View Full Version : Sleep problems
08-05-2013, 01:17 AM
I have been having violent nightmares lately and told my Dr and they gave me a med but the side effects are nasty. The easy way I can describe it is as a hangover feeling that lasts for up to 24 hrs depending. Then on top of that I wake up with a cotton mouth like feeling as if you are coning off a big high but no bonus of the high feeling. I have stopped taking it but the nightmares are back. Is there any thing any of you take or eat that helps if u have a similar problem. I am sick of sleeping like shit and having to do stuff till I am exhausted to just try and get sleep solid. Any ideas?
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08-05-2013, 01:52 AM
Do you have PTSD?
08-05-2013, 02:25 AM
I've been having weird vivid dreams and nightmares lately as well. Usually, I wake up after they happen and the humidity in the room is extremely warm and dry. Then I immediately get a nose bleed when i sit up. I used to use a humidifier religiously but it didn't survive the move to my house.
08-05-2013, 02:39 AM
Do you have PTSD?
Yes I do and I think now that I am able to relax and not burning the candle at both ends it is flaring worse than ever. No longer working and doing school and no real luck in the job hunt has been stressing me out.
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08-05-2013, 04:24 AM
Medical marijuana?
08-05-2013, 05:03 AM
Wish I could get medical Mary Jane but I am 10 miles from the border where it is legal. There is however a push to legalize it here and I think its picking up steam. But yes I will say that if I could get it medically I would sleep like a baby esp since it takes care of my other pains too.
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08-05-2013, 06:07 AM
Just passed in Illinois last week. Its picking up steam everywhere.
08-05-2013, 10:46 AM
Just passed in Illinois last week. Its picking up steam everywhere.
It is just a plant and safer than a lot of other drugs. On a side note I talked to someone in the pharmacy they said try benydryl
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08-05-2013, 03:50 PM
Xanax is used for sleep disorders in some cases. Its considered a bad word by some doctors so be careful asking for it. I've taken it before and it helps but most won't prescribe it long term
08-06-2013, 01:58 PM
Talked to my pharmacist uncle and my Dr. I tried benadryl and I slept for 6 hrs straight but dreams aren't gone... but the Dr said it may take time for those to go away.
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08-06-2013, 02:53 PM
PTSD from what encounters? Are you a combat Vet or is it from another situation?
If you are a combat Vet, hit me up and I can give you some advice on who to talk to. I still have some bad dreams and can't sleep in the same bed as my wife. I sleep on the couch and am subconciensly at the ready. It's not just you. Beware of most head shrinks, they only know the pshycological side of things out of a book or class room, they never lived it.
08-06-2013, 03:19 PM
I suffer from night terrors. With very vivid and violent dreams. Ive had them for years. For me it's just something i have to deal with. But i hate shrinks and refuse to talk with one
08-06-2013, 04:00 PM
I work shift work...and have bounced thru many a sleep aid till i found my most recent one that puts me down...and inwake fresh without the groggy feeling so many have left me with... ill get u the name when home.
I wanted to ask u... how close to ur bed time are u eating or drinking...and also...what are u eating or drinking prior to bed
08-06-2013, 06:14 PM
PTSD from what encounters? Are you a combat Vet or is it from another situation?
If you are a combat Vet, hit me up and I can give you some advice on who to talk to. I still have some bad dreams and can't sleep in the same bed as my wife. I sleep on the couch and am subconciensly at the ready. It's not just you. Beware of most head shrinks, they only know the pshycological side of things out of a book or class room, they never lived it.
