishy here... :lol:
05-02-2014, 12:02 PM
Hahahahahahah.... Dont worry. MANY of the kids think Im mean also. Lol is my DRUG!
08-24-2014, 06:44 AM
Well its official. Im back in the school as SRO for yet another school year, starting 2moro.
It was a nice break to be back out on the street again for the summer and enjoying the 12 hour shifts and all the time off that comes with it, but I am really looking forward to the school year again, and now enjoying the more "normal" Monday-Friday 8-4 days...
Most importantly, Im really looking forward to seeing my 6th and 7th graders as 7th and 8th graders and a whole new group of 6th graders that I can interact with and teach that COPS are NOT the ENEMY...
Just wanted to share. BTW, it was not out of choice that I am back in, (although over 35 letters were received from parents and faculty, requesting to have me back over the old SRO) its just that he is STILL milkin.... I mean out on injury from getting beat up by a 14 year old.
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