View Full Version : All divorcees step inside

01-10-2014, 06:34 PM
Well it's happening, this morn I confronted the wife about some money she spent after I had set a budget with her she then blew up blaming me and saying I never let her spend and blah blah well long story short she called her mom and they got most of her shit and she left after destroying the house, idk what to do oh and she took te safe with all the titles in it she's not on any of the titles, and also I will not be able to purchase taners wheels like I had planned gotta save for lawyer, plz if anyone has any insight on divorce plz help


01-10-2014, 06:48 PM
dam man, sorry to hear. i dont have much advice to give, but if you need to vent i'm only a phone call away.

01-10-2014, 07:03 PM
Ive been through one, and I know ks law pretty well... only prob is law can vary a lot in dif states... but that sucks either way... maybe if she was immature enough to trash the house youre better off anyway? Always gotta try to look at it on the bright side. Lol

Making you silky smooth...

01-10-2014, 07:09 PM
pretty sure you can get a cop and go to her place where the safe is and get your documents...

01-10-2014, 08:44 PM
Wow man that is bat-shit crazy. Make sure you contact the police about the stolen docs. They should be able to guide you in the right direction. You work too hard to deserve that. I'm so sorry.

01-10-2014, 08:47 PM
You can just order replacements from the DMV from most states. I know there is that ~$12 charge each, but better than having to fight legally over her possibly forging them or something later on.

01-10-2014, 09:51 PM
If you think this is definitely headed for divorce, lawyer up. Hopefully no kids involved. Good luck.

01-10-2014, 09:52 PM
Thanks guys, I may have to sell the z :( if I do end up having to I wanna get it back after this shit is over I may just pull the rearend put motor spoiler Ect and let her have the shell lol ;)


01-10-2014, 10:47 PM
For starters file for lost titles on said vehicles, sell them to friends let them title them in their name and after the divorce get them back.

95 blackbird
01-11-2014, 12:18 AM
Dam, sorry to hear. If she flipped out like that im willing to bet there is more going on than you see right now trust me i know. I am going thru a VERY ugly divorce right now. You should be able to get a police escort to get your paper work back. Also document the damage she did. Pics vids etc. The more the better. If you do sell your car make sure you sell it to a friend that you will be able to get it back from. Lawyers are very expensive. I paid $250 to talk to one for an hour! Thats all i could afford but he told me how i will be able to kick her out of my house even tho both our names are on the mortgage. What ever you do DONT txt or call her! On the bright side you have lotsa friends here to talk / vent to.

01-11-2014, 01:10 AM
Dam, sorry to hear. If she flipped out like that im willing to bet there is more going on than you see right now trust me i know. I am going thru a VERY ugly divorce right now. You should be able to get a police escort to get your paper work back. Also document the damage she did. Pics vids etc. The more the better. If you do sell your car make sure you sell it to a friend that you will be able to get it back from. Lawyers are very expensive. I paid $250 to talk to one for an hour! Thats all i could afford but he told me how i will be able to kick her out of my house even tho both our names are on the mortgage. What ever you do DONT txt or call her! On the bright side you have lotsa friends here to talk / vent to.

She Has been blowing my phone up for the past 20 min calling and texting I only replied once and said let's act like adults and settle this the right way


01-11-2014, 01:12 AM
If you think this is definitely headed for divorce, lawyer up. Hopefully no kids involved. Good luck.

I have Identical twin boys about to turn 3


01-11-2014, 12:15 PM
Ive had break ups...never a divorce...so i cant offer u any advice on that. However in PA... if she took ur property...its theft. Im assuming its more complicated by the marriage however if the titles are in ur name..they are YOURS till the divorce stipulations. If u dont have a prob with it... File a police eport asap...just so its documented..have the cops come out and see that she trashed the house. That way later its all on record for u and not just he said she said...

LTXtech.com is my drug.

