View Full Version : Critique me!!!

12-24-2008, 04:23 PM
Let me know what you think of these.
I'm working with limited pictures, so some the material I'm starting with is a challenge in itself. Also, the colors went screwy when I saved them as jpgs, but they look normal as pdfs and when printed. These are a last minute xmas gift for my brother to hang in the garage. Final size is 12x16.

Color on this one went WAY towards cyan for some reason.



Colors went all sorts of ways on this one... mainly because I'm not finished tweaking each individual image.

What do you like, and what don't you like. I still have 4 more vehicles to do. :(

12-24-2008, 04:47 PM
I don't like the border and composition on the 350Z one. Just remember if your shooting for magazine quality (300dpi) you need the total image to be 3600x4800 pixels which shouldn't be a problem if your composing multiple pictures together.

12-24-2008, 05:02 PM
Yeah... the dpi on these is 150. It's the only way to get a decent size out of 1024x768 pics. After composing them, I upped the dpi so that at least the gradients and effects would be a higher quality.

The large S-10 pic, and the large 350z pics are the only ones higher (2048x1536).

That's why I used them as "main event" pictures. I had to work on the large white truck pic to get it clear enough to be up-sampled. My professor would've failed me for doing that :)

The small pics on the 350z and the S-10 compilations are not downsized.... that's 150dpi and 12x16 :(

What don't you like about the 350z one? (yes, I know sometimes things just don't jive with people... just wanting some criticism) The orange was chosen because I wanted something to stand out (the others are just shadow tricks), the owner went to UT, and AutoX cones are orange... seemed fitting.

12-24-2008, 05:23 PM
Here's what I did really quick to give you an idea.


I guess it's a bit distracting from the photographs. Also there's a few too much. I'd stick to about three pictures per photograph. I'd also stick to a solid orange or white or something. It's suppose to be a border, not a piece of the art IMO.

Just my humble opinion.

12-24-2008, 07:01 PM
that white 1500 looks just like what my 1500 started as.. now sitting on 22's and bagged lol good memories! but ya I would have to agree with KissMyWhtSS about the border on the 350z

12-24-2008, 07:28 PM
i think the white chev. is best, but may also have been the easiest

12-24-2008, 07:33 PM
Gotcha... That doesn't look bad. I think you're right about too many pics... I just didn't want to upsample them... and it looked too empty to me with just a few really small pics. The simple gradient background breaks it up enough to work. I think I have higher resolution shots of the other vehicles, so I have a little more freedom to do what I want.

The real fun will be when I get some very high res shots and do the posters :D

I want to add to the design, not just print the pic. Possibly like the first layout above, or possibly like a car show plaque (vehicle, year, mods, stats, etc)

12-24-2008, 07:37 PM
I'm happy with both the S-10 and the second white chevy design.... I just wish the pics didn't lend themselves so well to having the smaller shots on the right side.

Oh, and part of adding to the design of the 350 was that they will all be hanging in the same garage... so I wanted variety.

Besides, I have tend to have a habit of creating things that are "busy". The assignment was to use everything we had learned in photoshop.... and i used EVERYTHING in the first one. The second one was nothing but layer attributes.... I would've failed me for doing that personally.
Teacher didn't like this one...

But she loved this one...

black hawk
12-24-2008, 09:03 PM
looks great! want to do some for me?

Tyler Wheat
12-24-2008, 11:35 PM
Looks good to me! I can't really critique since its more than I'd know how to do.

12-25-2008, 08:16 AM
Looks good to me! I can't really critique since its more than I'd know how to do.

same here. I think the pictures look good!

12-25-2008, 09:13 AM
Looks good to me! I can't really critique since its more than I'd know how to do.

same here!!

12-25-2008, 12:26 PM
Thanks for the compliments and criticisms. I've always loved playing in photoshop, but have never done it professionally or anything so I like to get whatever feedback I can. I just enjoy doing it, even though I rarely have free time and access to the programs at the same time.

looks great! want to do some for me?

At this point, I don't know when I'll have time. I don't have photoshop at home, so I have to do it at work at a time when they won't snag me to actually do work. I've tried staying late to do personal stuff, and they always find "business" for me :(

But shoot me a link to some high res shots, or e-mail them to chevy42083@gmail.com and I'll try to whip something up. Let me know what kinda style you like. If it's similar to what's already done, then it wouldn't take long at all. If I'm playing around and trying various things to come up with something new it takes some time. Also let me know what size you want them and what you intend to do with them (print, if so what dimension, or just on screen use).