The short version is I am a combat veteran. Ran convoys south but was injured while on a night watch. Sent state side on a medivac only after being told I was faking the injury or it was just a bad sprain by an e4 medic but went to the base tmc the next morning. the OIC ripped my NCO a new one stating that I should have been on the medivac out right after it happened. Went stateside for 4 months and got sent back on light to medium duty so basically since my NCO had his ass in a sling because of I got all the shit details and such. Then I found out my ex wife was fucking her ex fiancée so filed for divorce over seas. Her 16 yo bro wrecked the cherry 97 2wd s10 I bought her and this was at the end of my con leave home and had the gall to blame me till he fessed up to taking the truck 4 wheeling and bent the frame. The divorce was brutal then she went lesbian only after she tried to make me buy her a new computer since she destroyed my less than a year old hand built machine by her chain smoking mother and brother designating the computer room as the smoke shack since the mother's 6th or 7th husband was a Mormon and he didn't want smoke in the rest of the house. There was about a 1/8 to 1/4 in layer of tar on all the internals and she wondered why it I am in Iraq and have naked pics of the ex on a thumb drive and loaded the divorce paper work on the same thumb drive but diff folder. Somehow seeing the tiny thumbnail pics offended the female clerk who was found out later to be sucking and fucking the married 1st sgt. So I get article 15 for contraband and so on fast forward to the post deployment screening and my other ankle is acting up so I am stuck on med hold for 3 years trying to fix it but the first Dr did a procedure that has been obsolete since the 80s and only exacerbated the problem. During this time I find out my now ex mil and wife are now both muff divers. Now I won't say they played together but what daughter should want to or need to know what position her mom likes best and what happens when her mom howls like a wolf. She would get frisky if she heard her mom getting the business. Well cut to 2007 I pass out at work and they run the gauntlet of tests on me and find out my heart beats too slow like 15 bpm...normal is 60+. So I get a pacemaker installed by the "cardiac specialists of the area" and wouldnt u know it in less than 18 months the lead that was supposed to be in the bottom of the heart is about 1/4 away from the top lead and short circuiting me. The funny part is a va Dr caught it not the specialists. So I have a pace maker emplaced and replaced in 18 months. And so now here I am 30 with a college education looking for work but are local businesses vet friendly not really. I live <1/4 mile from an AF base and an active duty spouse has preferred status for jobs our there. I also make one comment about being slow moving things up stairs and she said hr would be more highly critical of me since I have a preexisting conditions and could be a greater workman's comp liability. But I am still in the consideration for 3 state jobs just sick of hearing the whole we r vet friendly and seeing most of it includes fine print. And at my current job I am being used to cull the other shifts of dead weight employees but by following the rules to the letter i have become a target. And the hr lady yesterday had the balls to ask why I am targeting the other shift... if shit is fucked up fix it we deal with these clients they rely on us to know their care plans and treat them accordingly. And I could go on but I have a feeling that now since I am able to relax all the things I have repressed through substance use and abuse is coming to the surface since I am not working full time and school full time . I have for a handle on the pain now I run it not the other way around like I used to let it. On top of all that I turn 30 in just over a month and idk if my cousin who is 5 months older will be around as he is in hospice and leaving behind 2 young kids and a wife. I have none of that, I fucked that up with the recent ex fiancée but that is when I denied I had a problem. Since then I have leveled off and come around and looking to start a better life but good women are hard to find.
So there is the short version trust me the long version could be a book.
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08-06-2013, 06:17 PM
I work shift work...and have bounced thru many a sleep aid till i found my most recent one that puts me down...and inwake fresh without the groggy feeling so many have left me with... ill get u the name when home.
I wanted to ask u... how close to ur bed time are u eating or drinking...and also...what are u eating or drinking prior to bed
I try to limit eating to at least an hr before I go to bed but my sleep schedule shifts from day to day. As for drinking I keep a water bottle handy due to some of the meds I'm on. Cottonmouth from meds sucks.
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08-06-2013, 08:15 PM
Damn man. I'm sorry to hear you've been treated like that. Things have got to turn around for you soon
08-07-2013, 02:17 PM
First, I will tell you that the story is not the only one like it. Military life can be brutal and if around it long enough, You see some of the craziest shit happen. Sometimes more than once.
But, As for all your current medical issues, You really need to get back to VA and discuss this with your Dr. You shouldn't be working at all. You need to have him/her schedule you another C&P appt and be evaluated for 100% non-working disability.
Along with visiting your local VFW or American Legion. Get to know the older guys in there. These guys have seen it alot and know alot too. Age is knowledge and wisdom.
Unfortunately, being near an AF base isn't going to score much support for Combat related mental health help. But don't necessarily down a Psych doctor at the VA. A few of them deal with patients alot worse than any modern soldier. Viet Nam was literally Hell. I trained in the jungles and it's 10x more scary as compared to MOUT or Desert.
Don't be afraid to give them a chance. If one doesn't work out ask for another. Talking it out with folks will help alot. I know it's hard to talk with someone who just listens and not able to respond being that they never dealt with it those circumstances, personally. Granted those who are willing to listen, mean well, but I know, personally, it's hard to relate to them.
Marriage, Divorce, financial dealings, etc are very hard to cope with. Especially the financial portion. that's your bread and butter. As for the divorce, it's a step in life. I can't even begin to tell all about ones I know married and divorced 5, 6, 7 times already.
08-08-2013, 01:19 PM
do you wake gasping for air. may be sleep apnea. I'm going for the sleep study next week
08-13-2013, 04:49 PM
Its prolly a bad sign when my visiting neighbor's father in law asks if I ever sleep. Lol or maybe a bit creepy he's that observant. Good guy tho
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08-13-2013, 05:57 PM
My downstairs neighbor...( I live in a 2 floor condo) say's she hears me walk around all night. I was going to tell her, that's not me I sleep like a baby. Maybe it's a GHOST...LOL
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