01-13-2014, 09:43 AM
Man I'm sorry to hear this. I'd say your best bet is to contact a lawyer and see what they suggest. Like others have said law vary by state. In Missouri what has happened with your house and titles would be considered a civil matter. Since your married everything is joint property and you can't steal/ damage your own stuff. This means the police can't help you as far as criminal charges go. A Missouri marrage license makes all property joint no matter what names are on it and who owned what entering into the marrage. This make divorces here very drawn out and muddy. Your local PD can however offer assistance/ advise on the laws of your state and help you protect what your still have. They can probably go with you to wherever she is and make sure everything stays civil while you ask for your stuff back, we call it a "stand by to prevent". We can't make people (married that is) hand over property but sometimes our presence forces adults to act like adults and be reasonable. Other times it blows up because so and so "brought the cops" and we have to tell the person we came with it's time to walk away. Remember your not in Missouri so none of this may be true for Oklahoma, for your sake lets hope so. Your on the right track trying to stay civil with her, SAVE EVERY text and voice message and take pictures of your house. Documentation is key when it comes time for court. Good luck.

01-13-2014, 03:58 PM
For starters file for lost titles on sa.id vehicles, sell them to friends let them title them in their name and after the divorce get them back.

Do this now before anything gets filed because it will freeze everything and she can demand her half of everything unless you can prove you owned it prior to getting married and then it can be difficult anyhow.
Thats Cali law and I got lucky getting rid of the X wife (The Dragon lady) I just gave her anything she wanted as well as the SUV and 35k in cash so long as I kept the house and the kids.

01-13-2014, 10:27 PM
Just saw this thread... I'm going through a divorce currently..but..we have an agreement in place to not air dirty laundry on social media(Facebook) but we'll make an announcement as soon as its over...

Idk everything that's plagued your relationship.. But as was already said..stay positive...I was depressed for 3 years because of the shit with my wife..but I saw a friend going through the same shit I did ..I saw how pathetic I must've looked..I was a bitch...no more..that's all it took. My point here is don't be like me..don't take it in the teeth..

Once I stood and started being me again...and all of this attention got out back on me..(wow you're different, you've really changed, your you again-from other people) I'm stronger for being weak..and the people i always thought would help me were no where to be found..

The advice about selling the vehicles, just make sure to consult a lawyer..judges can be pricks...you sold a 6000k car for 250$ huh?? I don't care..your wife is getting 3k from you for that...so on....

As far ad her taking sensitive documents with your name only..get the cops involved..with her name not on them..they don't concern her.. If she claims she did it for knowledge of value..the tax assessors office has all the info her blood sucker(lawyer) needs...

But before you get too caught up in the negativity here....step back..remember why you married her..people change...but love is seeing the ugly in a person and still seeing beauty..still wanting to be there. Another true cliché is, the risks we don't take ate usually the ones we regret the most...

Is reconciliation a possibility? Remember guys..yes its true.. No matter how good she looks, someone somewhere is sick of her shit...

But there's also 500 other guys out there just waiting for us to slip up so they can step in...some with terrible intentions..and maybe you ask why the hell you should care?? Well...you tell me this..why shouldn't you??

My situation is different from many because I see that beautiful angel I married..but then this chemically altered version pops up(depo shot, not drugs) and she's gone.

You have to make your own decision..but don't let this beat you man...stay active, stay positive..stay strong.:thumbup:


01-14-2014, 12:55 PM
Just saw this thread... I'm going through a divorce currently..but..we have an agreement in place to not air dirty laundry on social media(Facebook) but we'll make an announcement as soon as its over...

Idk everything that's plagued your relationship.. But as was already said..stay positive...I was depressed for 3 years because of the shit with my wife..but I saw a friend going through the same shit I did ..I saw how pathetic I must've looked..I was a bitch...no more..that's all it took. My point here is don't be like me..don't take it in the teeth..

Once I stood and started being me again...and all of this attention got out back on me..(wow you're different, you've really changed, your you again-from other people) I'm stronger for being weak..and the people i always thought would help me were no where to be found..

The advice about selling the vehicles, just make sure to consult a lawyer..judges can be pricks...you sold a 6000k car for 250$ huh?? I don't care..your wife is getting 3k from you for that...so on....

As far ad her taking sensitive documents with your name only..get the cops involved..with her name not on them..they don't concern her.. If she claims she did it for knowledge of value..the tax assessors office has all the info her blood sucker(lawyer) needs...

