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View Full Version : Speed inc tune?

12-21-2008, 02:39 AM
Ok so i want to get my car tuned by ION at speed inc on the dyno but have heard that it is a good thing to get a MO tune first to get a good starting point then they would work off that tune to fine tune everything. This correct?

my set-up will be a 226/234 .569/.570 AI cam kit with all the rockers and all that fun stuff. Also will have headers so the emissions will need to be deleted, Running a 3200vig stall and hoping to throw some 4.10's in the good ol' ten bolt.

What is Ion's website? madz28 or something correct?


12-21-2008, 11:07 AM

if you are going to have it dyno tuned why waste the money on a mo tune, unless you are driving it there. Just seems like a waste to me

12-21-2008, 11:39 AM
well i asked that because i have heard if he has a MO tune to just fine tune and perfect maybe he'd give me a slight price cut on the Dyno tune. I emailed him so we'll see what happens. Thanks for the website though!

Speed Inc.
12-23-2008, 08:54 PM
I do agree with getting the PCM to Ion for a Base MO tune and then fine tune it on the dyno. This will save you time on the dyno which means less cost overall.

look forward to meeting you in spring

12-24-2008, 02:16 AM
Thanks Larry! I'll figure out the tuning situation once the motor is back together, will prolly end up with a MO then a dyno fine tune so i can get some break in miles on the car with it not running crappy from a stock tune.

Speed Inc.
12-24-2008, 12:01 PM
good deal

Merry Christmas

12-24-2008, 08:19 PM
If your considering a mail order tune I can get you close enough for Larry's guys to finish it. I had my afr so close that when my car got strapped to rev hards dyno I didn't even play with the fuel or timing maps and just sprayed it.

Larry I wish I was closer to you. I got my next tranny case so I should have that back together and I want to see if I can hold water on the bigger jets. Plus I'm adding the vacuum pump and I want to see what I was losing with the .075 and no pump.(low tension rings to boot).