But before you get too caught up in the negativity here....step back..remember why you married her..people change...but love is seeing the ugly in a person and still seeing beauty..still wanting to be there. Another true cliché is, the risks we don't take ate usually the ones we regret the most...

Is reconciliation a possibility? Remember guys..yes its true.. No matter how good she looks, someone somewhere is sick of her shit...

But there's also 500 other guys out there just waiting for us to slip up so they can step in...some with terrible intentions..and maybe you ask why the hell you should care?? Well...you tell me this..why shouldn't you??

My situation is different from many because I see that beautiful angel I married..but then this chemically altered version pops up(depo shot, not drugs) and she's gone.

You have to make your own decision..but don't let this beat you man...stay active, stay positive..stay strong.:thumbup:


Thanks man

Smoke tires not drugs

01-18-2014, 06:41 AM
I was prolly in a different situation than you but here is what happened to me. I was the main bread winner and she lived off what I made and since I was in Iraq I could prove her misdeeds with my money and that was a huge help in my corner, so was her infidelity. I was able to get her to cough up about all the stuff I wanted and I was able to keep my prized TA at my dad's shop and away from her. There will be a lot of empty threats and failed follow throughs. You have to stay strong and know that you have to watch out for you and in your case your kids first. If you want to and can prove mental instability with her so that the pendulum of child care could swing more your way or at least reduce child support. The one thing I will say is DO NOT seek refuge in the bottle or pills or other things that will numb the senses. To make it through this in one piece an potentially come out ahead you need to keep your head about you. I wish you the best and if you need to vent my inbox is always open.

01-18-2014, 10:12 AM
On the bit about selling vehicles, it's not so much to protect the monetary value so much as to protect the vehicle itself. One of my friends who divorced almost lost his prized LS swapped 240sx because his ex wife wanted to give it to her new boyfriend. He got lucky that she is bipolar and he had a whole load of other dirt on her that things pretty much went his way.

As everyone else has stated, lawyer up. I don't know about the area you are in, but when my parents go divorced, they filed in a county that is known across the nation as a black hole for father's rights. The judges there let my mom walk all over the divorce decree and keep messing with the visitation schedule to the point it almost cost my dad his business.

Get as much documentation as you can, right now. the thicker the paper trail, the better. Courts are bureaucrats, and bureaucrats love documentation.

01-23-2014, 10:01 AM
Been there done that. Going on a yr. Time flies!

1st and foremost, sorry that you're going through this. It happens and don't let emotions take control. Trust me, despite what she says "lets be civil" NEVER let your guard down. Separate your acct's now, life ins, auto, everything. Check your state laws and if you can avoid a divorce lawyer by all means do so. They'll draw it out and make shit worse and you'll both be broke in the end. If you don't think the two of you can draw up the papers yourself and be "civil" use that lawyer with extreme caution. Hopefully no kids in the picture. Easy clean break if so for the most part.

Anytime you have someone willing to tear up sh1t...you dtb. Mean no disrespect it's how I feel. GL brotha. Single life is GREAT!

01-23-2014, 10:38 AM
Been there done that. Going on a yr. Time flies!

1st and foremost, sorry that you're going through this. It happens and don't let emotions take control. Trust me, despite what she says "lets be civil" NEVER let your guard down. Separate your acct's now, life ins, auto, everything. Check your state laws and if you can avoid a divorce lawyer by all means do so. They'll draw it out and make shit worse and you'll both be broke in the end. If you don't think the two of you can draw up the papers yourself and be "civil" use that lawyer with extreme caution. Hopefully no kids in the picture. Easy clean break if so for the most part.

Anytime you have someone willing to tear up sh1t...you dtb. Mean no disrespect it's how I feel. GL brotha. Single life is GREAT!

Single life can be great. But my advice beyond what I said learn who u r and what you really want. I took about a year off after my last ugly relationship. I dated a bit and got some strange but I got my head in the right spot and things have been better since. Feel free to experiment a bit and by doing that I have learned to embrace something I wouldn't have thought about before. I couldn't be happier.

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